Sunday, March 28, 2010

Enhance Your Chakras Workshop

Interested in chakras?
Or to scan your own chakras for insights?

Join us for my next Enhance Your Chakras workshop. During this one day workshop, we will explore the wonderful world of chakras and more importantly, how we can achieve greater well-being by understanding the "state" of our chakras and by working on them. Through interactive exercises, you will learn the steps to "scan" your chakras as well as how you could further balance and align them for a happier and healthier you!

Make a date with us on: Sat 10 April from 9.30am to 4.20pm. Call me for more info or to register for the workshop.

enJOY a beautiful abundant week ahead!

Being patient with yourself

Woke up this morning and the title for this post popped into my head. Wasn't planning to blog today but guess greater energies at work! Okie, this is for you, the someone somewhere who is looking for this sharing. :)

My clients/ friends/ students often tell me: "I want to scan like you do", "I want to feel happy like you do", "I want to be as successful like you", "I want to enjoy life the way you do", "I want, I want.."

Sure, we all have wants. The key is to have YOUR wants or dreams and not compare/ benchmark against someone else. What makes YOU happy and not what makes you happy because it makes ABC happy.

That's the lesson I learnt. In my book, I wrote about how I used to strive to be the best in all I do - the best student, the best daughter, the best friend, the best volunteer, the best employee, the best..the best.. the best. An endless and tiring list because I strove to be the best as that would make people like me or fulfill others' expectations. At that time, I did not like myself very much and so external validation of my self worth was so very important. As I went on my self-healing journey, self-acceptance and self-love became personalised and lived. No longer just a concept.

The second lesson I learnt is to be patient with myself. This is as challenging as learning to love myself. Efficiency and fast results were two key words in my operating vocabulary and so I had to overcome my impatience as I started to rebuild my life.

My skills and gifting came with time and the dream life I'm leading was achieved through effort, mistakes, learnings, tears, joys, support, setbacks, challenges, positivity. It took time. Friends who have journeyed with me will share with you that I certainly went on a pretty long journey to get here. Periods of sadness and despair coupled with doubts that life can be different. Patience was so very needed then. (Btw, it is also needed now as I continue on this new phase of life. I have to be patient as I grow my passion into a successful practice.)

We are on a perfecting journey. So rather than live a life regretting what you have done or not done, focus your energies on how you can be better the next time or do things differently. Above all, be patient with yourself and be kind to yourself as you go on this perfecting journey. We are often our harshest critics and that's the internal blockage that we face. When released, we will then allow flow to happen. Bliss.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dream Catalyst

As you would have read, I've registered a company called Dream Catalyst. A friend is currently helping to set up a website for me. In the meantime, I'm using this blog to list the workshops and private sessions that we're offering.

Th eagle-eyed among you would have noticed the "we" term. *BIG GRIN* Well, my dream is to build and grow a catalyst network of like-minded people (this means providing service with integrity and heart!) to provide clients with effective tools and resources to achieve emotional, physical and mental well-being.

Here are the private sessions currently offered:

Wellness & Rejuvenation (60 mins)
If you are suffering from physical aches, emotional pain or an ailment, this wellness and rejuvenation session will help to accelerate your healing process. Some of the clients we have worked with suffered from insomnia, back aches, cervical spondylosis, skin condition, leukemia, cancer, dementia, sprains/ fractures, severe migraines, stress, depression. At the same time, the session is beneficial for pre- and post-surgery care for a speedy recovery.

Ping, Hong Kong
I have been working on anger issues for over a year; very intensively for the past three months. The more issues I resolved, the more issues came up. On one hand, I'm happy that I can let go of a lot stuff; on the other hand, it's a struggle and very frustrating for me, and painful for family members who have been my victims. Bernadette identified the core issue and cut the cord linked to undesired emotions within one private session. 45 minutes ended my long time agony.

Wei Lee, Singapore
I was quite skeptical about energy healing when I initially learnt of it. During this period when I fell ill with abnormal numbness in my arms and fingers; I was re-introduced to this again by a friend and was treated by Bernadette. Through this tremendous treatment and healing result, I am deeply convinced that the sessions can really help in many forms of discomfort a person experiences in his/ her life. I would definitely recommend this to any person and friends for complementary treatments for their illness.

Tag, Singapore
My dad told me today that he no longer feels any pain and thanked me for introducing
Quantum-Touch to him. Thank you for your services. You spared him a lot of pain and treatments. At the same time, I also believe that the sessions you did for my grandpa prior to his surgery resulted in his speedy recovery!

Wellness & Joy (60 mins)
For the busy individuals, the Wellness & Joy session relaxes and recharges you. Depending on personal needs, a session once every few months or even monthly for continued well-being have proven restorative for clients.

SG, Singapore
I feel recharged and energised after the sessions, an effective way to relax and chill.

Wellness & Love (60 mins)
For clients looking to further enhance their relationships with loved ones, the Wellness and Love session provides a catalyst for new beginnings and better relationships.

Theresa Chee, Singapore
3 days after session: I chatted with my mom for half an hour harmoniously. This has never happened before. I enjoyed the chat. Thank you very much, Bernie. I am very thankful and glad that I saw you.

2 months after session: Wonderful relationship. Loving communication. Just the opposite response from before clearing. No words to describe except magic. It happened instantly and naturally. Everything falls into place by itself.

Distance Healing Sessions (45 mins)
For clients with hectic schedules or are not based in Singapore, the sessions can be done through distance healing.

How this works:

  • Contact us at 9272 9476 or to fix an appointment as well as to discuss the outcome for the sessions.
  • At the scheduled time, you will receive healing energy by our therapist.
  • During this time, you can be relaxing/ sleeping or doing your usual routine.
  • Our therapist will contact you for follow-through/ feedback
  • Fee can be transferred through bank transfers or paypal

Emily, Singapore
My parents are so much better. My dad who has dementia is now peaceful and calm, no more “naggie” good are the vibes that my younger daughter (especially) and older daughter stayed the whole day on Saturday (10am to 11.30pm) without fussing!!

HappyPrint Reading for Effective Parenting

In this session, Bernadette will use her intuitive abilities to provide insights on what’s needed to provide a conducive and nurturing environment for your child in his or her formative years.

Through the HappyPrint Reading for Effective Parenting, you will:
  • discover your child’s blueprint for what’s needed to be happier and successful in life
  • gain useful insights on how you could communicate with your child more effective
  • receive personalised recommendations on how to help your child to maximize his/ her potential

The session is applicable only for children under the age of 12.
For clients who are not in Singapore, the scan can be done via skype or phone call.


Emily Tan, Singapore
Bernadette did the scan for my two girls and it’s absolutely spot on in profiling them! At the same time, she provided me useful insights on how to overcome challenges and issues that I am currently facing with them. The recommendations provided me with a tool to be an even more effective parent especially in their formative years!

HappyPrint Reading

A study published recently says that being happy helps one to avoid a heart attack. Researchers at Columbia University rated the happiness levels of more than 1,700 adults in Canada with no heart problems in 1995. After a decade, they examined the 145 people who developed a heart problem and found happier people were less likely to have one. Other experts also said that happiness itself could result in a healthier heart compared to emotions such as stress or depression.

Everyone seeks to lead happy and fulfilling lives yet many failed to achieve this. One of the reasons is that often, we are following somebody else’s blueprint for happiness.

Through the HappyPrint Reading, you will:

  • discover YOUR blueprint for what’s needed to be happier
  • gain useful insights for greater self-awareness and areas for improvement
  • receive personalized recommendations
In this session, Bernadette will use her intuitive abilities to read your energy centres (chakras) to provide insights on what's working well and the areas for enhancement for greater alignment, balance and happiness.

Chakras are the subtle energy centers of the body. The ancient Indian Yogis understood the nature of the subtle energy which drives all biological function. They called these centers “Chakras” which literally means “wheels.” Those who see energy often perceive the chakras as spinning with a wheel-like appearance. The chakras are thought to vitalise the physical body and to be associated with interactions of both a physical and mental nature. To heal, is to bring the chakras into alignment and balance.

Clients often found it beneficial to complement the HappyPrint Reading with a Wellness & Rejuvenation session to enhance the chakras that are balanced and provide therapeutic work on those that need improvements.

For clients who are not in Singapore, the scan can be done via skype, phone call or email.


Dr Marilyn Rodger, Scotland
The scan with Bernadette is both insightful and healing. The insights were very meaningful and made a difference in my life immediately. Bernadette works on spiritual, emotional and physical issues and she is dedicated to assisting you harness your mind, body and health skills.

Kenneth Lim, Principal Success Catalyst of
Bernadette is understanding and professional in the way she works with her clients. Personally I have benefited very much from her HappyPrint Scan. I became more aware of my own shortfalls especially in my inability to properly communicate to others about how I truly felt, and this was surfaced in the scan in the form of a dark energy surrounding the Throat Chakra. The wonderful thing about Bernadette is that she goes beyond diagnosis and analysis; she goes one dimension further to suggest practical solutions that empower her clients to take control of their problems and ultimately be in a sustained state of abundant joy. In my case, she advised me to direct my throat energy down to the base and into the ground, which worked well as I communicated more openly to my wife and people around me after I did that. She is also a great catalyst for those who are on the energy and spiritual path as they will get important feedback on how to enhance their cultivation practices. I will strongly recommend Bernadette to anyone who is experiencing any form of dis-ease and/or just wants to feel better.

Bingz, Singapore
B's scan is quite amazing. I'd say it's more of a intuitive chakra reading, where she looks into each of the 7 main chakras, and tells you what the chakras want to let you know at the moment. It's like having an energy check up to evaluate where you are in your inner world currently, and how it may have caused your outer reality to change. Through her reading, I received valuable insights in areas of my finance, relationships, personal power, intuition etc. And she does it with so much love and respect for my personal space when it came to stuff that's quite sensitive. Though I do energy work also, I feel that it's beneficial to get an unbiased 2nd opinion to see how my efforts have paid off in clearing and energizing my chakras, and also which area I could focus more on.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Quote for today

Was happily chatting with a client-turned-friend and out popped: "You can be of significance even before your are significant".

Wow. This will be one of my favourite self-quotes.

You can be love, be joy, be help, be kindness, be service, be light... anytime. That's my belief. It does not have to wait till when you're a millionaire, till when you are pure loving being, till when you have free time, till when you're retired, till when the other person is nicer to you, till when you are out of that dreadful situation, till when.....

Shine. Be significance tonight, tomorrow, all time.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wallowing in pure energy

I've scheduled in a daily morning walk at the Bedok Reservoir as part of my cleansing, exercising and strengthening routine and today was the first morning. As I stepped out of my house, I was refreshed by the splendour of a dawning sky. I simply just basked in the energy swirls of blues and cream. Gratitude for life. Peace. Bliss. Calm.

The blaring horns of the busy frantic parents getting their children to school on time and people getting to work on time broke my meditative state. It was jarring for a couple of seconds till I retreat once more into my centre of calm and bliss.

Soon I reached my sanctuary. Lush greenery, pure energy. It's been a while since I went for a walk and yet, it feels completely familiar. As I walked on earth, I did grounding and detoxifying. Feels lighter with each step that I took.

It's a beautiful conducive environment for meditation. Tranquil, peaceful and blissful as I soaked in pure energy.

It's a beyond-great way to start off one's day, wallowing in pure blissful energy. As I made my way back, this beautiful sight greeted me - a tree haloed by sunlight.

As we become increasingly attuned to the flows of energy, it corresponds to an increased appreciation of the splendid beauty of nature as well as the immense energy to be tapped on. Yet in our busyness, we hardly make time to be in the presence of pure energy. I was guilty of that. Today's walk made me realise how much I missed my walks and yes, I will continue with them.

What about you? :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

QT Workshop this weekend

It's QT weekend and I'm all excited about it! Though I have conducted lots of workshop yet each time, I am filled with joy and bliss cos' each person coming to the workshop is unique. This means different sharing & experiences, new learnings for all of us. I am also joyous cos' am equipping them with a very useful tool!

Loving Flow

In the past, I used to have a mental + physical to-do list of all the tasks that needed to get done on a day to day basis. It kept me efficient, busy and pretty anal. I get irked and irritated when things are not completed as fast as I want to or the way I want to. This includes my list of goals.


When I started on my self-healing journey, I sought to understand the meaning of "being" and soon, began to truly enjoy flow. The control I have is not over events or other people. It is over my own inner world. Control also means letting go of outer control for flow to happen. I find this a loving and being method that works for me.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy News from 12 year old client!!

In July 2008, my friend May in Hong Kong called me July to share with me about her colleague's 12-year old son who was diagnosed with leukemia. What's interesting is that the universe had already prepared me to work with him through a message from my friend Thean a week before the call.

I worked on him via distance session as well as invited the students at my workshop to distance him as well. There were also other energy workers working on him. At that time, he was undergoing chemo sessions. Within weeks of me knowing about him, we received the news that he's found a bone marrow transplant donor which is excellent news. That was the intention that we sent out to the Universe.

Next, we focus on building up his strength so that he can undergo the operation. Throughout the whole process, I was told that he remained extremely positive and upbeat in spite of the pain that he must be going through. In September, he was strong enough to go for the operation. The doctors shared that it is a miracle that he is even alive to go through the operation. Here is a wonderful testament to how doctors plus energy work can give a person a more than 100% chance to triumph. I made a trip to Hong in December 2008 to teach QT to his mother so that she can continue to QT him as he recovers. Last year, she shared that he is recovering well at home.

Recently, I emailed her to check on progress and she emailed back that "he is fine! We had the regular blood checking on March 1 and the result was normal. We are going to have the scan in May, if we got the clear report this time, I may arrange my son to go back to school this September."


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This is why I chose this path....

Now that my dad's happily retired, we had more opportunities for in-depth conversations. This morning, we were chatting about my decision to quit corporate world and follow my call (to be a lightworker, energy worker, healer etc as described by others) to do my work full time. I shared with him about a call that I received from a client yesterday and how it affirms the decision I made.

My client has communication issues with his wife. As with most marriages/ relationships, the sparks and intimacy of early courtship and couplehood has been replaced with operational existence and icy/ fiery exchanges. He approached me to do sessions to further enhance the relationship flows. I did 3 sessions over 2 weeks.

After the first two sessions, there was a change in his wife's attitude towards him plus she became happier too. Yay!!! I did the 3rd session for them on Monday. During the session, I cut the energy cords linked to any past unhappiness etc as well as enhance the relationship flows between the two of them for a happier future as a couple/ family. At the same time, I also balanced/ enhanced the chakras for the both of them.

When he called me on Tuesday morning, he shared that for the first time in many years, he and his wife had a nice conversation after dinner. It was natural and non of the usual busyness and tension was present. They both thoroughly enjoyed the time spent.

Of course, my client will continue to make the effort to improve the relationship. The energy sessions were meant to provide an added boost to accelerate the process and "clear the barriers".

When I heard his sharing, I was very happy. His is one of many cases of enhanced relationships that I have worked on. Here's another example. On a personal level, I have also done sessions to further enhance relationships between my loved ones and I as well as with friends. And yes, it always work.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Love afterall...

My friend called me on Friday to do urgent sessions for his grandpa who suffered heart problems while holidaying in Hong Kong. At the same time, also to do another session for his grandma who had a stroke and is recovering in Singapore.

These sessions are done via distance and as always, when I am in the healing space, I allow and follow the healing flows as they appear. I did the first session for his grandpa yesterday, did what I could to increase his life force energy, "clear" the blocked arteries as well as enhance his immune system and balanced his chakras.

This morning, when I was sending the healing energy to his grandma, the insight came that I would also need to work on them (ie my friend's grandma and grandpa) as a couple. When I was done with the session for his grandma, I started work on his grandpa.

About 10 minutes into the session, I started work on them as a couple and it was about 'making peace', forgiveness and yes, love. The energy flows "went back in time" to when they were both much younger and very much in love. The sheer power of the love energy flows was beautiful to behold and more importantly, it provided them both with a change catalyst for the now. When all that was needed to be cleared was cleared, love and peace remained.

As a therapist, I am thankful to have this opportunity to witness love in its pure essence and beauty. As a person, this session reminded me that love truly triumphs above all...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Feel a difference this year

If you are looking to further enhance your physical, emotional or mental well-being, learning Quantum-Touch equips you with a useful tool that you can use immediately after the workshop. Here's some insights from past participants:

Kenneth Lim, Principal Success Catalyst of
Bernadette has been an extremely engaging trainer throughout the QT session, who manages break this complicated and seemingly intimidating field into something easy to grasp. Her stories were truly inspiring as they drove us to re-think our paradigms with the powerful principles like ‘Energy follows intention’ and ‘Breathe, breathe, breathe!’which she emphasized and reinforced since day one. The QT workshop also gave us a unique way of understanding how we function as facilitators of healing and that our highest positive intention drives the process. The workshop has been filled with fun, laughter, joy, and sometimes tears as there were moments that touched the depths of our hearts, and if not, our soul. An excellent program with impressive and professional trainer! Please keep up the great work!

Andrea Viders, Hong Kong
I attended Bernadette's Quantum Touch workshop on the recommendation of friends. They told me that it was a very powerful energy modality and that they were able to use it immediately to heal people. As I personally discovered in Bernadette's 2-day workshop, QT is all that, but it's also fun and easy to learn. Bernadette is an experienced trainer. She combines just the right amount of theory with hands-on learning and she's affable and warm so everyone learns and enjoys. Bernadette includes Chakra balancing and healing in her workshop, which is especially interesting and helpful. After only one workshop I've been able to use QT for all kinds of healing and self-improvement. I highly recommend it!

Fiona K Hogan, Singapore
Hi Bernadette

How time flies…. It’s been just over a full year since I attended your Quantum Touch certification course in January 2009. But I wanted to share my experiences with Quantum-Touch (QT) in the months that came after.

When I first started out, it was hard to incorporate QT in my daily life. It took lots of practice to keep the breathing right, and my family were (still are) are quite skeptical. So I ended up using QT for my work life almost exclusively.

It was on and off, for a long time. They say it takes 14 days to form a habit but only if it’s 14 days straight! I worked at it and finally got into the habit of QTing before I went in to work.

As I do the overnight shift most often, I QTed for loads of calls to help me meet my work targets. I also QTed for good calls, so I wouldn’t get so stressed out (I work in a call centre). After a while, I realised this was exactly what I was getting. I would be pretty busy, but I wouldn’t FEEL busy. The calls would come in quickly, and end quickly, with no real problem customers or issues emerging. It was great! This continued for about 3-4 months.

Then in September 2009, for various reasons, I was motivated to produce a less-busy shift. Now I QTed for a good shift, and an easy one at that. It took a while, too, for me to realise that woohoo! It was working! It’s been good and easy shifts for the last 4 months or so and now if I don’tQT before my shift starts, I feel uneasy. Sometimes, I wonder if it’s my imagination…. But I also have to share that on my off days, my colleagues seem
busier. So I can only suspect that when I QT for a good and easy shift, the energy flows and encompasses my colleagues on that day too. Interesting thought, yes?

By the way, for those that are statistically inclined, the busier shifts saw me taking about 35 to 45 calls on average, per shift. Now, when I QT for an easier shift, I do an average of 20 – 30 calls only. It’s a significant shift volume-wise.

I just wanted to let you know that QT seems to have worked in a small but very significant way for me. The QT website shares loads of examples on life-changing health or emotional issues. But the small things matter too. Perhaps your other QT graduates may find this an useful example?

All the best!


You can also read the QT website for more healing stories.

For those of you looking to feel a difference this new year, join us for my next workshop on the weekend of 20/ 21 March 2010. Give me a call at 92729476 or email me at if you would like more details or to register for the workshop.