Thursday, April 23, 2009

Congratulations Ping!!

PING, one of my QT graduates from Hong Kong is now officially a Quantum-Touch practitioner!

I am so very proud of her because when she attended my QT workshop in Hong Kong last Dec, she took up my "challenge" to work towards certification by first half of this year and she did it!! Thats the beauty of setting goals, it gives you the momentum to work towards it steadily.

Congrats Ping!!! You are indeed sharing light and love to the people you know and meet!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Everyone needs affirmation every once in a while. Yes, even me. I am human, aren't I? :P

When I first started writing dream-catalyst and this blog, my intention was that someone somewhere out there will benefit from my sharing or observations. Wasn't too concerned by the number of readers but rather that whoever needed a dosage of sunshine to chase away the shadows would chance upon my blogs.

Received a thank you email today.

Yeah, it is real real nice and affirming to know that someone somewhere out there did benefit. Thanks S for taking the time to write!