Friday, December 31, 2010

Usher in a magical 2011

It is the last day of 2010 and and a brilliant time to let go of what’s past and create a world of possibilities for 2011.

If 2010 has been a fruitful year for you, then you can continue your new year on a positive note. Spend today filled with gratitude for the many blessings... a thankful heart leaves room for even more goodness to flow in.

If 2010 has not been a swell year for you, decide right now to let it go. Instead of focusing and wasting your energy on how awful or unhappy it had been, might as well focus your attention and energy on the brand new year ahead. 5 mins focusing on the negative is the same as 5 mins focusing on the positive. The difference is that the negative will hold you anchored to the past while the positive has an amplifying effect that can help to propel you forward. So focus your energy on what you want; not on what has already happened. Rather than rehash what went wrong (which is already in the past), why not focus on what could be better?

A useful starting question you can ask yourself is: What would make you happy?

If you don’t know what makes you happy, then most likely you will find yourself caught in an endless web of unhappiness. If you don’t know what makes you happy, then it is challenging or near impossible for anyone else in your life to help or give a little nudge. So if you desire to create a different life for yourself, spend some moments today thinking about what would make you happy.

As William Jennings Bryan says "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice". I came across this quote during my dark nights and it has helped me to create the life I desire. In the same way, you too can start 2011 on a fresh new note.

So, as the brand new year dawns, may you experience joy, love, passion, laughter, fun and peace in all you do. May it be a time of new beginnings and the enjoyment of being. Happy new year!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Congratulations Carol!

It is always with a joyous singing heart when I write a post to congratulate yet another graduate for being a certified Quantum-Touch practitioner...


To reach certification status requires discipline, effort and determination because for many of us, it means juggling practice sessions for clients (to clock in the required practicum hours) with our full time job. It means instead of chilling in and resting after a hard day's work, we might be doing a QT session.

Yet we persevere because we see the benefits that the sessions have on our loved ones... and being a certified practitioner opens more windows/ doors of opportunities for us to reach out to a wider audience.

So congrats once again Carol!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Joyous and Blessed Christmas

It is Christmas eve and a time for us to once more, make a resolution to be light and bring good tidings to all people for all days (and may I add, beyond the 12 days.)

May your days be filled with goodness and gladness, may your life be a joyous journey of discovery and expansion and may your heart radiate love and light.

Blessed Christmas everyone and thank you for being a part of my life journey!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

8 seconds to awesomeness

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, that's all the time you need to create a being moment.

Inhale 4 counts and feel goodness flowing in, exhale 4 counts feeling totally relaxed.

When you include pockets of these 8 seconds of awesomeness in your day, you will feel recharged in spite a busy schedule. And when you feel in a less than useful state, including this being moment will give you a burst of calming energy.

The key to this 8 seconds is to totally be in the moment and enjoy your breath. Breathe in.... breathe out.... enjoy and be.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Being Happy for Others

One of the things I have learnt to feel is... a complete sense of happiness for others and a joyous heart celebrating the goodness that happens to them.

Back in the days when I have yet to discover this state of complete being, whenever I hear a good news, I am happy for the person yet feel a tinge of sadness that I wasn't experiencing it ie the happy news. And often, my joy would also be tinged with a trace of envy. Then, I felt bad that I could not be 100% joyous for them.

I am glad that I overcame this hurdle because when we are able to feel complete joy for someone else's goodness, it is a utterly joyous state of being. At the same time, it is also a positive flow of energy towards the person as well as into our own reality. For when we celebrate someone else's happiness, it is also an affirmative nod to the Universe that the same reality is possible for anyone, including us.

Be 100% happy for others, celebrate goodness. The flow of energy when you are able to do that is, simply awesome!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fly Free

My very first book will be out in November, a manifestation of a childhood dream. And the book process has been an enlightening journey, one in which I learnt more about myself as well as gained insights from others.

As I shared with my publisher, I consciously chose to write my book in a flowing and happy space because my intention is for my reader to feel the positive vibes. Each time when I became stressed about writing, I will stop to regain my balanced equilibrium. This is when I would do my QT breathing or meditation to get past the blockage.

Told my publisher that when the books are printed, I intend to be there to lovingly "wrap" each book with happy energy as a gift to its owner. Happy multiplier!

As long as we have life's breath, there is always hope...

If given a choice, most people would love pure sunshine moments. Yet it is the combination of rain and sunshine that allows the unfolding of magnificent rainbows.

That's what Bernadette discovered as she sought to overcome the everyday storms in her life; from battling with low self-esteem, healing from failed marriage, recovering from financial difficulties.. common themes in our daily lives.While facing her dark nights of the soul, Bernadette dreamt of flying free and reaching her rainbow. Along her journey of self-discovery and liberation, she learnt to accept the wings of life and also learnt much from fellow sojourners who have mastered their flight.

Fly Free is an anecdotal account of these experiences, shared unabashedly and candidly by Bernadette. With candour and warmth, the author writes of her healing journey and the insights gained as she changed and transformed her life to one that is abundant, happy and free.

This book and part of its proceeds are dedicated to The Safe Haven Project (

For those of you who would like to pre-order the book, you can email me. If you intend to buy copies as gifts for the upcoming Christmas season, do let me know the names of the recipients and I will write a personalised message for them.

Monday, October 11, 2010

As long as we have life's breath, there is always hope :)

Today, thought I will blog about the progress of one of my clients. I am inspired by his courage and determination to live a life of positive hope.

In August, he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Naturally, when he and his family first heard the news, it caused a stir and distress. Then, instead of wallowing in despair and helplessness, they decided to look for solutions. His daughter know about the work I do and approached me to see if I can be of help. I candidly shared with her that while I cannot guarantee a cure (in fact no doctors can do that too), I can guarantee that he would be better for having the sessions, an added complementary tool for his healing process.

His chemo was scheduled for about three weeks' later. I recommended that we do intensive healing sessions. As he and his wife were game to take up my recommendation of learning Quantum-Touch, I saw him twice a week. Between my sessions, he did self-healing for himself as well as some other recommended activities.

Because of his perseverance and discipline, I observed that his energy field became stronger over the days. He also became strong and positive in mindset and emotions. Rather than focusing on what was diagnosed, he focused on getting better each day and enjoying each day.

After his chemo treatment, he did not experience any of the common side effects. That's good news. He continues with the daily activities that I have recommended and when I checked with his wifey yesterday, she shared that he's coping well.

His healing journey continues. His upbeat and positive attitude, his perseverance and discipline to do the daily "regime" and the loving support of his family all adds to the vibrational strength of his healing journey. I told him that he is a good role model for my clients.

Oftentimes, our role as therapist is that of a catalyst. The work and effort also comes from the client. When all parts of the equation works together, then there is manifestation of the formula. :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Bernadette’s approach, skills, readings and intuition were instrumental in helping remove a block so that the way forward became clearer and better in life. Her works on energies are powerful, and when you open yourself up, as I did, to it and receive it with generosity, it is very effective.

I had sought B's assistance to help in managing energy ties, I was aware at that time when I got involved in a tornado of events between myself and 2 friends, the emotions and the dramas that subsequently evolved, I was not in position and state to help generate the best outcome for myself and others at the same time. At times like these, it is far more important and effective to complement actions, decisions, mental attitudes with managing where our energetic ties are and should be, especially with people and events that are very close to your heart.

I strongly recommend Bernadette when you want and need a hand in moving forward in issues relating to strong emotional issues and ties, and her energy work is great help in nourishing capacities for understanding, love, joy, and inclusiveness, and gradually transform anger, frustration, and fear that may lie deep in our consciousness.

Puyee, Singapore

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Savour Your Glass of Water

Was chatting with a dear friend yesterday and we came to the topic of water.

She reminded me that our ability to drink water is a joyous moment. Unfortunately, it has become a task or action that most people take for granted or in many cases, neglected. We are not drinking enough water and even when we do, we tend to gulp it down quickly and efficiently.

How about savouring your water for a difference?

Take a sip of water and as you swallow, imagine or visualise your body cells happily receiving this gift of life. You could hear your cells going "yes yes yes".

Take the next sip, enjoy the sensation of the water and again, visualise your cells being nourished. Continue to do this till you finish drinking your glass of water. Yes, it does take a little more time but the bonus benefit is that when you do this exercise, you are naturally in a being state. Besides hydrating your body, you are also resting your mind and body for those few mins.

For those of you who are energy trained, you can charge your water first before drinking it.

Btw, came across this article on Drink Water to Lose Weight. :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Doing QT for my loved ones

"I would like to use QT to help/ heal my loved ones."

This is one of the most often cited reasons given by participants at my QT workshop. It is also one of the reasons why I love it; it is a tool that allows us to change a helpless state into a helpful one. For example, both my grandmothers are getting on in years (my paternal grandma celebrated her 86th birthday while maternal grandma celebrated her 103rd birthday) and have their share of aches/ pains. Instead feeling helpless about it, I do distance healing sessions for them plus visit them.

Yet, given our busy and hectic schedules, many of my participants find it difficult to spend enough time QTing all their loved ones. As a result, instead of a joyous experience, they often share that they feel bad not spending enough time working on their family.

I too faced the same issue initially because there were too many family members that I felt would benefit from QT. Then at the start of this year, I decided that I will work on two or three family members over a period of time and then move on to another two or three family members. My formula is a 15 mins daily distance healing session over 40 days (continuously) for each person. A wise mentor shared with me about the benefits of a 40 days' period, it is the completion of a cycle so I implemented it as such.

It is a discipline following through with the 40 days' period. On days when my schedule is packed, it takes effort to sit, be still and do the sessions. Yet, in spite of my fatigue, I know I will feel this joyous burst of energy each time. And at the end of the sessions, I am recharged. While the sessions are an anonymous gift to my family, I've realised that they are also a gift to me. For when we do the healing sessions for others, we are also healing ourselves in the process. As such, I am stronger and better for it.

If you find yourself stretched for time, you can choose to work on one family member once a week or 5 mins a day over a week etc. Choose a time frame that is comfortable for you. It does not matter if you can only spend 15 mins on your family member. That 15 mins is precious and he/ she is better for it than not having it.

Above all, enJOY the process!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Straits Times article on dementia

Read this article in today's Straits Times on the expected increase in number of people suffering from dementia. And that the global bill for dementia is a whopping $805 billion! As I read, I sent out an intention for more people as well as caregivers to learn QT as it helps. :)

I've written previously on how QT has helped a client with dementia. Here's the sharing:
A client engaged me in January last year to work on her father who suffers from dementia. She felt that he had a "haunted" look on his face, certainly not at peace and was often agitated. I recommended that we do three distance healing* sessions over a period of a week in time to celebrate the Chinese New Year with a positive difference.

My client called me after the Chinese New Year celebrations and shared that at the reunion dinner, her dad actually stayed on at the table with the family. It was the first time in a while as his usual pattern would be to finish his dinner, leave the table and watch TV. She also observed that her dad was calmer and has started to enjoy playing with his grandchildren!My client decided to continue with monthly distance healing sessions for her dad. Since then, he was in an excellent emotional state. In fact, he’s in such a wonderful state that my client thought to stop the sessions in July. I recommended that instead of stopping completely, at least to do a short session and we observe how that works out.

In the month that we skipped the monthly full session, her dad acted and was in an agitated state, the first time in 6 months since we started the sessions in Jan. My client smsed for help and I did a session for him on that very day. Had a chance to speak with the client two days later and she shared that on the day I did the session for her dad, he slept very well and by the next day, he returned to a calm state of being. She realised that my recommendation for the minimum of monthly sessions are needed indeed to help her dad stay calm and peaceful. In June this year, a year and a half since we started the sessions, I shared with my client that we can discontinue the monthly sessions as her dad’s emotional state is stable. As she is energy-trained, she can now do the sessions for her dad instead.

For clients with dementia, I believe that with more regular sessions, even better improvements could be achieved. As such, if care-givers learn QT, it would certainly be useful as they can do daily sessions for their loved ones.

* Distance healing means session is done remotely without having to see the client face to face

Monday, September 20, 2010

Learning energy healing is great for students

One of my clients shared with me about her niece who kept feeling the urge to vomit in the mornings. She has been to see the doctor but it wasn't of much help. She asked me what could I do for her niece. I shared that in this case, the best recommendation would be for her niece to learn energy healing. It will help her to enhance her well-being as well as help her to manage exam stress since she is a student. Charmaine attended my workshop two weeks ago and this is her testimonial.

Charmaine Tan, 16 years old:

Ya, I hardly vomit. When I am doing my Physics paper, for multiple choices, I can now, sometimes feel if the answer is correct. Also, I help to heal my friends and sister. My friend don't feel any pain and my sister says when I'm working on her, she can feel that her fingers are vibrating somehow. I've also worked on myself and I feel very comfortable after that. I realized that I'm good with feelings. Also, whenever I feel unwell or tired and have pain in my eyes or even stomachache, stress or anything else that I feel uncomfortable with, after working on it, I can really feel much better, as in I feel lighter.

I've also sent energy to my room and before my tests and I think its really effective as I feel that is going smoothly. Also, after attending the workshop, I've been more hardworking than before. I'm happy to learn it and I will always remember what you've taught me!

Thank you!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Core of Light and Love

I met a new friend for tea last week and it was delightful to exchange insights and stories. Among the stories she shared, one made me paused in indignation.

She had related the harrowing experience of attending a course due to the behaviour of the instructor. Instead of being an encouraging and affirmative instructor, the instructor talked down to them and even called the participants names such as "bodoh" which means stupid. The instructor also made light of the feedback/ feelings of the participants and did nothing to be of help.

When she shared this, I remembered the posting that I wrote on therapists with core of light. This applies to trainers, teachers and instructors too. If we decide to be catalysts of transformation and hope, then let love and light be our core.

Rather than cause someone to feel less, why not do the best we can to offer them hope?

Monday, September 13, 2010

State What You Want

When we are doing a healing session or setting an intention, it is more effective to state what you want and not what you do not want.

For example, instead of "I do not want to be sick", change it to "I am healthy". So when you are running energy on yourself, state that as an intention and during the session, visualise yourself as being strong, healthy etc.

When you state what you want, the energy becomes a positive flow and the vibration also increases. As such, you would also find yourself enjoying the healing session more and will be in a joyous happy state.

When you focus on what you do not want, often you will find yourself feeling agitation or are irritated when you are doing the healing session. This is not a useful state to be in when working with energy as like attract like. As such, being in a happy and positive state will attract increased goodness into your life.

So before doing a session, check your emotional and mental state. If you are in a angry, frustrated or irritated mood, it might be more beneficial to first do some self-healing so that you can return to a calm or neutral state. Then after that, do the session for your desired outcome.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Testimonial from client

I feel it is an affinity that Bernie and I got to know each at the right place and the right time in May 2010 when we attended the same workshop. I was quite skeptical about her healing style (which I find similar to Reiki which I had also been very skeptical about). But the thought that my injured neck can be restored back to its original prime condition with Quantum-Touch left me with a deep impression.

I was very fit, healthy and very muscular until July 2007 when my intense gym workout caused cervical vertebrae C6 and C7 to collapse and pinch on my nerves. I suffered severe numbness on my right hand 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. I’ve consulted Sports Doctor, Senior Physiotherapist, Acupuncturist, TCM practitioner to treat my problems. After many physiotherapy and acupuncture sessions, my numbness have subsided tremendously but not completely cured. And I was not able to perform the level of intense workout that I used to. As a result, my muscle mass has shrunk. My spirit has not been very good since.

About 3 weeks ago (early Aug 2010), I was working out my shoulder and aggravated that injured part again. This time, it affected both my right and left hands. Although the numbness was still bearable, the back of my neck felt the strain and ached which greatly affected my mood and energy level. I was about to see a Chiropractor but there was this force that prompted me to contact Bernie (through Facebook messaging) to see if she could help me restore myself back to my prime stage.

During my first QT session, Bernie was able to see my other problem spots though I only mentioned my neck. During healing, my nose (I have sinus problem) felt so itchy as though as there was a worm wriggling inside. I can feel energy force running about inside my face. After the healing, I felt so recharged and there was a slight improvement to my neck and shoulder. Hours by hours later, my neck and shoulder felt at least 80% better. By next day, the numbness on both hands were virtually gone. My neck area felt very relaxed and loose. I felt so energetic and was able to lug my heavy camera bag around for my photo shoot.

After I experienced this vast result, I called my friend, a young lady with series of health problems and recommended her to try this QT healing and she responded with great interest. I had my 2nd session this afternoon and my friend in the evening. She called me (before I typed this testimonial) after her session and told me that her face was very rosy instead of the usual pale white look.

Since my first QT healing, I am no longer skeptical about QT, Reiki, Qigong or other holistic healing techniques. Both my friend and I have decided to learn Quantum-Touch healing in Oct this year after my exams are over. Thanks Bernie.

Bernard Shen,
31 August 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

As long as we have life's breath, there's always hope...

Was writing the closing for my book when this sentence comes to mind... "As long as we have life's breath, there's always hope for positive transformation."


And I am glad to have the opportunity to share this statement with a new client. He was recently diagnosed with stage four cancer. Naturally, the news caused distress to him and his family. Then they courageously moved beyond despair and started to look for options. Rather than sink in helplessness, they sought helpful tools.

During our last healing session, I was glad to observe his :) state of mind and attitude. He and his wife have also started learning QT.

Instead of hopelessness, they are filled with renewed hope and positivity as they go on this healing journey. Happy for them!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Loving Gift

Last month, I received an email from a friend who found out that her friend was suffering from a serious back problem. She couldn't move for a couple of weeks and the MRI showed a lump in/near her spine and prolapsed disc. She was slightly better with medicine and will know in a few weeks if the lump was just jelly or something more. It's serious enough that she's homebound and her legs are weak.

My friend decided to gift her friend with two distance healing sessions to help accelerate the healing process. It was an anonymous gift, no credit or recognition needed. Given with pure love.

Last week, heard the happy news that it's all clear for her though she still has to take precautions with her back. Am glad the good energy we sent have helped in the recovery process!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Quantum-Touch and Massage Therapy

I love massages and I love it even more when it is combined with energy healing!

Massage therapists can easily integrate Quantum-Touch into their massage practice. During the massage, therapists can use QT techniques to increase the quality of therapeutic touch and to encourage the client to go into deeper states of relaxation, connection, and spiritual healing. Because QT uses a light touch, massage therapists can apply QT to areas where massage work may be contraindicated. Quantum-Touch is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) to provide continuing education hours. - info from QT website
I am blessed that my friend Thean is a trained massage therapist and QT practitioner as well. I have also taught other massage therapists QT and am sure their clients are enjoying the difference!

To be of help...

My corporate background is in advertising, events management and training. I am equipped with marketing, PR, advertising, coaching and NLP skills. All of which would be highly useful for me to sell myself and increase my business. Plus the fact that I can "scan" means that it would be easy for me to WOW someone and close a "sale".

Yet increasingly as I walk on this healing path, I found myself being aware and consciously choosing not to apply those skills when sharing about my work to a potential client. Rather then a sales per se, I am more interested in ensuring that that the client is making an informed decision. I want to be of help rather than wow. I also believe in affinity which means that whoever needs to find me will find me. Whoever I can help will find me.

That each client whose path intersect with mine, will feel my sincerity in being a catalyst of help either directly or by pointing him/ her to a solution.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Strengthening for an Operation

Last week, a friend engaged me to do two emergency distance healing sessions as a gift for her friend's mum who had to undergo an urgent heart operation. It was an anonymous gift as her friend does not believe in energy work. Her friend's mum has diabetes and my friend was concerned that there will be complications from the operation. She believes that the sessions will be beneficial.

So I did a session a day before the op as well as on the day itself. During the first session, I balanced her energy centres to "energise" her body as well as to strengthen her immune system and physical body. During the second session, I focused on clearing the emotional cords linked to the blockages in her heart.

The last I heard, my client is recovering well. Of course, from the medical perspective and my friend's friend, it is a result of the operation.

For my friend and I, we both know that the sessions certainly complemented the surgery and helped to accelerate the healing process. But it's perfectly fine that it's not acknowledged. Our priority is the client and not the recognition.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Time to share and be

One of the joys of doing energy work full time is having the gift of time to return to our role as human beings rather than doing. Of course, time management is a critical skill yet at times, even with the best time management ability, there is only so many hours in a day that is at your disposal. Thus, when I was juggling between my corporate training job and energy work, it was challenging to be a human being. Often, I was a human doing.

Had a thoroughly enJOYable time yesterday just chilling and being. The first part of the day was spent having quality bonding time with my family at the Singapore Garden Festival. Then the evening was spent sharing about Quantum-Touch.

It's nice and recharging to have a balance of doing and being days.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sharing from Quantum-Touch graduate

Dear Sifu Bernie

You have enriched my life after attending your Quantum Touch lessons. Am surprised that I can do "miracles" which I least expect:
  1. Feel energized whenever I run my energy, that makes my day. Seldom feel tired nowadays.
  2. Whenever my throat tickles, I will run my throat chakra and it soothes.....
  3. Most rewarding is when the old folks at Geylang East Home for the Aged feel relax and enjoy our QT
  4. One way to make the aged and sick feel loved and comfort is thru QT. Tested on my friend's mother and my own mum. Both fell asleep during the QT treatment.
  5. Thank you for giving my colleague, Karen, lots of self confidence after your treatment. She is much happier and more interactive nowadays. Other colleagues see the change in her.
  6. My plants look greener after QT!! Unbelievable..... Saved the pot of rose which almost died. It's still blooming now.
  7. Lots more......... and will continue to QT whenever situation arises
Thanks a million for making my life soooo interesting and fulfilling.
Our mind controls our health.

With Love
Anne Wong

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Change helplessness to helpfulness

A dear friend called me this morning. She's just heard the news that one of her ex-teachers have been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Naturally the news made her sad. She wondered if there's anything she could do.

"You can send your teacher healing energy via distance healing".

At that, she visibly brightened up. Yes, when one has a tool, we can change helplessness to helpfulness. That's wonderful isn't it?

Distance Healing

Regular readers of this blog will know how much I love distance healing. It cuts across geography, time, distance, relationship and impossibility barriers.
  • You can send healing energy to a loved one even if they are not with you.
  • You can do it anytime, great for those who are busy busy busy in the normal waking hours.
  • It does not matter if the person is 1 meter or 10,000 metres away from you, its just as effective.
  • You can still send healing energy to the person even if he or she is angry with you and having a cold war
  • Amazing as it sounds, practitioners of distance healing knows it works.
The other day, I was doing a general well-being session for a friend's dad via distance healing. After the session, I shared with her that it appears that her dad needed more energy at his lower back as well as his eyes so I spent more time on these two areas. She was surprised that I "knew" where to focus my attention on even though she did not mention it. Her dad suffers from chronic back ache and glaucoma. Yes indeed, distance healing is not less effective as some practitioners believe. You can still "feel" and chase the pain remotely. :)

I am glad that I am seeing an increasingly number of graduates who are gung-ho about using distance healing. It is so very useful and utterly practical!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Received an sms from a client/ friend requesting for my HappyPrint Scan for herself and the HappyPrint Scan for effective parenting for her two kids.

I replied that the scan would certainly be useful for her kids. As for herself, she need not do the scan as she has done so previousy. Instead, I recommended her to go for another therapist's session which I feel would benefit her more.
She shared that she appreciates my integrity.

Integrity. That's a key value and being needed especially in our healing profession. We need to recommend what's needed to benefit the client and not what benefits our business or bank accounts.

I've adhered to this strictly these past years. As a result, my clients trust and follow my recommendations because they know that it will be useful for them. If its one session needed, then its one. If its five sessions needed, then its five. If its a combinations of complementary therapies, then it is as such.

Set the foundation strong and a good abundant practice follows.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sharing from a client

The following is a sharing from a client. It was written in Mandarin. Thanks K for helping with the translation!


I had entirely no idea what ‘Quantum-Touch’ was when I first heard about it.

可是心中有一块沉重的石头压力,而负面情绪急躁甚至反复忧 郁不欢,见什么都怕。
But I had always felt an immense pressure as though a heavy rock was placed on me. I was negative and temperamental till the extent of depression and had a constant fear of everything.

当我知道可以通过QT冥想克服 心理的恐慌症,就衷心地希望会好起来不须要长期寻求心理医生并吃药。
When I heard that the visualization in QT could aid me in overcoming my phobias, I had a firm seed of hope planted in me where I could gradually recover and stop the need to consult the psychiatrist or take the medication.

QT可以教导我,让我释放和接受自我。应该停止判断,接 受自己当下的真实面貌。让我明白了为什么不快乐而陷入情绪低潮。
QT taught me how to let go and accept myself; that I should stop judging myself and accept my real self. It let me realized why I was unhappy and what led me into the descending spiral of negative emotions.

可以静下心看一看天空颜色和綠色的植物,听一听周围声音,细细咀 嚼食物,
将注意力放在每一个小事物,心情自然会放松许多,用呼吸来感受自己的存 在。
I could stop myself to appreciate the color of the sky and the greenery, listen to the sounds in the environment, savor food at my own pace, and focus my attention on every intricate detail. Naturally it led me to feel more relaxed, and with every breath I felt that I lived in the present.

工作中也不会显得手忙脚乱,压力因此减轻不少, 让我可以得到清闲,心情大好和喜乐。
In my work I was confident and firm, thus stress was reduced significantly. It led to a sense of peace, a feeling of positive emotions and joy.

我要感谢你伸出 友谊之手。
I would like to thank you for extending your friendly helping hand.

With gratitude.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Seize the affinity

"Carpe Diem! Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary."

I love this quote that was made mainstream popular by the film Dead Poets Society. Lately, I have added a dimension to it:

"Seize the affinity to make your life extraordinary".

In our lives, we will meet people or be in situations that present opportunities for learning, growth or change. For example, the wise words of our parents, a friend offering help, a recommendation to a workshop or therapist...It is up to us to seize that affinity.

People often tell me that I am blessed to be surrounded by good people, things and opportunities. Indeed. At the same time, one can be surrounded by goodness yet fail to embrace it. Or be surrounded by darkness and seize that proffered ray of light when it comes.

I was blessed to have many hands offering encouragement, help, love, care and concern. I seize the affinity.

In the same way, each day I look forward to offering my hand to help someone else. What I've learnt is that not everyone will or want to accept help. In the past, my heart ached when that happens cos' I have witnessed the wonderous transformation that occurs when help is accepted. My life changed. My clients or family/ friends' lives (those who are open to help) changed. Now, I accept that we can only proffer that helping hand. It is still the other party's choice to accept or walk away.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Happy. Hope. Heal.

About a month ago, a client engaged me to work via distance healing on her brother-in-law who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of both lungs, liver and lymph nodes. He was due for chemo. For sure, it is a challenging case. But as I shared with my client, we do our best. My sessions coupled with her strong care and concern provides a strong vibration of hope. During the sessions, while no physical changes were observed but he appears happy. For me, that is an essential and powerful emotion to feel and be on one's healing journey.

The last I heard, he was responding well to treatment. Very happy to receive the sms update.

We cannot determine the outcome ie whether the person live or not (we are not the creator) but we can give the person our highest and most loving vibrations so that he or she can tap on our strength to boost his or her own.

The sessions also helps to strengthen the body and provides it with an added boost of healing energy. For example, a client engaged me to work on his grandpa who had to go for a heart bypass. We did two sessions prior to the operation. After the op, his grandpa was up and about very quickly.

On my end, I am very glad that I am able to offer my clients an additional tool to help.

Useful tool for active aging!

At my recent QT workshop, a grandmother aged 75 was initially skeptical about her ability to learn QT. By the end of Day 2, when I asked her if she was confident about using QT, she laughingly shared with the class in dialect "It's not about my confidence but whether I can find the time!".

Wow, I was very happy with her candid response. It shows that indeed QT can be learnt by anyone and everyone!

QT is a very useful tool and certainly beneficial to us as we grow wiser by the years. Rather than the body "breaking down" as we grow older, we can grow healthier and stronger by doing regular sessions for ourselves. I hope that increasingly, more and more senior citizens will attend my workshops. Yay!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Client, Teacher

On Wednesday, wrote on my facebook: "Am grateful to have the opportunity to interact and work with different people with different outcomes. Last evening, had the most enjoyable time working with a 3 year old boy. Beautiful energy!"

Client. Teacher.

With each student and client, I learn. Be it an adult, a young baby or a pet, they all bring rich and varied dimensions of experiences. While some cases are certainly more challenging than others, it is always a pleasure at the fruition of the journey. At times, the results are astounding and amazing. Other times, I am simply a catalyst for the start of their healing journey and others are needed to complement the process. Regardless of the part I played, I feel blessed to be able to offer my experiences, expertise and skills. A talent becomes a gift when it is used for the betterment of both self and others.

I was chatting with my friend Albert yesterday. I shared that I don't consider what I do as business but rather as a passion. This is possible because of my clients. When I am invited to be on their healing journey, I am invited into their lives and their personal life stories. Their trust, their openness, their resilience, their patience, their courage.... it becomes an evolving helix of energy that's beautiful to behold!

This post is for you, my dear clients. I would like to say a BIG THANK-YOU!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nice surprise!

One of my goals is to set up an Dream Catalyst fund which will provide the means for people to be a catalyst of joy and transformation to another person. The fund can be used to aid charitable causes, fund subsidised treatments for needy clients, to provide abundance cheer such as the CNY project we did this year or to help anyone in need.

So far, I've raised funds on an ad hoc basis by asking friends as well as my own contributions. My long term dream is that (1) my personal donation amount will increase as my business income increases and (2) through the good work we do, people will be inspired and decide to ask about making a contribution to help other people. No solicitation from our end. Just their own initiative and inner prompting.

On Monday, I received an unexpected sms from a client who would like to make a contribution to help those who cannot afford QT treatments. My client knows I often do pro-bono work for needy clients so no one is ever turned away. The beauty of this donation is that it offers an unexpected gift to the receivers and shows them the goodness of the universe and mankind.

On a personal note, I appreciate greatly this client's gift because I believe the amount donated is not what we would term as "spare cash". It means my client has to give up spending it on something else. What a generous meaningful gift!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

pain or bliss, YOU can choose

"Because you are courageous and open-minded, that's why you could find solutions and now feel so different."

I shared these heartfelt words recently to my client when she came to see me for a follow-through. Her story of transformation from a world of pain to one of bliss is an example of how being courageous and open-minded brings about change.

Within a month, her life became remarkably different. The positive change is so drastic that her colleagues and family members noticed the difference and affirmed her on it.

When she was introduced to me by her colleague, she had just left her job due to emotional stress. She was feeling depressed and had many fears and doubts. When her colleague shared with her about the work I do, she gamely agreed to see me even though she's not familiar with energy healing at all. She was also open-minded enough to follow my recommendation for complementary solutions that will accelerate her healing journey.

As a result, she's now happy, positive and confident. She's also returned to work, months ahead of her initial plan! Her world has changed from one of fear to one of positive excitement and action. She's looking forward to life in joyful anticipation. Her environment was the same but her inner being glows so differently that the environment reacts positively to her change.

You can choose to live in a world of pain or in a world of bliss. When you make a choice that you desire life to be better and brighter on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level, opportunities will be presented to you to help you - catalyst for change. It could be a friend offering assistance, you making a call to a helpline, a stranger offering advice or in the case of my client, her colleague sharing about my services.

When the catalyst is presented, it is useful to explore it and then make a choice based on knowledge and evaluation. Some people simply discard or shut their minds to the presented solutions without even knowing what it is!

As my client was walking out of the treatment room the other day, she shared that she is grateful to me and her colleague for helping her. I hugged her and told her that I am grateful that she was open-minded so that we can be of help.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Abundant business with integrity and heart

I've been told that I am perhaps... a little inflexible in terms of the way I desire to do business.

For example, in my model of the world, selling = recommendation. Hence, I take a very personal interest to ensure that whatever I "sell" or will be "selling" truly benefits the clients.

Therefore, if I am uncertain that my services can and will benefit someone, I will not recommend it. If the requests of my clients breach my ethics and intergrity, I will not take on the engagement. For example, a client of mine requested for me to do a HappyPrint Scan for her husband without his knowledge. I rejected her request because this is a breach of confidentality. Initially, she was annoyed then later on, she shared that she respected my professionalism.

In the same way, I've been asked/ approached to "sell" certain products which would have had made me a bundle of money. But because I am uncertain about the true benefits and in some instances, I do not consider myself an expert on the product, I decided not to.

To some people, it appears that I have an issue with making money. To me, I know it is not so. I desire to walk the light path and I believe that building a business with integrity and heart can also bring in abundance. It would take a long term view but the abundance would be both wealth and goodness.

Take the case of this couple who owns a crystal shop. One day, I finally understood why they do not have a Visa machine in their shop. They only accept cash or NETS. From a business angle, it would make $$$$ sense to have a Visa machine to faciliate sales and purchases (research has shown that people spend more when using credit cards). But from their business with heart angle, they wanted to ensure that when customers make a purchase, it is with money that they can afford to spend. For them, their objective is to sell the right crystal to the right customer and not sales per se. As such, I've observed numerous occasions when they've advised customers against buying a certain crystal because it is not suitable. Customer focus rather than sales-oriented. They are very different from many crystal sellers that I came across. I respect their integrity and heart. It is a concept and business principle that I resonate with.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Transmuting negative emotional energy

In the past month, I've been experimenting with...initially, was going to use the word "transforming" but then the word "transmuting" popped in and it better describes the feel of what I am doing. A couple of seconds ago, I went to search what transmuting means:

trans·mut·ed, trans·mut·ing, trans·mutes: To change from one form, nature, substance, or state into another; transform: Alchemists tried to transmute lead into gold.


I'm not working on lead. Rather, have been working on transmuting negative emotional energy into pure loving energy. In the past, when I am affected by someone or a situation in a negative manner be it anger, sadness, irritation etc, what I'll do is to
detox it from my system. Now, instead of detoxing it, I'm practicising changing the negative energy into loving energy.

Take for example when I received an email that annoyed me. It annoyed me because I felt it was uncalled for. Instead of simply detoxing it from my system, I took it in and filled it with loving vibrational energy instead (worked on heart chakra and meditated on love). The result? If I used the detox system, I would have simply ignore the annoying email and remained neutral to the party. When I transmute it, I could make effort to reply in a loving manner because I felt and mean it (and not because it is the right thing to do). The result is a true softening and opening of the relationship.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A sharing from participant (Enhance Your Chakras Workshop)

Loy, Singapore

I had attended the Chakra Enhancement Workshop today. This is not going to be a testimonial on how good and beneficial the Chakra Enhancement Workshop was (not that it isn't). One could easily read up on chakras and its functions through the internet.

What I would like to stress is that I had encountered one of those rare teachers who provide you wisdom in looking at your life problems through the language of your own bodies via your own chakras. Knowledge of chakras' function is nothing if one does not know how to relate and apply it to your daily obstacles in life..but experiencing and relating to it gives one the WISDOM.

To cut it short, go for the teacher that gives you the WISDOM. Seek knowledge elsewhere.

A healer can only heal you, but a healer that teaches you empowerment to control your own destiny is of a greater gift to you.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Energising Flowers

Received this bunch of beautiful pink roses for Valentine's Day. Both the sender and I QTed the roses and after 7 days, they were still blooming prettily!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A helping hand

At my what-feels-like-a-different lifetime, there were many people who lent a helping hand for me to get back on my feet. Some were friends. Others were complete strangers who shared wise insights and pointed me towards a direction of light. So in my confused and painful state of existence, I received information, signposts and support to move towards bliss.

This affirms my belief that we can all lend a helping hand regardless of where we may be at in any given point and space of time. We can be of significance even before we are significant. At times, effort is needed for us to be that hand. Over the space of a couple of days, I've met two persons who inspire me with their abundant hearts.

My friend A made the effort to get in touch with a colleague who resigned because she's suffering from depression. She does not really know this colleague but felt she could be of help. Beyond just a "hi-how are you-bye" phone call, A made the effort to visit the colleague at her home and accompanied her for a treatment session. Love-ly, isn't it?

The second abundant gesture happened to me. Yesterday morning, I received an sms from a complete stranger. In it, the person helped publicise my upcoming Mandarin Quantum-Touch workshop in May. I called to thank him/ her and had a nice chat with K. She's learnt QT previously and during the workshop, her fellow participants mentioned that their family/ friends would be interested in learning QT if there's one in Mandarin. She came across my blog and saw that I'll be conducting a Mandarin one in May and hence, smsed the info to her group. She made the effort to (1) remember and (2) to make the connection.

In life, we are presented with many oportunities to be a beacon of light and love to someone in distress or needing direction. May we make the effort, like A & K did, to be that beacon and experience the joy and bliss that comes with it.

QT Healing Circle and Service at GEHA

On every 4th Saturday of each month, Bingjie and I will be co-hosting a healing circle plus an opportunity to serve. The healing circle will be from 1pm to 3pm and thereafter, you are invited to join us as we use QT to serve with love at GEHA (Geylang East Home for the Aged) from 4pm to 5pm.

Healing Circle
The upcoming healing circle will be on Sat 24 April. The venue is at Bingz's place at Ang Mo Kio Ave 10. We'll meet up with the QT grads in the first hour to revise QT healing techniques as a group. If you have friends/ family who'd like to know more about QT, they are welcome to drop by at 2pm for an overview on Quantum-Touch, as well as get to experience some Quantum-Touch healing. Energy Exchange: SGD $5 per person.

Service at GEHA
After the healing circle, we will proceed to GEHA. For those of you who can't make it for the healing circle, you can meet us at GEHA direct. The address is Blk 97 #01-439, Aljunied Crescent. The buses that goes there are Buses 80, 155 and 155A. From Aljunied MRT, it's a 15 mins walk to the place.

It will be an oppportunity for us to fellowship, exchange insights as well as be gift to the aunties and uncles at the home. Contact us if you would like to join us.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Enhance Your Chakras Workshop

Interested in chakras?
Or to scan your own chakras for insights?

Join us for my next Enhance Your Chakras workshop. During this one day workshop, we will explore the wonderful world of chakras and more importantly, how we can achieve greater well-being by understanding the "state" of our chakras and by working on them. Through interactive exercises, you will learn the steps to "scan" your chakras as well as how you could further balance and align them for a happier and healthier you!

Make a date with us on: Sat 10 April from 9.30am to 4.20pm. Call me for more info or to register for the workshop.

enJOY a beautiful abundant week ahead!

Being patient with yourself

Woke up this morning and the title for this post popped into my head. Wasn't planning to blog today but guess greater energies at work! Okie, this is for you, the someone somewhere who is looking for this sharing. :)

My clients/ friends/ students often tell me: "I want to scan like you do", "I want to feel happy like you do", "I want to be as successful like you", "I want to enjoy life the way you do", "I want, I want.."

Sure, we all have wants. The key is to have YOUR wants or dreams and not compare/ benchmark against someone else. What makes YOU happy and not what makes you happy because it makes ABC happy.

That's the lesson I learnt. In my book, I wrote about how I used to strive to be the best in all I do - the best student, the best daughter, the best friend, the best volunteer, the best employee, the best..the best.. the best. An endless and tiring list because I strove to be the best as that would make people like me or fulfill others' expectations. At that time, I did not like myself very much and so external validation of my self worth was so very important. As I went on my self-healing journey, self-acceptance and self-love became personalised and lived. No longer just a concept.

The second lesson I learnt is to be patient with myself. This is as challenging as learning to love myself. Efficiency and fast results were two key words in my operating vocabulary and so I had to overcome my impatience as I started to rebuild my life.

My skills and gifting came with time and the dream life I'm leading was achieved through effort, mistakes, learnings, tears, joys, support, setbacks, challenges, positivity. It took time. Friends who have journeyed with me will share with you that I certainly went on a pretty long journey to get here. Periods of sadness and despair coupled with doubts that life can be different. Patience was so very needed then. (Btw, it is also needed now as I continue on this new phase of life. I have to be patient as I grow my passion into a successful practice.)

We are on a perfecting journey. So rather than live a life regretting what you have done or not done, focus your energies on how you can be better the next time or do things differently. Above all, be patient with yourself and be kind to yourself as you go on this perfecting journey. We are often our harshest critics and that's the internal blockage that we face. When released, we will then allow flow to happen. Bliss.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dream Catalyst

As you would have read, I've registered a company called Dream Catalyst. A friend is currently helping to set up a website for me. In the meantime, I'm using this blog to list the workshops and private sessions that we're offering.

Th eagle-eyed among you would have noticed the "we" term. *BIG GRIN* Well, my dream is to build and grow a catalyst network of like-minded people (this means providing service with integrity and heart!) to provide clients with effective tools and resources to achieve emotional, physical and mental well-being.

Here are the private sessions currently offered:

Wellness & Rejuvenation (60 mins)
If you are suffering from physical aches, emotional pain or an ailment, this wellness and rejuvenation session will help to accelerate your healing process. Some of the clients we have worked with suffered from insomnia, back aches, cervical spondylosis, skin condition, leukemia, cancer, dementia, sprains/ fractures, severe migraines, stress, depression. At the same time, the session is beneficial for pre- and post-surgery care for a speedy recovery.

Ping, Hong Kong
I have been working on anger issues for over a year; very intensively for the past three months. The more issues I resolved, the more issues came up. On one hand, I'm happy that I can let go of a lot stuff; on the other hand, it's a struggle and very frustrating for me, and painful for family members who have been my victims. Bernadette identified the core issue and cut the cord linked to undesired emotions within one private session. 45 minutes ended my long time agony.

Wei Lee, Singapore
I was quite skeptical about energy healing when I initially learnt of it. During this period when I fell ill with abnormal numbness in my arms and fingers; I was re-introduced to this again by a friend and was treated by Bernadette. Through this tremendous treatment and healing result, I am deeply convinced that the sessions can really help in many forms of discomfort a person experiences in his/ her life. I would definitely recommend this to any person and friends for complementary treatments for their illness.

Tag, Singapore
My dad told me today that he no longer feels any pain and thanked me for introducing
Quantum-Touch to him. Thank you for your services. You spared him a lot of pain and treatments. At the same time, I also believe that the sessions you did for my grandpa prior to his surgery resulted in his speedy recovery!

Wellness & Joy (60 mins)
For the busy individuals, the Wellness & Joy session relaxes and recharges you. Depending on personal needs, a session once every few months or even monthly for continued well-being have proven restorative for clients.

SG, Singapore
I feel recharged and energised after the sessions, an effective way to relax and chill.

Wellness & Love (60 mins)
For clients looking to further enhance their relationships with loved ones, the Wellness and Love session provides a catalyst for new beginnings and better relationships.

Theresa Chee, Singapore
3 days after session: I chatted with my mom for half an hour harmoniously. This has never happened before. I enjoyed the chat. Thank you very much, Bernie. I am very thankful and glad that I saw you.

2 months after session: Wonderful relationship. Loving communication. Just the opposite response from before clearing. No words to describe except magic. It happened instantly and naturally. Everything falls into place by itself.

Distance Healing Sessions (45 mins)
For clients with hectic schedules or are not based in Singapore, the sessions can be done through distance healing.

How this works:

  • Contact us at 9272 9476 or to fix an appointment as well as to discuss the outcome for the sessions.
  • At the scheduled time, you will receive healing energy by our therapist.
  • During this time, you can be relaxing/ sleeping or doing your usual routine.
  • Our therapist will contact you for follow-through/ feedback
  • Fee can be transferred through bank transfers or paypal

Emily, Singapore
My parents are so much better. My dad who has dementia is now peaceful and calm, no more “naggie” good are the vibes that my younger daughter (especially) and older daughter stayed the whole day on Saturday (10am to 11.30pm) without fussing!!