Monday, June 30, 2008

Healing for Animals

I was over at my friend's place yesterday to do a spot of gardening. Upon reaching his place, the first thing he said to me was "come and QT my Koi. One of them is very sick, probably dying."

Poor fish, it was really in a bad bad shape. So bad that I could hold it in my hand to QT. For sure, it was my first time holding onto a fish to QT it!! When I was QTing the fish, I visualise it happily swimming and free of pain. At the same time, I was non attached to a specific outcome ie the fish must live cos' I know that I am a helper not the creator. What we want is for the fish to be pain free and aid in it's recovery process as much as possible.

When I left his place last evening, the fish was still alive (to the surprise of my friend). Haven't got an update yet. Will keep you posted.

The fish died. I know it's beyond my control yet when my friend told me the news, I felt really sad and wish it could be otherwise. Guess I'm not that non attached to outcome as I would like to be yet.

But the QT session helped the other fish in the pond to survive!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

WOW Energy!

Went for a run this morning and the dragon boat race is still on!!! Bonus boost of WOW energy!!! Glad I followed my intuition to go for a run.

On that note, energy healing is really really useful for fitness and wellness. Without it, I will probably be aching so much from my workouts that I wouldn't even think about exercising on the other days.

That's why it'll be wonderful if athletes and professional sportspeople have regular energy therapy sessions to maintain and enhance their fitness and wellness level. And it would be wonderful if sport teams have energy therapists with them during their matches, wouldn't it? Extra dosage of energy boost for flagging spirits. Recovery from minor injuries. The secret to their winning formula!!

If you're an athlete with an open mind and you want to test this out, email me! I'm game!!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wallow in WOW WOW WOW Energy!!!!

When we meet someone with negative energy, our inner "flee flee flee" alarm goes off immediately. No one likes being in the company of a whiner, grumbler, bitcher and pessimist. I tend to stay away from them and if needed be (unfortunately, you do not have a choice to stay away all the time), I'll minimise contact. Here's a tip.

Whenever I'm caught in one of these "can't be avoided" situations, I find it real useful to surround myself with a joyful rainbow coloured bubble. Since I started using it some time ago, negative company has zero impact upon me. I can still be my pleasant self, they don't drain my energy and sometimes, I'm even inclined to send them the 12 colours too!

The next tip is go look for sources of WOW energy and wallow in them!

Being in the company of positive people is a wonderful source of WOW energy. You feel refreshed and recharged in their company. I'm sure you've met people like that!!! You just want to be in their company. As we know, like attracts like. So be a positive person and you'll find yourself attracting positive people/ friends into your life.

Go for runs or walks at the parks , beach... anywhere that has lots of greenery and nature is wonderful wonderful wonderful. When you tap into the flow of pure energy, the experience is literally out of this world! This is my favourite spot at the Bedok Reservoir. Serenity. Calmness. Beauty. Natural.

Being in an environment or event where there is excitement is a great source of WOW energy too! I went for a run at the reservoir this morning and there was a dragon boat race happening. I was in luck. The participants were in such a ra-ra excited state that the energetic field was WOW! WOW! WOW! I just wallow in the pure flow of positive energy and I tell you, it was such an adrenalin rush soaking it all in!!! I was buzzing buzzing buzzing the whole day!

Finally, being in an aware state is a wonderful source of WOW energy. Notice the breathtaking moments around you as you go about your day. I love clouds and noticing these beautiful creations on separate occasions filled me with a sense awe and I was filled with pure joyous energy.

Being in an aware state also means being in the now and enjoying the now. One of my mentors shared once that we should be renamed human doings and not human beings as we've forgotten the joy of simply being. When you are drinking your cup of coffee, are you just drinking or enjoying? Did you know that it can be a source of WOW energy as well? When I order a cup of hot chocolate, I will savour its taste and thoroughly enjoy it. It makes me happy and that's a WOW energy.

When you're with your friends, are you soaking and enjoying the conversation or is your mind preoccupied with your to-do list? Good conversations and good company are wonderful sources of WOW energy.

enJOYing the being part of our existence opens us up to even greater allowing, greater receiving, greater abundance. Being allows us to be aware of our own emotional states and helps us to tap into different sources of WOW energy. Without the ability to "be", we would be caught in a meaningless cycle of doing. Doing is needed for the greater purpose of being. Not by itself.
Learning energy healing has allowed me to "be" even more and I'm thoroughly enjoying my purpose as a human being than the human doing that I was five years ago.

Have a gorgeous fabulous weekend and enJOY being!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Highest Vibration = Love

The basis of Quantum-Touch is love. As we know, love is the highest vibration that exist that connects us all on a much deeper level and higher reality.

And I believe that's the key to why people who learn it and then use it regulary will find changes happening in themselves and in their lives. They cannot not change.

As you run the energy on yourself or someone else, you find yourself relaxing and opening up. Tension is released. Stress melts away. Shifts in your vibration takes place. And for that 15 to 30 minutes space, your outer defence wall crumbles and all that remains is your beautiful inner core of light. It awakens your innermost desire to be connected in goodness, with goodness. Gives you a taste of internal freedom. The session ends and you're back to your reality. If you remain in the positive vibration, you will find and notice the new positive shifts in your reality and that allows you to attract even more goodness.

But sometimes, your outer reality and circumstances is such that it is downright challenging to remain in a positive state. And once again you get caught up in the swirl of negativity, stress, problems and despair. That's when I encourage you to continue to QT yourself to uplift your spirits so that you can stay connected with the inner core of goodness and maintain your positive vibration. Trust me, things will change for the better. It always does if we choose to remain in a positve vibrational state.

I share this with confidence because that's how I exchanged my reality from one of pain and despair to my current reality of joy and hope. From one where I thought I was an utter failure to the current me with all the richness of life unfolding before me.

enJOY being in the space of goodness. For love is indeed the highest positive vibration that changes, softens and enlivens.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Reality Creating. All Knowing.

Are there moments where you go about your day efficiently managing all your responsibilities. Where you spend your leisure time pursuing what you love. Where nothing is out of place and everything is good. Yet there is a deep seated stirring and restlessness... like an itch that you can't seem to sooth. An awareness and calling to be somewhere else, doing something else... Restless.
Since I can't quite fathom the answer yet, have decided the next best thing to do is to indulge in the Supercharge exercises for Reality Creating and All Knowing.

The Reality Creating exercise is based on Abraham-Hicks material (excellent materials!!!!!!!!!!!!) with an added QT twist. I've been doing this exercise and the results have been amazing at least on those items where I've no emotional issues or crap. For example, there were a couple of occasions where my schedule was so tightly packed that I couldn't breathe yet it was beyond my control to change the meetings. So I decided to use the reality creating exercise to create breathing/ leisure space and it always works!! The other party will call to change or reschedule due to some commitments that have cropped up. Alain Herriot, the author, shared "I have learned that anything I wish for is mine as long as I stay out of my own way and allow the universe to supply it." He goes on to share that you may ask "Is it ok for me to receive these gifts?" If it's not, then he suggests that you do some emotional clearing on this issue. That's where I am at. There are a couple of desires where I suspect I need to do emotional clearing before I can effectively attract the reality. I am unable to step aside and simply let the Universe supply me. Clear crap so there's space for goodness to slide right in!

The All Knowing exercise is great for people who want to be able to "channel" or "know" the answer to why certain things occur, learn how to open themselves to deeper knowledge or get answers from beyond the physical self. I did it once, can't remember what was the question I was asking but I remember the awesome sensations and feelings while I was in that all knowing space. Going to see if I can get an answer to my restlessness.

Get the Supercharge book if you do not have it yet. You'll absolutely love it!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

QT. Anytime. Anywhere.

I was at my grandma's birthday gathering last evening. Now that my cousin and his wifey both learnt QT, we had something in common to talk about. And it sure came in handy over dinner. My uncle-in-law was down with flu, so I QTed him. My uncle was in one of his "moods" so my cousin QTed him. As for my cousin-in-law, her old wound was hurting, so she QTed herself. Then I QTed my grandma (the radiant birthday girl) cos' she was upset about my uncle going into one of his moods.

QT is indeed a handy skill and tool, isn't it?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Responsibility. Healing. Visions

One of the things I've learnt is that we have to constantly make an effort to take care of ourselves and not just look after the needs of others. It is our responsibility to be at our optimum wellness so that we can better serve others and also be congruent in what we do.

A couple of years ago, I was the centre manager for a beauty and wellness centre. One of our marketing strategies was to invite doctors involved in the aesthetic field to test out our treatments for free. One of the doctors who took up our invitation was a dermatologist. She is well known for effective skin treatments and have helped countless of people look better. So imagine the horro of my therapists when they see that the doctor had severe acne on her body!!! She didn't bother treating herself!!!

Bearing this in time, I will make an effort to QT myself everyday even if it's for a couple of minutes. At the same time, I will also schedule monthly healing sessions with my therapist Thean. She's truly amazing and I strongly recommend her to anyone looking for a massage therapist. She's QT/ Reiki trained, does body/ head massages and foot reflexology plus Facial Harmony and of course healing sessions.

Anyway, I just got back from a lovely Facial Harmony session plus a healing session and it sure feels like I'm floating on air. More importantly both she and I had interesting visions while she was doing the healing session for me.

My visions: I was in a conscious state feeling utterly relaxed and thought I'll spend the time thinking happy happy thoughts. So I started thinking about someone *grin* but then the images keeps changing to that of a landscape and so I flowed into that. I saw myself in a place where there are lots of trees, old trees... flowers, sunlight. Something called to me and I felt this immense joy, peace and oneness. A thought flittered across that my love, THE one, would be there. I didn't see him but I know he's there. Then I thought about Red Indians and shamans (where did that come from???) and wolves. The immense joy, peace and oneness remained. Images of the trees and flowers returned and I felt this message deep within me that all will be well. To just flow. The how will be shown in time and the how is not my concern. Feels magical.

Thean's vision: She saw me in a beautiful forest that has sunlight flitering through, a serene and beautiful place. She saw me walking, searching and heeding a call as I made my way through the forest before coming to a stop in the path cos' there was a "transparent" barrier. The path ahead could be clearly seen yet the barrier was there, not of my doing. She asked to see what's beyond, the message she received is that it's not time for me to proceed yet.

After the session, as always we exchanged insights. Bet you know what our feelings were like when we heard what each of us saw. She has also called on a "shaman" in the healing session to help. That's explains why I thought of Red Indians and shamans, probably explains the wolves as well. Amazing isn't it?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Quantum-Touch Live Workshop - Wonderful Participants!!

I love developing and facilitating training programmes and that's why I've chosen it as my profession. I've been involved with training work for the past 15 years starting with volunteer youth work, moving onto being a Family Life Educator and youth worker and now, a corporate trainer.

Naturally, I know that I will enjoy being a Quantum-Touch instructor as well. I just didn't realise how profoundly different it would feel "training" QT.... there was absolutely no stress at all (just so peacful and flowy), my heart was buzzing with sheer joy and the connection with the workshop participants feels deeper.

In my class, I had a few skeptics and that's wonderful cos' I love skeptics. I never seek to convince them, I just invite them to test it out. It's absolutely wonderful to see the look on their faces when they start to run the energy, when they start to feel the sensations and when their "clients" start to feel better. It's even more joyous when my "students" start asking me if they can experiment. Yay!! I'm a firm believer that learning is fun and being in a playful state allows accelerated learning to take place.

While the workshop was peppered with laughter and teasing, when it comes to the practice sessions, they were totally focused and giving their all to their "clients".

When it was time for the fun stuff of charging the wine, we had a slight problem of opening the wine bottle. Thanks to this "perservering team" we were able to have fun in the end.

Since it was a small group, we did both wine and coke.

A BIG THANK YOU to my first batch of graduates!! We certaintly enJOYed ourselves, didn't we?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Quantum-Touch Live Workshop - 1st Evening

It's evening and I'm sitting here typing this post, feeling happy and joyous. I absolutely love sharing about Quantum-Touch and I believe the participants are thoroughly having a great time! What's even better is witnessing their look of surprise on some of their faces when they realise that "YES!!! I can run energy and help my "clients" feel better!!!!". We saw hips being aligned in just 5 minutes and relief of chronic pain.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's session!!! Can't wait!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

12 Colours and Positive Goodness

I love the 12 colours meditation and since I've learnt it, I've incorporated it into my QT sessions for my clients as well as for myself. I especially love using it when I'm doing distance. The energy flow is always strong.

My sis is currently in Spain while my "adopted" sis (best friend of my sis) is in London and the two brave girls are galloping on the road less travelled to realise their dreams. Since their trip, I've been periodically sending them distance but recently, they emailed me specifically asking me to send them energy which is fantastic cos' they used to be skeptical!!!

So I've made an effort to send them distance every day and when I was deep in the sessions, could feel it in my bones that good stuff was going to happen for them shortly.

Just received their emails. My sis has gotten a job offer (almost there, just details to be sorted out) while my "adopted" sis secured a job interview for next Tuesday.

Wonderful, isn't it?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Charging for Your Sessions

When I first started seeing clients, I always had a tussle within myself where payment is concerned. More often than not, I often waive the fees especially if they are friends or if it's their first QT experience. I feel bad charging.

Then some close friends gave me a different perspective on this whole payment issue.
  • There has to be a exchange between you and your client.
  • You are offering a service that benefits them.
  • You have spent money to learn the various modules.
  • When no monetary value is placed on a session, people subsconsciously already "devalue" the session in their minds.
  • The payment is in exchange for your service and time.
  • By not accepting payment, some will feel bad asking for further sessions.

Totally true as I've discovered and experienced. I still QT close friends and loved ones for free cos' that's an expression of my love for them. At the same time, I now joyously accept the abundance from my paying clients.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Intuitive Insights

Thanks to Quantum-Touch, I've attracted new people into my life. And some of them have become very good friends like Marilyn . She was my first paying client and we hit it off from the first moment (you would too cos' Marilyn just radiates such joy and energy that you can't help liking her!!!). We would never have met if not for Quantum-Touch as she lives in another part of the world. She found me through the QT website. It is only much later on one of her subsquent trips down to Singapore that I found out that she chose me cos' she felt we could be friends!!! As a result of our deepening friendship, the links just keep growing. I've met her hubby, one of her children, her friends and I like everyone of them and I've a feeling that I will get to meet more of her circle of friends in the not too distance future.

Anyway, over the weekend, I got in touch with one of her friends G who lives in UK and is an intuitive. I've heard wonderful things about this amazing lady from both Marilyn and her daughter that I was curious too. And so I emailed her a list of questions for her insights.

Wow!! Am glad I did. She's given me good direction, affirmation as well as some new food for thought. One of my questions relates to QT and her reply was for me to continue to be on this path and to seriously consider doing this full time cos' QT is very linked to my life path and it'll bring about even more positive changes!!! That's exactly how I feel!! Like I shared with my good friend Yvonne, QT has changed my life. Through it, I've become a much better person and it'll be lovely if I could weave QT even more deeply into my life. Am sure the Universe will supply the "how" in its time.

Drop me an email if you would like a consultation with G.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Your Belief = Their Growing Trust

I've often been asked by QT "newbies" as to the best way to convince someone about how wonderful and good QT is. My reply is always that we can't!!! There's no way to convince someone BUT we can share with someone on the richness and goodness. The convincing part will be their own journey and experience. Some will accept it sooner than others and some won't. That's perfectly ok.

One of my best experiences was when a friend called me up and asked me to QT his children cos' they were ill. Coming from a skeptic, that was an awesome experience for me!! Guess he has seen it working in my life, my belief that it works and his trust in it grew as well. So much so that he even believe that distance works too!!! Wow isn't it?

You just have to continue to do what you do, practice it and weave it into your everyday life. No necessity to argue, fight or insist. Gentle. Gentle. Gentle.
