Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lovely bonding between mother and daughter

At my last workshop, a mother and her teenage daughter attended it together. It was nice to witness their close bond and the workshop further enhanced it as well as provided a new area of common interest. This was the same observation that I saw at other workshops attended by couples, siblings, parent and child or at one workshop, an inter-generational bonding between a grandmother, her daughter and her her grandson.

Here is the sharing from AC and her daughter Chae Sminn:

The QT session with Bernie was informative and surely beneficial. The whole session held a lot of meaning as I could spend special time with my eldest daughter. Besides we also made friends with a special soul HS. After the session, I can now have the knowledge and another option on how I wish to recharge so that I can spend better quality time on the family and myself.

Chae Sminn

The QT workshop was helpful and beneficial. Not only has it taught me how to conduct QT healing, it has also broadened my awareness on energy and how to use it to benefit my daily life. Now I use it mostly to energize or calm myself, and it works well. Also, Bernadette is very caring and she took time and effort to advise us on certain problems in our personal life when we asked.

What made it even better was attending it with my mother. Together we made this interesting learning experience, and it brought both of us to a deeper level of mutual understanding. We now have something more in common to talk about, and we can help heal each other when needed. Both of us have no regrets attending it, and we definitely recommend it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Active Aging

Life is what you make it out to be.
Life is what you create it to be.
Life is looking out for and seizing the opportunities that come your way.
Life is persevering when it gets tough or challenging.
Life is going with and enjoying flow.

After her retrenchment 11 years ago, my mum devoted her time to her family and volunteer work. Yet there are so many hours in a day that I often felt that it must be "boring' for her. Then two years ago, she signed up for training course at the Employment & Employability Institute (e2i) and soon found herself working for Universal Studios Singapore as an attraction host at the Return of the Mummy ride. It was not an easy journey returning to the workforce and I often tell her to work only if she enjoys it. She persevered.

On Sunday, I was chilling out with her at my grandma's place and I started to read the Sunday Times. When I came to the Lifestyle page 6, I had a surprise. My mum is in it!

She had been interviewed as one of three persons who have carved out a second career late in life. The interview took place several weeks ago but she kept quiet about it to surprise us.
I am so proud of her that I msged my dear friends to share about it.

She persevered in her training and give her best in her job. She may be the oldest in her team yet her energy level and enthusiasm is contagious.

A close friend shared with me that she is inspired by my mum's example. I am too! And you bet, she will be a role model that I will cite to encourage my older clients that life can still be meaningful and enjoyable regardless of the age.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

All will be well

Awoke from a troubled sleep yesterday. Looked out of my window and saw this beautiful sunrise. The message is clear; all will be well.

Beautiful Sunrise, Elgin Scotland (2 November 2011)

Sometimes, knowing can be a heavy responsibility especially if it is just knowing and we are not allowed to act upon it directly.

We continue to trust and follow flow.
That in the end, it will be as it is meant.
That all will be well in the manner it is meant.

6 November 2011

As I looked out of my window earlier, I saw a beautiful sunset and the moon in one sky.

Then the sunset changed and turned into one that is similar to the sunrise that I witnessed 4 days ago.

Beginning and end. Day and night. A cycle. Flow.

Monday, October 31, 2011

An effective form of hope

No one knows the exact timing of our demise. Even medical diagnosis is only an indication and there have been many examples where people live beyond their 'death prediction or sentence'. So as long as we have life's breath, we do our very best be it for our own health or as caregivers for someone else. We let go of attachment to outcome but that does not mean letting go of hope.

A client of mine engaged me recently to work on his mum who has had numerous chemo and radiotherapy treatment for her cancer over the past year. Her condition was critical when he approached me and we both knew that. At the same time, we also know that having healing sessions would provide her with relief and he wanted to give it a go.

So we began the sessions via distance healing as I am in Scotland at the moment. I keep in close contact with my clients for updates. And in this instance, it was daily updates. And the docs kept telling the family that she's in critical condition and that there was nothing more they could do for her. That they can't do this or that because it was a contraindication for each other. And that they could only make her comfortable. And then they told him that his mum only had a few more days to live.

I listened to the updates and at the same time, I trusted in the healing flow and worked with her body, mind and spirit independently of the diagnosis or death sentence. For sure, I know that it is a possibility. At the same time, only Creator and she can decide that. I let go of the attachment to the outcome and yet stay in a positive flow. For as long as she has life's breath, we support the flow of life. More than a week has passed.

Then last Friday, just before my scheduled distance session, my client informed me that the whole family received an urgent message to head down to the hospital because she was not doing well. She survived through that 'crisis' as well.

When I checked with him today, he said that his mum is sleeping a lot and not eating much. Sleeping is the body's natural way of healing. As for the food, the staff of the hospice will be making greater effort to ensure she has liquid food and soups because she cannot be put on drip.

Over the past weeks, my client has learnt to let go of the attachment to outcome and if his mum decides it was time, he will accept it. At the same time, we are also not giving up hope and will continue to do what we can for her.

For some people, they hold a subconscious belief that when someone goes to the hospice, it means there is no hope and death is certain. I reminded him that we CANNOT hold this belief. Instead, we take each day as it comes and hold a positive vibration in the meantime.

I had clients who have died. Yet, I have clients who are up and about in spite of a medical death sentence. I also know of people who have similarly triumphed over medical odds to live healthy lives.

Either way, we do our best and all we can. And that is an effective form of hope we can give to anyone or to ourselves.

Body Intelligence and Regeneration

When a client was in coma with multiple organs' failure, he also had gangrene on his feet and fingers. The doctor kept telling his family to let him go for amputation. But we believe the tissues beneath the gangrene were healing.

Last week, the nurse did cleaning up of one of his fingers, removed the black hard skin and underneath was new live flesh. On Friday, the hard black skin on his right heel came off and the heel looks so normal.
Using a blend of complementary therapies was certainly useful for him. Today he is up and about. And his fingers and legs are whole. Am glad that they trusted and hung on!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Preparing Meals

I love reading through recipe books and now with the Epicurious app on my iPhone, it's even easier to browse through. To a degree, I do enjoy preparing meals though I find it more relaxing cooking for my own meals than when it's for others.

Yet right now, here in Scotland, I found myself having the opportunities to prepare meals for others and increasingly, am enjoying it more with each meal and feeling totally relaxed.

My friend's home has a lovely kitchen with all the utensils, appliances etc that you would need.

The first dish I prepared was a vegetarian red curry. Was a little stressed cos' first time cooking for my friend M and her daughter.

The second dish was a Thai Green Curry and it was easier this time round because I relaxed and enjoyed the process.

As always, easy to whip up a meal for myself. Eggs always make me happy too. :)

Salads are easy to prepare and that's why, I am reluctant to pay $$$$$ for salad at a restaurant unless it's exceptional.

Our friend S came over for a visit and gave us curly kale fresh from her own garden. It's her first harvest and we were all so very proud of her. It's the first time I have heard of curly kale but by this time, I was totally at ease about preparing meals for others. Googled and found a recipe for sweet potato, leek and curly kale soup.

The curly kale was delicious and it made us feel very healthy too with it rich dark green.

There were some asparagus in the fridge so decided on a asparagus and orange salad. Very simple to prepare, under 15 mins.

Today, M and I fancied having Salmon for dinner. After I completed a distance healing session for a client in Singapore, I checked Epicurious for a recipe and found one that has a pistachio dressing which was unusual. Chose that and started to prepare. No pistachio so I substituted it with walnuts and almonds. Chop chop, slice slice and fry fry. In less than 30 mins, our meal was done -- Pan fried salmon with walnut and almonds dressing.

Preparing meals for others have become relaxing for me. And I am utterly enjoying it!

Friday, October 21, 2011

No one needs to live with pain

A client with Fibromyalgia came to see me and with just two sessions, her severe aches and pains is reduced by 90%.

There's such a transformational change that her mum who suffers from the same condition became open to seeing me as well.

I am delighted that they are feeling lots better! :)

Against all odds and opinions

For my clients who have faced or are facing negative opinions and challenges. Keep believing. Explore options. Above all, continue to do your best. This post is for you.


As long as we have life's breath, there is hope. I truly believe this and I encourage my clients and their family members to remain positive in their healing journey in spite of what the medical results or situations may be.

As long as we have life's breath, we do our very best. And many times, I have witnessed the joy of 'miracles' where seemingly hopeless situations change, where there life remains in spite of the slim chance of recovery, where continuous unfolding of goodness prevails...

We can listen to people's opinions. We do not have to buy into their opinions.

Choose the options that give you hope and allow you to do your best. Surround yourself with positive people and materials.

Choose the options that are healing and positive. Never think that you have no choice or only one choice. Read more and find out more before making a decision.

Choose the options that are customised for you. You are unique. So your healing journey is unique too.

Wishing you strength, courage and joy as you continue on your journey. And may new goodness and catalysts of change continue to flow into your life. :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

In Union

There by the river I sat.
Within. Without.
Am. Be.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Healing Hands

When I was in Madrid two weeks ago, we had an interesting experience at a restaurant. After a lovely dinner, my aunty, sis and I queued to use the ladies. My aunty started chatting with a Spanish lady who was excited to learn that we are from Singapore as she has Singaporean friends.

After the conversation, we shook hands and said our goodbyes. When she came to mine, she loudly happily exclaimed: "You have healing hands!"

She was delighted to learn that her 'intuition' was spot on as she believes that she is sensitive to energy. Am glad our little chat affirmed her belief in herself. And she asked God to continue to bless me in all I do. That's nice!


I stood still, enjoying the quiet of the trees and the alive rhythm of the river. And in this stillness, the red squirrel scampered across me in familiarity. For I was no threat, in the oneness.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Client

Am always delighted when my clients provide feedback or sharing on their healing journey. For the following client, the journey was intense as he was critically ill. In fact, he was in coma and had major organ failure. Today, he is up and about. I would like to share the testimonial that his wife Esther posted on my facebook as an encouragement to those of you who are going through your healing journey. Stay positive and keep faith. This is also an encouragement for those of you who have learnt energy healing. Use it. And for those of you who doubt distance healing, this is another example of its efficacy. The healing sessions for this client was done entirely via distance healing.
Esther Teh, Singapore
Hi Bernadette, you've been a gr8 help to us. For those who don't know, hubby was in ICU 3rd July and given a mere 10% chance of survival. After each QT session faciliated by Bernadette, we could see immediate improvements - it shows on the data reflected on the machines and in his blood tests. It's been an amazing journey - an amazing 3 months of miracles! Doctors were eager to amputate hubby's limbs, but we brought on the barrage of alternative / complementary "treatments" and well :) Hubby still has his limbs! Don't give up hope, believe in miracles, have a little faith ...

Hubby has been recovering at home since mid August. Docs indicated 18 to 24 months before hubby begins to walk (with a walking aid). It's only been a few weeks ... and hubby is now walking around the apartment already! Docs didnt think he would be able to swallow "proper" food but that's exactly what hubby has been doing since discharge. Things just keep getting better!

As Bernadette says, a positive mindset helps a LOT. No matter how hard things seem to be, smile and focus on the result you want to see. Rest when you are tired, give yourself that pat on the back always, believe and most importantly, have faith.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

If I remain centred and go with flow, then there's no such thing as disappointment.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


My friends' doggy Gimbo has difficulty walking and doing his poo poo.

He's a very friend doggy and loves to be touched and cuddled. I decided to do some energy healing for him since I am in Turin at the mome
nt. When I placed my hands and started running energy on his legs, he growled. I completely understand as it is painful.

So I decided to do it via distance healing instead. I sat on the sofa in the living
room while he lay on the floor a couple of metres away. Our view of each other is blocked.

I started to run energy on him, starting with his tummy to aid his digestion. And then I moved to his legs and within a few seconds, I heard a growl from him. I continued to run energy and each time when I worked on a 'difficult' area, he will growl. Ouch, it must be painful.

For me, it is interesting to note Gimbo's response and feedback. It's an affirmatio
n that yes, animals can indeed provide feedback during a healing session.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Centred and Calm

Feeling and being in a calm and centred state is a wonderful yet often elusive feeling. The ability to feel happy, balanced and positive regardless of what's facing you externally because you have mastered your internal.

It is a learning process and it is through the events that happen to us that we grow in awareness of our progress.

For me, it's been a long and at times, arduous journey to master this. And at times, I thought it would be impossible because from a young age, emotions have been something that I have felt keenly and deeply. Joys, hurts, sadness, grief, heartaches... they seem magnified in my heart. And letting go of relationships and memories was something that seemed alien to me.

But life is about learning and there are tools to help us. I sought to be a better person. To be able to let go of non useful emotions. To master and be in control rather than allow emotions to overwhelm me like it used to in the past.

Slowly but steadily:
I learnt and became better at overcoming and detoxing non useful emotions.
I learnt to love and to let go.
I learnt to allow people the grace to change their minds.
I learnt to synch and move to flow

This makes life richer and more beautiful. It allows me to celebrate what's important and remain non attached to 'petty' stuff. And more importantly, it helps me to be more effective as a therapist and happier as a person.

Centre and calm. This is an achievable state of being.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Forgiveness. Compassion. Blessing.

As a therapist, I have opportunities to witness the beautiful compassionate energy that people possess - when they are able to let go of hurt and pain, forgive and move on. It is not easy and sometimes, it may take a while before they are able to do this. And that it perfectly okay as everyone moves to a different pace and time on his or her healing journey.

To forgive is truly an act of courage because you choose to accept responsibility to change your life regardless of what another person has done to you.

To forgive is truly an act of compassion because you choose to see the person who has hurt you in a different positive light.

And in turn, to forgive becomes a blessing and healing for you.

"... blessing is the ancient secret that releases us from life's suffering long enough to replace it with another feeling. When we bless the people or things that have hurt us, we're temporarily suspending the cycle of pain. Whether this suspension lasts for a nanosecond or an entire day makes no difference. Whatever the period of time, during the blessing a doorway opens for us to begin our healing and move on with life. The key is that for some interval, we're released from our hurt long enough to let something else into our hearts and minds: the power of 'beauty'" ~ Gregg Braden
I witnessed the beauty of this in a healing session this morning with a client. My client has had a challenging relationship with his mother for years. Today, I asked him if he was willing and ready to forgive his mum for the hurts caused. This would be the final breakthrough needed for his healing journey. Though there was a bit of a struggle, he said yes.

He opened himself to the outpouring of compassionate energy, and as we did the session, this peaceful loving energy was present throughout. And when we did the cord cutting and forgiveness segment, I could feel a 'weight' leaving his energy field. All that remains is peace.

And when we did the rebuilding of the energy cord, there was no trace of the old irritation or frustration. Instead, peace and calmness were the key emotions present.

When he first agreed to forgiving, he did not know if he was going to be able to do it. Yet because he decided to give it a go and set the intention as such, it was possible.

He was able to forgive and bless his mum. And in so doing, he gained peace.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sharing from Graduate

I received the following sharing from Suan Heok who learnt both Recharge & Energise as well as Quantum-Touch. It is always lovely to hear from my graduates and I believe her sharing will certainly encourage you to start practicing what you have learnt! It also shows that everyone can learn and apply this useful tool! Thanks Suan Heok!

Suan Heok, Singapore

Hi all ...thanks for all the mindful healing that you have given me.. my neck and my knee definitely felt much better after your healing touch.. I did attempt to practice QT here and then and it works.. On Mon morn, I woke up with a aching pain on the ball of of my feet.. After about 20 mins of QT on the area, the pain was almost gone and after a while - completely no pain ... ...On Tues, I did about 20 mins of QT on my right knee which was still quite stiff and it worked again ... it is definitely not so stiff as I walk down the stairs now....WW...

I managed to do about 30 mins of healing on one of my friends' knees - after about 5-10 mins on her left knee, the pain was totally gone .. she was amazed that she could feel the heat in my hands when I placed my hands on her knee..I have always been someone with 'cold hands' as I was afraid of cold.. With this confidence, she let me also perform healing on her right knee where the pain is more serious.. Initially, she did not feel immediate heat compared to her left knee.. remembering what you have taught me..I told her it was because she has been having issue with her right knee for a longer period and therefore it would take a while before her 'chi' will resonance with mine.. and true enough after about 10 mins, she could feel intense heat in her right knee and after about 20 mins of healing, the pain in her right knee was drastically reduced and the heat sensations could still be felt after I have taken my hands away .. She was amazed.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Believing and Living Your New Reality

Recently, I was re-reading The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden and this paragraph is a good reminder for us:

"There's a fine and delicate balance between simply choosing a new possibility and actually following through with the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that awaken that outcome as a new reality."

So be it visualising a new change for yourself, a better outcome or a healthier you, do stay in the vibration of that change. As you do healing for yourself or for your loved one, focus on the new outcome. And not on the problem or how sick he or she may be.

For example, about a month ago, I was working on a critically ill client who was in coma and had multiple organ failure. The sessions were done via distance healing. I had been briefed that his transplanted kidney was no longer functioning. However during the healing sessions, I felt that there's still hope and so I worked on it in spite of what was shared. I also focused on the outcome of him regaining consciousness and being stronger day by day regardless of what's told to me. I kept focusing on the reality we desired.

A couple of sessions later, was told that his kidney is functioning once more as well as his other organs. He also regained consciousness. Today, just a few weeks later, he is healing well and he could eat his first bowl of porridge. As his wife says, amazing recovery from 'dead state'!

This example reaffirms the importance for us to focus on the outcome desired so that it becomes the reality.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Recharge & Energise

Held my first Recharge and Energise workshop on Sat 25 June. I developed this workshop specially to provide an opportunity for people who are interested in learning more about energy work or to learn basic techniques for self-healing. At 3 hours, it is easy for people to fit it into their busy schedule. And I decided to price it at just $86 ($50 for senior citizens/ below 18 years) so that it is affordable.

Here is a sharing from one of my participants.

Tan Suan Heok, Singapore

Let me recount an interesting incident at the Recharge and Energise workshop.

At the workshop, there was a practical session where we were told to imagine a stream of 'white light' aka chi flowing from the ground to our feet and up to our trunk and to our crown and out through our fingers.. The moment I closed my eyes, instead of visualising the chi flow, I 'habitually' go into meditative state. While I was enjoying my serene meditative state, Bernadette 'woke' me up commenting that while I was looking blissful meditating, she would like me to visualise/feel the chi flowing from the ground to my feet and out through my fingers..

Wow I was amazed that Bern can actually know that I was meditating in my own world instead of doing the chi flow....Bern can 'see' our chi flow if she wants to.. Since then, whenever my eyes are closed, I have learnt to 'select' either triggering the chi flow or slipping into meditative state .. thanks to Bern

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stay in the flow

About two weeks ago, I headed for a much needed holiday to heal, reflect and recharge. The plan was to chill out at my friend's rented beach hut at the Ocean Marina Yacht Club in Pattay before heading to visit my friends in Bangkok.

Following an intuition and my friend's advice, I booked a one way ticket so that I would have greater flexibility for staying longer if I wished to.

6 days of chilled out bliss; leisurely breakfasts, laps in the pool, pampering for the body with skilled massages, quiet time, good conversations...

Also connected with a new friend and this is where the magic of being and staying in the flow happens. She wanted to experience my workshops and so, I ended my holiday with an impromptu workshop. At same time, she also invited me to be a contributor for her monthly e-magazine that will be launched in a few months' time. I have always wanted a column of my own and now I do! And I will also be back to conduct more workshops in Thailand.

So what started as a chilled out holiday became that and more. New doors opened and new adventure awaits. I am in full appreciation of this unfolding of goodness.

Be open. Stay in the flow.
When one day ends, another begins.
And what a difference a day can make.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Recharge & Energise

Our human body consists of energy fields that can be stimulated through various techniques in order to promote wellness. The concept of energy fields as a vital life force can be traced back to the oldest medical systems and is known as Qi in China, Ki in Japan, and Prana in India. Keeping our body's energy in a balanced state is the key to maintaining health.

The Recharge workshops teach you techniques for achieving this balance, allowing you to enJOY a greater sense of energy and well being.


In this interactive workshop, you will learn a series of breathing and visualization exercises that will help you to balance and restore your body’s flow of energy. After the workshop, you can use these exercises to further enhance your well-being.

This 3 hour workshop is excellent for people who are feeling stressed, tired and/ or listless, are having muscle stiffness, aches, pains and ailments, experiencing emotional distress or pain, in need of a little positive booster and/ or are looking to maintain and further enhance their well-being. There is a evening or Sat session, choose one that suits your schedule. :)

Date/ Time:
Thu 23 June (7pm to 10pm) or Sat 25 June (2pm to 5pm)


$86 / $50 (senior citizen/ Below 18 years of age)

The Wisdom Tree
26A Pagoda Street, Singapore 059187 (1 min walk from Chinatown MRT)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


When I met my friend Val in 2008, I was very inspired by her courage and compassion to start a charity to help complete strangers miles away from home. As such, I shared with her that I will do my best to support her charity as well. And that when my book is published, I will also dedicate part of the proceeds to her charity.

2 years on and my dream was realised in Nov last year. And this Sat will be the the launch of my book.

May more abundance flow in to her charity for her and
her team to continue their love-filled work. :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Distance healing

Last week, I told a friend who is based overseas that I will be sending her distance healing sometime in the week. On Wed, when I completed the session, I dropped her an email that I have done it.

In the past when I did face to face treatments for this friend, she gets a tingly feeling running down her leg. Different clients will experience different sensations during a treatment ranging from warmth, heat, tingly feeling, movements...

This is her reply to my email:

I had just come through from bedroom to check emails after doing my Ipod meditations and had that tingling down arm and leg ~ then I saw your email that you had just finished and wondered if that was it!

Yes, distance healing works. Clients receive the full benefits of the session and for some, they can also feel sensations for example, in my friend's case.

With distance healing, clients can receive help anywhere in the world. As therapists, we are certainly in full appreciation of this very useful tool!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Aging with dignity

My maternal grandma is 103 years old. In spite of her age, she has always been highly independent and mobile. Able to walk, feed herself and bathe herself etc.

About a week plus ago, she had a fall. She did not want to go to the hospital and the family felt that there was nothing much the doctors could do for her legs. So instead, we took care of her and did energy healing sessions for her.

The pain went away quite quickly and she is up and about. However, the fall took away her mobility ability; she is unable to walk or to go to the toilet by herself. One of us will lift her from her bed to the wheelchair so that she can watch TV in the living room, enjoy her meals, chat with us, or go to the toilet. We also bought a portable loo for the times when she isn't able to 'control' for the distance to the toilet.

We know that it isn't easy for my grandma to lose this independence (she was cooking delicious food up to the age of 80+). Who would?

One afternoon, after I have cleaned her after she has used the portable loo, she told me in dialect: "I am so sorry that you have to do all these for me when you visit me."

My heart broke when I heard that. But I smiled and reassured her that I am happy to be able to help her. She has done so much for us and it is just a small thing.

Dignity. Love. Care.

We ease her feeling of lost dignity with our reassurances of love and care. We also ensure that we give her opportunities to do certain things by herself for example, when we bathe her, we will let her wash her face by herself. We attend to her with appreciation, love and respect in our heart. And I trust that she will feel our heart energy and that it soothe her.

Kudos to my mummy, daddy, uncle and sis who are my grandma's primary caregivers. It isn't easy being a caregiver and they inspire me with their patience and love.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lovingly Let Go

Recently, a relationship ended. When it happened, naturally there was grief. Leaking eyes that wouldn't stop and sometimes, at inconvenient and odd moments.

Yet, this ending is so very different from an ending that I experienced years ago.

Back then, I swung out of control and was in an emotional dark space. Pain was the defining reality. I was extremely bitter, sad and angry. It took a long time for me to regain my centre and balance from that ending. It was only when I decided to accept responsibility for change and started to tap on all the tools and resources available to me that I fully healed and more importantly, stayed a love optimist. And I hold dear to my heart, all the learnings gleaned from the experience so that I will turn even more into love.

You know that you have fully experienced love when you turn into love - that is the spiritual goal of life. ~ Deepak Chopra

When this relationship ended, I was no longer the old me. This time, there was no blame, accusations, pain or anger commonly associated with endings.

Instead, there was so much love, understanding and compassion present. Both parties accepted that the relationship ended because it has evolved. And yes, a healing space and time was needed but we could both lovingly let go. To aid the healing process, we utilised all the tools we know.

Today, just 10 days after the ending, our new beginning as good friends is off to a wonderful start. And in the past 10 days, I have continued with life in as rich a manner as I could. I was guest on air, met up with friends, did my healing sessions for clients and family, did a workshop and worked on developing new programmes.

This is only possible because I utilised all the tools I know, tapped on the loving support of friends (Thank you! Big Hug) and choose to stay positive.

I hope that my sharing will be a balm to anyone who has an aching heart. We need not live in prolonged pain. Not when there is so many tools and resources available to help us. It is a choice and an action. And we can heal from emotional grief so that we can enJOY life richly once more.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Intent. Ask. Attract. Manifest.

I have often shared about my experiences of the synchronicities of life and the amazing providence of the Universe. Today, I have another to share with you :)

Slightly more than a week ago, on the morning of Friday 15 April, I was doing my usual meditation. At the same time, decided to send an intention to the Universe asking for "something positive to happen so that I can reach out to more people... media exposure would be nice". Then I thought about the people I know in this field who have had media exposure and I celebrated their goodness and success (it is important in attraction work to have this abundant mindset and heart, where we can celebrate goodness happening to others). After sending out the intention, I left it as that and went about my busy day.

That afternoon, after a client's session, I checked my phone and saw a missed call from non familiar number and a few smses. One of them was this:

"Hi Bernadette, I am a producer with Mediacorp interested in featuring you on my relationship talkshow. Please call me back."


I re-read the message, contacted her and that's how I ended up being guest on air for the lovely Michelle Martin's Between Us show , 938LIVE.

The programme was on Monday 18 May and am real glad it was just 3 days later because I had less time to worry about being on air live! It was my first radio show and as with all things new, had one or two butterflies flittering in my tummy.

The topic was on "Don't let shyness stop you from making love connections". Over the weekend, I prepared my notes, visualised the 'event' and sent happy energy to it as well.

My friends and family members were naturally excited and very encouraging. And their supportive and happy energy made it loads easier for me to go on my first radio show.

Monday night arrived, met Michelle at the studio and presto! we were on air. She's engaging and completely made me feel at ease. We chatted on the root cause of shyness in making the love connections, how to overcome shyness and tips for the shy in conversations. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and very appreciative to be given this experience.

Later in the week, Michelle asked me if I would like to join her again on Monday. This time, to talk about the points covered in my book Fly Free. Of course, I accepted the invite as it is an opportunity for me to reach out to more people who may be going through their dark nights of the soul.

Last night was the show and as we shared our thoughts with our listeners, I felt this immense joy that we can be beacon of light and hope for people who may be experiencing pain and challenges.

And I look forward to increasing opportunities to reach out to even more people.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Birthday present

A client turned friend decided that she would get her mum a distance healing session as a birthday gift besides giving her the usual red packet. To her, the gift of the session is meaningful and beneficial as it will help to maintain the well-being of her mum. Since my sessions include both physical as well as mental and emotional well-being, it is enhanced wellness on all levels. Wonderful way to kickstart another birthyear! And with distance healing, it is so very convenient because the client can continue with his or her activities without having to see me so no disruption to schedule or the need to travel to a venue. And it also means that the client can be anywhere in Singapore or in the world. This is why clients often purchase such sessions as gifts for their loved ones. It is certainly a lovely gift to receive, isn't it? :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Appreciating Goodness

After visiting my grandma and parents, I walked to Simei MRT to head for my next appointment. The walk is short and pleasant.

From a distance, I saw a jogger heading my way. I side-step to my left, this would allow the jogger to continue her momentum, and continued walking. When she was in front of me, she smiled and said thank you. I smiled at her in return. In that one second of exchange, our spirit were uplifted by goodness.

I was surprised that she noticed my small gesture. To me, these gestures come naturally and I do them because I want to. I am used to people's oblivious non awareness or disregard of them. Her smile, recognition and thank-you is a reminder of the importance of noticing and acknowledging kindness and goodness.

How often do we notice little acts of kindness instead of taking them for granted, thinking it is our right? Someone opening the door for us, a teacher giving us advice, our parents cooking dinner for us, a cleaner aunty or uncle carefully wiping the table so that we can use it, a kind soul giving up a seat on the MRT or bus... endless examples.

Appreciation for goodness will continue the unfolding flow of goodness.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Follow Your Bliss

"Why do you want to continue being a healer when it is such a tough journey?"

This is a frequent question that I have received from others as well as one that I occasionally asked myself in the early stage of my journey. It is easy to list the obvious reasons... helping others, helping myself, the joy of witnessing change and transformation, a calling...
But when you stop and truly think through the question, the answer is a lot deeper that what our logical minds have provided us with.

And it is this answer that have inspired and provided the strength for countless others to continue their chosen path in spite of naysayers and challenges. To continue doing work that others might consider as thankless or non productive. And it is not confined to the healing or helping profession. It applies to all professions across time.

It is following your bliss.

Be it to travel to an unknown land, to create that majestic piece of sculpture, to research and write a book on a dead language, to counsel and help others, to leave your country and start a new home in a foreign land, to risk your life daily in service of others, to teach financial literacy to people, to keep your housing estate safe and clean, to do your job to the best of your ability... the inspiring examples are endless.

I have been involved in youth work/ ministries, worked in advertising, event management and corporate training. Through the different professions and hats that I have worn, there were aspects of it that helped me to follow my bliss. The multi-layers of learnings and insights received from each role provided catalysts for me to understand the bliss that I am seeking. And they formed a foundation of strength, discipline and endurance to allow me to continue to follow my bliss as a healer.

I have internalised my bliss and so, people's reactions no longer affect me. When people reject what I have to offer, I am at peace. When the same people who rejected me seek my help, I welcome them with kindness. When my clients rejoice at their results, I offer thanks and appreciation for the unfolding of goodness. When family and friends questioned my choice of profession, I accept that their questions are from love and hence, I embrace that love. No longer do I feel irritated or flustered.

When you follow your bliss, you are responsible for the unfolding of your life. And you appreciate that the fact that
‎'no one owes us a living'. When we can understand and embrace this then we are able to grow in deeper appreciation of life and ourselves. Instead of being a victim and assigning blame to others, we proactively and positively take actions to create the change we want. And we stop wallowing in self-pity and demanding from others.

And thus it begins, the start of your journey of understanding your bliss and embracing it

Friday, March 25, 2011

Aha.. and so this is why...

A couple of weeks ago, when I was meditating, a message popped in for me to gift a friend's friend with cash. I only know this person through my friend's conversations and have never met him. But the message was clear: "Give him this X amount of money for his baby".

I didn't know why but I listened and followed.

The person was utterly surprised and very grateful for the gift because he has been worried about his financial situation. We both agreed that the Universe does indeed work in mysterious ways as we have long observed.

A few days ago, my friend shared that his baby was hospitalised and as such, the money was very needed and of great help. And we now understood the why. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Healing Sessions for Pre-Surgery

Two of my clients went for major surgeries on Monday. One for a hysterectomy and the other, for a heart valve surgery. As part of the "preparation" for the operations, we did healing sessions prior to and after the surgery.

My first client could text me in high spirits about three hours after her surgery. The next day, her gynae commented that she was healing very well, and told the nurse that it was unnecessary for her to be on liquid diet. The client herself shared with me that she was "glowing" and she could chat with me in her usual high spirits. Today, she's discharged and when I check in on her this afternoon, she said that she was doing her laundry!

My second client is also doing well. There were concerns re the surgery due to her age yet it was necessary. After the heart valve surgery, she was in ICU. Just received an sms earlier from her daughter that she will be transferring to a general ward soon.

Healing sessions for pre-surgery strengthens the person and definitely accelerate the healing process as well. Besides physically strengthening a client, the sessions also help the person to stay calm and positive. It is something that everyone can include as part of their preparation for any surgery.

Updates (5 March)

People who met my first client days after her surgery were completely surprised that she's even gone for one! Most women, after a hysterectomy, would also be bleeding for a bit. My client did not at all. She's been up and about, and out as well. She's also fondly nicknamed me the bum un-numbner. Her bum was aching from lying too long on the hospital bed. After some whizzy whazzy, the ache was completely gone. Hence my new nickname. :)

For my second client, four days after the surgery, she's been transferred to a normal walk, is her usual chatty self and could walk with her daughter to the foodcourt. "She's really doing so well," as her daughter shared.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sore and aching legs...

On Tuesday, I met a new client who has severe ache and pain in legs and knees. Her movement is also limited. Though she is a new client, I have had the pleasure of meeting her and her hubby years back when I was helping to faciliate a Quantum-Touch workshop. It was delightful reconnecting with this lovely couple again.

Her ailment isn't a new one. She had it previously and then she recovered. However, the pain has returned. She has sought other treatments but it did not work. So her hubby suggested seeing me.

For my treatment sessions, I believe in revitalising body, mind and emotions. So even if it's for a physical ailment, I will spend some time balancing and enhancing my clients chakras before moving onto the area(s) of concern.

During the session, my client could feel sensations on her back and her legs. And after the session, she shared that she felt relief, legs no longer that sore/ painful. She could also squat. Contacted her the second day to see how she is feeling. She shared that she's still feeling the improvements. Will be seeing her next week for a follow through session.

Working with energy is not a tangible thing and it does require a certain amount of openness on my client's part. Then when he or she has the session, that is when they experience the tangible results be it improved physical well-being or emotional relief. Or in the case of my HappyPrint Reading, the insights provides my clients with their blueprint for what's needed to feel even happier.

Client's increased appetite and sense of taste :)

When I started treatment sessions in December last year for my client who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, I shared with him that we do our best and look forward to improvements.

In my last post on him in January, I shared that after the sessions, he was off his ultra strong painkillers which he had been taking for months before meeting me.

Yesterday, he shared with me that his appetite has also increased and that he can finally taste the flavours of food again! When I first met him, he shared with me that he was upset that food no longer had taste and he wished very much that he will be able to enjoy food once more. So you can imagine how happy he is at the improvements!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Helping a premature baby

Life always presents opportunities for us to be a catalyst of hope, love, help, light to another fellow soujourner on this journey. And it is both ways, meaning that for us to be able to be catalysts, the other party must be willing to accept the goodness.

Last year, my publisher Kok Hwa invited me to sit in at his BNI group breakfast meeting. Following the meeting, I connected with some of the members via facebook. In Jan this year, I saw a FB posting by one of the BNI member for a fundraising appeal for baby Ilysha who was born premature. Besides doing a collection for the baby, I thought it would be very useful for her parents to learn Quantum-Touch.

So I sent a message to the parents (via the BNI member), offering to teach QT to them as a gift and also, a case story of baby Teddy, a 13-week premature baby born from a woman who has been an alcoholic for 10 years. He was diagnosed as with severe fetal alcohol syndrome, tested positive for crack cocaine, and the baby’ s doctor said that he “ saw no real hope” for this boy. Yet with QT, he grew healthily.

I was delighted when baby Ilysha's mum agreed to learn QT. After learning it, she started to run energy on Ilysha. And two weeks ago, she smsed me that the bleeding in Ilysha's brain has decreased. And a week ago, I heard that Ilysha might be able to be discharged soon.

What's great is that besides running energy on Ilysha, she has also listened to my recommendation to run energy on herself as well. This will help her to remain calm and positive as well as to relax/ recharge herself.

With a tool, one no longer feels helpless. Even better, we can be of help. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Joyful Giving

Giving from the heart (with no conscious or subconscious conditions attached) is joyful. And the energy that emanates from that one act amplifies out into the universe, sending layers of happiness and joy to countless that we probably did not know when we joyfully gave.

Joyful giving has no preset conditions eg if I do this, I would require you to.... Joyful giving is not about how much recognition one will receive eg if I do this, what's the PR effect/ reflection on me? Joyful giving does not count the merits that one will receive from doing that act. Joyful giving is blind to race, gender, country. Joyful giving is nature as well as nurtured.

In celebration of this beautiful act of goodness, I will be posting stories and observations on this theme. Today, we celebrate the joyful giving of one of my friends:

Recently, my friend N found $100 on the floor. She waited at the spot for a while to see if anyone return to claim the money. When no one did, she decided to donate it to a charity. She met me later that day and asked me where to donate it to. I suggested passing it to a mum who has to pay enormous bills for her premature baby. This friend isn't rich, in fact $100 is alot of money to her. Yet she found joy in giving.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Everybody's healing journey is unique

  • 1 distance healing session, client's spouse became calmer, happier and could even joke after weeks of tension.
  • 4 sessions, client with pancreatic cancer no longer needs his strong painkillers which he has been taking for months.
  • 20 mins, a pregnant mummy's cramps gone.
  • 3 sessions, client's chronic back aches for years gone....

Everybody's healing journey is unique. Comparison with others is a setback and not necessary. So focus on your journey and celebrate your improvements. :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Moving forward, an improvement at a time

Last November, a friend responded to an email that I sent out about my book Fly Free . She was so happy for me that I realised my dream of publishing a book and at the same time, placed orders as well. It was during our subsequent correspondence that I realised her hubby has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier that year.

While the general prognosis for pancreatic cancer is poor, yet as long as we have life's breath, there is always hope, isn't it?

He has had chemo treatments but it did not help. As such, he decided to forgo further chemo treatments. I decided to share with them about Quantum-Touch and that if they were open to it, I will be happy to teach them both as well as do sessions. I know that by learning QT, they will now have an additional tool. Instead of a hopeless waiting, there will be daily strengthening and renewal of spirit, mind and body.

She arranged for us to meet for breakfast so that I could share more about it with her hubby. It was a happy day when he agreed to have the sessions as well as learn it. :)

We started our first treatment session in December. As they picked up the technique easily, we decided on weekly sessions by me and she/he will do daily sessions of at least 30 minutes.

Today, he shared with me that he is no longer on painkillers which he was taking for a while. At the same time, he had a clot in his knee which was causing him pain. Now, the pain is gone. Emotionally, he is also feeling peaceful.

These are improvements. So rather than focus on how weak one may still be, look for the positive difference and focus on that.

And I also shared with him an exercise to do as he prepares to sleep and first thing upon awaking. This would further enhance a positive mind and being which will aid in the healing process.

Sure, some people might feel that being positive is akin to living in la-la-land and not being grounded in reality. If you are the client, you will know that are constantly being reminded of reality and what you are facing. Changing one's focus to be positive is adding a new layer of vibration to change the reality into a healthier and happier one. So, rather than be in a miserable hopeless state, why not embrace living and healing in a forward positive manner?

Increasing Your X-Factor

When I was younger, I used to think that only some people possess the elusive X-factor. Now? I believe that it is possible for us to build and further enhance our X-factor.

When the Singapore Management University invited me to conduct a workshop, I decided that this would be a most useful theme for the workshop. It is part of their Understanding series , a brand new series of programmes originating from the Wee Kim Wee Centre, at SMU.

X-Factor in very general term means the unknown factor or the unexplainable thing which adds a certain value to an object, element or a person. As such, possessing an X-Factor is certainly useful to one's life, isn't it? ?

Discover at this engaging and interactive workshop, on how you can increase your X-Factor through the natural harnessing of the energy component of your life. When your mind, body and heart is in a healthy balance, it results in a positive inner flow of energy leading to many benefits such as increased self-confidence and attractiveness, improved well-being and enhanced interpersonal relationships be it at the workplace or on a personal level.

Date: 18 January 2011 Tuesday
Time: 0630pm -0930pm
Venue: School of Social Sciences, Seminar Room 3.10, Level 390 Stamford Road,
Singapore 178903
Cost: Public : $50 / SMU: Pay only 50% of workshop fee

You can click here to register for the seminar.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Achieving Bliss

I was startled out of my meditative state by a very angry shout. A fellow commuter had shouted at the bus driver because he mistakenly thought the driver was not going to let him alight at the bus stop. It was a super long bus and we had yet to pull into the bus stop. When the man alighted, he had the same angry look and state.

Nothing changed even thought the 'event' was over.

Managing of our emotions is internal.
Bliss is remaining centred regardless of external triggers or events.

I used to be highly affected by circumstances, situations and people. As a result, each day had the potentional to be an emotional coaster ride.

Then as I learnt tools to manage and detox non useful emotions as well as remain non affected, each day became largely blissful with the occasional dips. I am responsible for my own emotions and responses. That gives us control and the ability to achieve bliss. And faciliates our growth to be bliss.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Having a good night sleep is bliss, isn't it?

My quality of sleep was not very good. After I learnt QT in 2005, and especially after doing the 12 colors meditation exercise from Supercharging, the quality of my sleep improved. Initially, I complemented my energy session with Passiflora Tincture from Neal's Yard Remedies (which my friend recommended). Used Passiflora for a bit then found I did not need it any longer.

My graduates also shared that they found that running energy sessions for themselves have helped them to sleep better. In fact, for some of them, running energy sessions is so soothing that they often fall asleep while doing a session!

At one of my workshops, one of my participants turned up late on the second day. We were so happy that it was because she overslept! She has had insomnia for years. So, during the first day of the workshop at the practice session, her 'therapist' (fellow participant) worked more on her head and neck to help her sleep better. And it worked! This is her sharing:

"I have insomnia for a long period of time. I try not to rely too much on sleeping pills. After Day 1 of the QT workshop where I received treatment, I had a heavy dinner and felt sleepy. As it was only 7pm, I didn't want to sleep so had a cup of coffee. But by 8pm, I dozed off. When I woke up, it was 8.30am in the morning. I was amazed staring at the house with all the lights still on." ~ Lily

What's great is that her therapist is a newbie who just learnt QT. That's why I love sharing and teaching QT because it is easy to learn and anybody can master it. A very useful tool especially when you aren't able to visit the wonderful zzzland. :)