Thursday, September 30, 2010

Savour Your Glass of Water

Was chatting with a dear friend yesterday and we came to the topic of water.

She reminded me that our ability to drink water is a joyous moment. Unfortunately, it has become a task or action that most people take for granted or in many cases, neglected. We are not drinking enough water and even when we do, we tend to gulp it down quickly and efficiently.

How about savouring your water for a difference?

Take a sip of water and as you swallow, imagine or visualise your body cells happily receiving this gift of life. You could hear your cells going "yes yes yes".

Take the next sip, enjoy the sensation of the water and again, visualise your cells being nourished. Continue to do this till you finish drinking your glass of water. Yes, it does take a little more time but the bonus benefit is that when you do this exercise, you are naturally in a being state. Besides hydrating your body, you are also resting your mind and body for those few mins.

For those of you who are energy trained, you can charge your water first before drinking it.

Btw, came across this article on Drink Water to Lose Weight. :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Doing QT for my loved ones

"I would like to use QT to help/ heal my loved ones."

This is one of the most often cited reasons given by participants at my QT workshop. It is also one of the reasons why I love it; it is a tool that allows us to change a helpless state into a helpful one. For example, both my grandmothers are getting on in years (my paternal grandma celebrated her 86th birthday while maternal grandma celebrated her 103rd birthday) and have their share of aches/ pains. Instead feeling helpless about it, I do distance healing sessions for them plus visit them.

Yet, given our busy and hectic schedules, many of my participants find it difficult to spend enough time QTing all their loved ones. As a result, instead of a joyous experience, they often share that they feel bad not spending enough time working on their family.

I too faced the same issue initially because there were too many family members that I felt would benefit from QT. Then at the start of this year, I decided that I will work on two or three family members over a period of time and then move on to another two or three family members. My formula is a 15 mins daily distance healing session over 40 days (continuously) for each person. A wise mentor shared with me about the benefits of a 40 days' period, it is the completion of a cycle so I implemented it as such.

It is a discipline following through with the 40 days' period. On days when my schedule is packed, it takes effort to sit, be still and do the sessions. Yet, in spite of my fatigue, I know I will feel this joyous burst of energy each time. And at the end of the sessions, I am recharged. While the sessions are an anonymous gift to my family, I've realised that they are also a gift to me. For when we do the healing sessions for others, we are also healing ourselves in the process. As such, I am stronger and better for it.

If you find yourself stretched for time, you can choose to work on one family member once a week or 5 mins a day over a week etc. Choose a time frame that is comfortable for you. It does not matter if you can only spend 15 mins on your family member. That 15 mins is precious and he/ she is better for it than not having it.

Above all, enJOY the process!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Straits Times article on dementia

Read this article in today's Straits Times on the expected increase in number of people suffering from dementia. And that the global bill for dementia is a whopping $805 billion! As I read, I sent out an intention for more people as well as caregivers to learn QT as it helps. :)

I've written previously on how QT has helped a client with dementia. Here's the sharing:
A client engaged me in January last year to work on her father who suffers from dementia. She felt that he had a "haunted" look on his face, certainly not at peace and was often agitated. I recommended that we do three distance healing* sessions over a period of a week in time to celebrate the Chinese New Year with a positive difference.

My client called me after the Chinese New Year celebrations and shared that at the reunion dinner, her dad actually stayed on at the table with the family. It was the first time in a while as his usual pattern would be to finish his dinner, leave the table and watch TV. She also observed that her dad was calmer and has started to enjoy playing with his grandchildren!My client decided to continue with monthly distance healing sessions for her dad. Since then, he was in an excellent emotional state. In fact, he’s in such a wonderful state that my client thought to stop the sessions in July. I recommended that instead of stopping completely, at least to do a short session and we observe how that works out.

In the month that we skipped the monthly full session, her dad acted and was in an agitated state, the first time in 6 months since we started the sessions in Jan. My client smsed for help and I did a session for him on that very day. Had a chance to speak with the client two days later and she shared that on the day I did the session for her dad, he slept very well and by the next day, he returned to a calm state of being. She realised that my recommendation for the minimum of monthly sessions are needed indeed to help her dad stay calm and peaceful. In June this year, a year and a half since we started the sessions, I shared with my client that we can discontinue the monthly sessions as her dad’s emotional state is stable. As she is energy-trained, she can now do the sessions for her dad instead.

For clients with dementia, I believe that with more regular sessions, even better improvements could be achieved. As such, if care-givers learn QT, it would certainly be useful as they can do daily sessions for their loved ones.

* Distance healing means session is done remotely without having to see the client face to face

Monday, September 20, 2010

Learning energy healing is great for students

One of my clients shared with me about her niece who kept feeling the urge to vomit in the mornings. She has been to see the doctor but it wasn't of much help. She asked me what could I do for her niece. I shared that in this case, the best recommendation would be for her niece to learn energy healing. It will help her to enhance her well-being as well as help her to manage exam stress since she is a student. Charmaine attended my workshop two weeks ago and this is her testimonial.

Charmaine Tan, 16 years old:

Ya, I hardly vomit. When I am doing my Physics paper, for multiple choices, I can now, sometimes feel if the answer is correct. Also, I help to heal my friends and sister. My friend don't feel any pain and my sister says when I'm working on her, she can feel that her fingers are vibrating somehow. I've also worked on myself and I feel very comfortable after that. I realized that I'm good with feelings. Also, whenever I feel unwell or tired and have pain in my eyes or even stomachache, stress or anything else that I feel uncomfortable with, after working on it, I can really feel much better, as in I feel lighter.

I've also sent energy to my room and before my tests and I think its really effective as I feel that is going smoothly. Also, after attending the workshop, I've been more hardworking than before. I'm happy to learn it and I will always remember what you've taught me!

Thank you!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Core of Light and Love

I met a new friend for tea last week and it was delightful to exchange insights and stories. Among the stories she shared, one made me paused in indignation.

She had related the harrowing experience of attending a course due to the behaviour of the instructor. Instead of being an encouraging and affirmative instructor, the instructor talked down to them and even called the participants names such as "bodoh" which means stupid. The instructor also made light of the feedback/ feelings of the participants and did nothing to be of help.

When she shared this, I remembered the posting that I wrote on therapists with core of light. This applies to trainers, teachers and instructors too. If we decide to be catalysts of transformation and hope, then let love and light be our core.

Rather than cause someone to feel less, why not do the best we can to offer them hope?

Monday, September 13, 2010

State What You Want

When we are doing a healing session or setting an intention, it is more effective to state what you want and not what you do not want.

For example, instead of "I do not want to be sick", change it to "I am healthy". So when you are running energy on yourself, state that as an intention and during the session, visualise yourself as being strong, healthy etc.

When you state what you want, the energy becomes a positive flow and the vibration also increases. As such, you would also find yourself enjoying the healing session more and will be in a joyous happy state.

When you focus on what you do not want, often you will find yourself feeling agitation or are irritated when you are doing the healing session. This is not a useful state to be in when working with energy as like attract like. As such, being in a happy and positive state will attract increased goodness into your life.

So before doing a session, check your emotional and mental state. If you are in a angry, frustrated or irritated mood, it might be more beneficial to first do some self-healing so that you can return to a calm or neutral state. Then after that, do the session for your desired outcome.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Testimonial from client

I feel it is an affinity that Bernie and I got to know each at the right place and the right time in May 2010 when we attended the same workshop. I was quite skeptical about her healing style (which I find similar to Reiki which I had also been very skeptical about). But the thought that my injured neck can be restored back to its original prime condition with Quantum-Touch left me with a deep impression.

I was very fit, healthy and very muscular until July 2007 when my intense gym workout caused cervical vertebrae C6 and C7 to collapse and pinch on my nerves. I suffered severe numbness on my right hand 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. I’ve consulted Sports Doctor, Senior Physiotherapist, Acupuncturist, TCM practitioner to treat my problems. After many physiotherapy and acupuncture sessions, my numbness have subsided tremendously but not completely cured. And I was not able to perform the level of intense workout that I used to. As a result, my muscle mass has shrunk. My spirit has not been very good since.

About 3 weeks ago (early Aug 2010), I was working out my shoulder and aggravated that injured part again. This time, it affected both my right and left hands. Although the numbness was still bearable, the back of my neck felt the strain and ached which greatly affected my mood and energy level. I was about to see a Chiropractor but there was this force that prompted me to contact Bernie (through Facebook messaging) to see if she could help me restore myself back to my prime stage.

During my first QT session, Bernie was able to see my other problem spots though I only mentioned my neck. During healing, my nose (I have sinus problem) felt so itchy as though as there was a worm wriggling inside. I can feel energy force running about inside my face. After the healing, I felt so recharged and there was a slight improvement to my neck and shoulder. Hours by hours later, my neck and shoulder felt at least 80% better. By next day, the numbness on both hands were virtually gone. My neck area felt very relaxed and loose. I felt so energetic and was able to lug my heavy camera bag around for my photo shoot.

After I experienced this vast result, I called my friend, a young lady with series of health problems and recommended her to try this QT healing and she responded with great interest. I had my 2nd session this afternoon and my friend in the evening. She called me (before I typed this testimonial) after her session and told me that her face was very rosy instead of the usual pale white look.

Since my first QT healing, I am no longer skeptical about QT, Reiki, Qigong or other holistic healing techniques. Both my friend and I have decided to learn Quantum-Touch healing in Oct this year after my exams are over. Thanks Bernie.

Bernard Shen,
31 August 2010