To forgive is truly an act of courage because you choose to accept responsibility to change your life regardless of what another person has done to you.
To forgive is truly an act of compassion because you choose to see the person who has hurt you in a different positive light.
And in turn, to forgive becomes a blessing and healing for you.
"... blessing is the ancient secret that releases us from life's suffering long enough to replace it with another feeling. When we bless the people or things that have hurt us, we're temporarily suspending the cycle of pain. Whether this suspension lasts for a nanosecond or an entire day makes no difference. Whatever the period of time, during the blessing a doorway opens for us to begin our healing and move on with life. The key is that for some interval, we're released from our hurt long enough to let something else into our hearts and minds: the power of 'beauty'" ~ Gregg BradenI witnessed the beauty of this in a healing session this morning with a client. My client has had a challenging relationship with his mother for years. Today, I asked him if he was willing and ready to forgive his mum for the hurts caused. This would be the final breakthrough needed for his healing journey. Though there was a bit of a struggle, he said yes.
He opened himself to the outpouring of compassionate energy, and as we did the session, this peaceful loving energy was present throughout. And when we did the cord cutting and forgiveness segment, I could feel a 'weight' leaving his energy field. All that remains is peace.
And when we did the rebuilding of the energy cord, there was no trace of the old irritation or frustration. Instead, peace and calmness were the key emotions present.
When he first agreed to forgiving, he did not know if he was going to be able to do it. Yet because he decided to give it a go and set the intention as such, it was possible.
He was able to forgive and bless his mum. And in so doing, he gained peace.
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