Whenever I'm caught in one of these "can't be avoided" situations, I find it real useful to surround myself with a joyful rainbow coloured bubble. Since I started using it some time ago, negative company has zero impact upon me. I can still be my pleasant self, they don't drain my energy and sometimes, I'm even inclined to send them the 12 colours too!
The next tip is go look for sources of WOW energy and wallow in them!
Being in the company of positive people is a wonderful source of WOW energy. You feel refreshed and recharged in their company. I'm sure you've met people like that!!! You just want to be in their company. As we know, like attracts like. So be a positive person and you'll find yourself attracting positive people/ friends into your life.
Go for runs or walks at the parks , beach... anywhere that has lots of greenery and nature is wonderful wonderful wonderful. When you tap into the flow of pure energy, the experience is literally out of this world! This is my favourite spot at the Bedok Reservoir. Serenity. Calmness. Beauty. Natural.

Being in an environment or event where there is excitement is a great source of WOW energy too! I went for a run at the reservoir this morning and there was a dragon boat race happening. I was in luck. The participants were in such a ra-ra excited state that the energetic field was WOW! WOW! WOW! I just wallow in the pure flow of positive energy and I tell you, it was such an adrenalin rush soaking it all in!!! I was buzzing buzzing buzzing the whole day!
Finally, being in an aware state is a wonderful source of WOW energy. Notice the breathtaking moments around you as you go about your day. I love clouds and noticing these beautiful creations on separate occasions filled me with a sense awe and I was filled with pure joyous energy.

Being in an aware state also means being in the now and enjoying the now. One of my mentors shared once that we should be renamed human doings and not human beings as we've forgotten the joy of simply being. When you are drinking your cup of coffee, are you just drinking or enjoying? Did you know that it can be a source of WOW energy as well? When I order a cup of hot chocolate, I will savour its taste and thoroughly enjoy it. It makes me happy and that's a WOW energy.

When you're with your friends, are you soaking and enjoying the conversation or is your mind preoccupied with your to-do list? Good conversations and good company are wonderful sources of WOW energy.
enJOYing the being part of our existence opens us up to even greater allowing, greater receiving, greater abundance. Being allows us to be aware of our own emotional states and helps us to tap into different sources of WOW energy. Without the ability to "be", we would be caught in a meaningless cycle of doing. Doing is needed for the greater purpose of being. Not by itself. Learning energy healing has allowed me to "be" even more and I'm thoroughly enjoying my purpose as a human being than the human doing that I was five years ago.
Have a gorgeous fabulous weekend and enJOY being!
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