Friday, December 31, 2010

Usher in a magical 2011

It is the last day of 2010 and and a brilliant time to let go of what’s past and create a world of possibilities for 2011.

If 2010 has been a fruitful year for you, then you can continue your new year on a positive note. Spend today filled with gratitude for the many blessings... a thankful heart leaves room for even more goodness to flow in.

If 2010 has not been a swell year for you, decide right now to let it go. Instead of focusing and wasting your energy on how awful or unhappy it had been, might as well focus your attention and energy on the brand new year ahead. 5 mins focusing on the negative is the same as 5 mins focusing on the positive. The difference is that the negative will hold you anchored to the past while the positive has an amplifying effect that can help to propel you forward. So focus your energy on what you want; not on what has already happened. Rather than rehash what went wrong (which is already in the past), why not focus on what could be better?

A useful starting question you can ask yourself is: What would make you happy?

If you don’t know what makes you happy, then most likely you will find yourself caught in an endless web of unhappiness. If you don’t know what makes you happy, then it is challenging or near impossible for anyone else in your life to help or give a little nudge. So if you desire to create a different life for yourself, spend some moments today thinking about what would make you happy.

As William Jennings Bryan says "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice". I came across this quote during my dark nights and it has helped me to create the life I desire. In the same way, you too can start 2011 on a fresh new note.

So, as the brand new year dawns, may you experience joy, love, passion, laughter, fun and peace in all you do. May it be a time of new beginnings and the enjoyment of being. Happy new year!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Congratulations Carol!

It is always with a joyous singing heart when I write a post to congratulate yet another graduate for being a certified Quantum-Touch practitioner...


To reach certification status requires discipline, effort and determination because for many of us, it means juggling practice sessions for clients (to clock in the required practicum hours) with our full time job. It means instead of chilling in and resting after a hard day's work, we might be doing a QT session.

Yet we persevere because we see the benefits that the sessions have on our loved ones... and being a certified practitioner opens more windows/ doors of opportunities for us to reach out to a wider audience.

So congrats once again Carol!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Joyous and Blessed Christmas

It is Christmas eve and a time for us to once more, make a resolution to be light and bring good tidings to all people for all days (and may I add, beyond the 12 days.)

May your days be filled with goodness and gladness, may your life be a joyous journey of discovery and expansion and may your heart radiate love and light.

Blessed Christmas everyone and thank you for being a part of my life journey!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

8 seconds to awesomeness

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, that's all the time you need to create a being moment.

Inhale 4 counts and feel goodness flowing in, exhale 4 counts feeling totally relaxed.

When you include pockets of these 8 seconds of awesomeness in your day, you will feel recharged in spite a busy schedule. And when you feel in a less than useful state, including this being moment will give you a burst of calming energy.

The key to this 8 seconds is to totally be in the moment and enjoy your breath. Breathe in.... breathe out.... enjoy and be.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Being Happy for Others

One of the things I have learnt to feel is... a complete sense of happiness for others and a joyous heart celebrating the goodness that happens to them.

Back in the days when I have yet to discover this state of complete being, whenever I hear a good news, I am happy for the person yet feel a tinge of sadness that I wasn't experiencing it ie the happy news. And often, my joy would also be tinged with a trace of envy. Then, I felt bad that I could not be 100% joyous for them.

I am glad that I overcame this hurdle because when we are able to feel complete joy for someone else's goodness, it is a utterly joyous state of being. At the same time, it is also a positive flow of energy towards the person as well as into our own reality. For when we celebrate someone else's happiness, it is also an affirmative nod to the Universe that the same reality is possible for anyone, including us.

Be 100% happy for others, celebrate goodness. The flow of energy when you are able to do that is, simply awesome!