Friday, March 25, 2011

Aha.. and so this is why...

A couple of weeks ago, when I was meditating, a message popped in for me to gift a friend's friend with cash. I only know this person through my friend's conversations and have never met him. But the message was clear: "Give him this X amount of money for his baby".

I didn't know why but I listened and followed.

The person was utterly surprised and very grateful for the gift because he has been worried about his financial situation. We both agreed that the Universe does indeed work in mysterious ways as we have long observed.

A few days ago, my friend shared that his baby was hospitalised and as such, the money was very needed and of great help. And we now understood the why. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Healing Sessions for Pre-Surgery

Two of my clients went for major surgeries on Monday. One for a hysterectomy and the other, for a heart valve surgery. As part of the "preparation" for the operations, we did healing sessions prior to and after the surgery.

My first client could text me in high spirits about three hours after her surgery. The next day, her gynae commented that she was healing very well, and told the nurse that it was unnecessary for her to be on liquid diet. The client herself shared with me that she was "glowing" and she could chat with me in her usual high spirits. Today, she's discharged and when I check in on her this afternoon, she said that she was doing her laundry!

My second client is also doing well. There were concerns re the surgery due to her age yet it was necessary. After the heart valve surgery, she was in ICU. Just received an sms earlier from her daughter that she will be transferring to a general ward soon.

Healing sessions for pre-surgery strengthens the person and definitely accelerate the healing process as well. Besides physically strengthening a client, the sessions also help the person to stay calm and positive. It is something that everyone can include as part of their preparation for any surgery.

Updates (5 March)

People who met my first client days after her surgery were completely surprised that she's even gone for one! Most women, after a hysterectomy, would also be bleeding for a bit. My client did not at all. She's been up and about, and out as well. She's also fondly nicknamed me the bum un-numbner. Her bum was aching from lying too long on the hospital bed. After some whizzy whazzy, the ache was completely gone. Hence my new nickname. :)

For my second client, four days after the surgery, she's been transferred to a normal walk, is her usual chatty self and could walk with her daughter to the foodcourt. "She's really doing so well," as her daughter shared.