Monday, December 14, 2009

Abundance Mentality

In all we do, keeping an abundance mindset, feeling abundant and being abundant allows greater joy to flow into our lives and the lives of others. We remain centred on goodness and love, for self and for others. Infinite abundance for everyone.

When we hold on tightly to our ego and sense of self worth, to fear of competition and our sense that we are not good enough, what follows is pain, self-centredness and a focus on self and only self. Scarcity mentality. That there is finite goodness to be shared so one must grab one's larger share.

As we move into Christmas and a brand new 2010, which would you choose?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Gifts for brand new 2010!

Ideal and meaningful christmas gifts

For those of you still shopping for christmas presents for your loved ones, how about pampering them with a recharging and relaxing QT session? It'll be 60 mins of pure bliss and enJOYment.

For those who enJOY unique gifts, how about a Chakra Scan and Enhancement session? This comes in two parts; in the first, I will scan your chakras (energy centres) and provide insights on on what's working well and the areas for enhancement for greater alignment, balance and happiness. I will then enhance the chakras that are balanced and provide therapeutic work on those that need improvements. Clients have found these sessions to be beneficial, enabling positive changes to their lives. The scan will take about 90 mins while the enhancement will be 40 mins of pampering.

Drop me an email or contact me if you would to purchase a session for your loved ones (I will mail you the gift cards).

Start your 2010 with a brand new difference

I will be holding a live Basic Quantum-Touch workshop next weekend on 19/ 20 December.

If you are interested in learning this very useful tool, give me a call.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Holidays

A regular client SOSed me one evening. He and his family were leaving for a holiday to Hong Kong in two days' time. It was the first family trip and lots of walking with trips to Disneyland, Ocean Park etc. The challenge was that his right knee was hurting so bad that he could hardly walk.

I did a distance healing session for him the next morning. During the session, I found that the physical level was easy to clear and was confident he would feel better physically. On the mental and emotional level, that's another story. You see, his physical pain was a result of a belief that "I feel bad enjoying myself or I don't deserve to enjoy". Hence, anytime when an opportunity comes up for enjoyment, guess what happens? That's right, some sort of pain will crop up in a body part. I completed the session by working on balancing his chakras and relaxing his mind. After the session, I smsed him to give me a call when it is convenient. Follow-through with client is important and I do that a couple of times: after the session, a day after the session, a week after the session and a couple of weeks after that.

We spoke and I shared my insights with him. His first words "You are so right!". Well, being right isn't that important. More importantly, is to provide a solution for him. Now that we know the root cause, we can work on it. So after his holidays, he will be coming for a session to work on overcoming his non useful beliefs. As for his right knee, the severe pain completely disappeared!

During the conversation, he also asked for a distance healing session for his wife who was feeling stressed over the preparations for the holidays and a session for his mum who has severe back ache and hurting knees. I worked on the both of them respectively and after each session, I smsed him to let him know.

He called later that evening and his feedback was that (1) immediately after my session for his wife, she called him and spoke without any irritation. He was surprised because they had a minor tiff in the morning over the holidays and he had refrained from calling her at all. (2) His mum felt very light and her aches were gone.

For myself, I was delighted that I could be a little catalyst of joy to their family. They could now enJOY their holidays without pain nor stress. As I said to him, a holiday is meant to be a bonding loving time. So enjoy it as such. Forget about the little minor irritations and focus instead on the purpose for the trip. Happy holidays indeed!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gift of Love

A group of us will be heading to the Geylang East Home for the Aged (GEHA) next Saturday 28 November to QT the aunties and uncles there. The opportunity to volunteer our time came at the invite of the Buddhist Fellowship who visits the home every month.

Our treatment session (about 15 to 20 mins per client) will be opened to the residents who are interested. We will be setting up a treatment corner which the uncles and aunties can pop by to see us while the volunteers from Buddhist Fellowship will carry out activities.

I am so glad to receive positive feedback and response from my graduates. While not everybody can make it that day, most were delighted to be given an opportunity to serve and give. For the group of us who can make it that day, we are certainly looking forward to catching up as well as to be gift of love.

If you are QT-trained and would like to join us, drop me an email. We'll be there from 3.45pm to 5pm. It'll be great to have you on our team. :) :) :)

Awakening a Loving Relationship

Received an sms last night from a client that gave me an impetus and affirmation to continue the work I do:

"I chatted with my mom for half an hour harmoniously. This has never happened before. I enjoy the chat. Thank you very much, Bernie. I am very thankful and glad that I saw you."

When T came to see me last week, it was for a chakra scan to obtain further insights for herself and not for a session to heal the relationship between her and her mum. During the scan, we discovered that there was a subconscious anger towards the mum, that she did not forgive her mum for hurting her. When we scanned further, we realised that her mum also could not forgive herself for hurting T. And the event happened when T was very very young, probably maybe when she was still in her mum's womb. When T heard the sharing, something clicked and she felt that it was the missing piece to the puzzle that she's been working hard to complete all her life.

T decided that she wants to forgive and rebuild a relationship with her mum. As such, we continued with an enhancement session in which I balanced her chakras for added well-being as well as to severe the "anger and unforgiveness umblical cord" that I saw in her solar plexus chakra. By doing that, what's not useful is gone. Instead, new loving ties can be built.

4 days after the session, T shared that when she talked to her mum, she's now more at peace. Before that, it was full of agitation and impatience. The healing process began and I knew that soon, she will begin to enjoy a harmonious and loving relationship with her mum. So her sms came as an affirmation and not a surprise. :) :) :)

For many of us, the hardest people to get a long with are our own family members. The love is certainly there except that it may have been buried beneath misunderstandings, miscommunications and misactions. Doing a cutting of the non useful energy ties and building new positive ones is useful in awakening a loving relationship. Sending healing loving energy also complements.

Doing energy sessions for my family has brought about positive changes and further enhanced our relationship. And I am grateful for this simple yet very effective tool.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lovingly Letting Go

A couple approached me for a couple therapy session. Initially when the appointment was fixed, the objective was to work towards a better understanding of each other so that their relationship could be further enhanced. They have been experiencing challenges in their relationship.

Then a day before the appointment, things happened and the couple decided to move on their separate ways, However, they decided to continue with the session because they wanted to let go of any residual pain so that they could still remain friends.

As a therapist, I am touched by their desire to lovingly let go. And that they both lovingly supported each other in the healing journey ahead. There's recognition of pain, accepting of responsibility and forgiveness. A loving ability to bless the other party's future path, with no blame, anger nor resentment.

For myself, it was a challenging situation as I know the both of them personally. But I trusted that I will be guided and that I will be able to effectively use all the tools and skills that I have acquired to be of help.

During the session, we started with sharing on our expectations for the outcome for the session. That gives us present a clear direction as well as open communication. As they trusted me and my abilities, it was easy to follow the guidance of light and love and let the process flow and unfold. First we did an energy cord cutting so that new positive cords could be built. As they did the process, I balanced and energised the chakras that needed a little boost. This allowed them to be in a calm and peaceful state as they proceeded with the session.

Next we did a clearance conversation and for this, I meditated and came up with specific questions for each party. Purely followed my intuition as the words formed. Gave the list to them for reflection and then we had the conversation. They took turns to share their thoughts and answers to the questions. As they did so, I sent energy to them and worked on the parts that they were hurting and where there's a discord of energy.

At the end of the conversation, I gave them the option whether they would like to discuss the practicalities of moving on with me as facilitator or for them to do it in private, whichever is more comfortable for both parties. They opted to do so in private. We ended the session with a closing sharing from each party.

For sure, there's still healing to be done. But what's important is that as they continue their healing journey to move forward, there's no negative energy tied in to the past. Because they could both lovingly let go, the healing becomes easier and filled with love rather than blame, anger, pain, resentment... all the negative emotions often associated with a break-up.

Instead they consciously chose to focus on the positive aspects of moving forwards. I am inspired by their example and their desire to lovingly let go.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Group Distance Healing for Fiesty Princess

For those of you who have been following the progress of Charmaine, the latest results are not positive.

Charmaine is a brave 4 years old girl who has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer. She is currently in the 4th stage and thanks to the generosity of the public and fundraising efforts of our football stars, she is receiving an alternative form of treatment in the US.

On our end, I invite you to join in for a Group Distance Healing session starting from tomorrow till Friday. On these days, wherever and whenever you are able to, send healing energy to her as well as her mum. I know that they will benefit from the loving positive energy flowing their way.

Big Hug. Thanks!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Exchanging insights, Growth

A group of us (QT graduates and clients) met up for a QT healing circle last evening and we had a wonderful time exchanging insights as well as pampering each other with treatment sessions. There were also 4 invited guests and it was enjoyable sharing our knowledge of QT as well as as letting them experience a QT treatment session.

For this session, I also invited one of my clients who learnt QT from another instructor years back but has not practiced since then. After encouragement and affirmation from her practice partner and myself, she regained her confidence in running the energy.

I always enjoy the company of like-minded people and at the same time, also appreciate any opportunity to share with people about QT and healing modality. As such, I had a totally blissful and joyous time!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wallowing in Joy

I'm currently teaching Quantum-Touch to one of my aunts... in Mandarin. She's my uncle's wife and I was delighted when she expressed interest in learning it. I believe that it will help her to better the lives of her family and increase the flow of abundance.

My friend Ada generously offered to coach me to teach my workshop in Mandarin which is a relief as my aunt only speaks Mandarin and I'm certainly not fluent in it yet!

Yesterday was lesson 2 for my aunt and she's absolutely running the energy beautifully. Through synchronicity, her brother is in Singapore at the moment seeking treatment for a fracture in his arm and so my aunt has been QTing him as well to help speed up the healing process.

The lessons are held at my grandma's place and by default, my grandma's also learning it as well. Very happy for her! What's also wonderful is that my 3rd uncle who's living with her is also "soaking" up the good energy in the house whenever we practiced. He's had a history of mental unwellness and is a source of concern for my grandma. Last Tuesday during our first lesson, he happily agreed to be a client and received treatment for a headache. Last Saturday, he woke up energised and started to clean the windows and house. He's not done any housework for many many years! My heart was overwhelmed with joy when I heard this!

As for my grandma, there's also a happy shift in her energy. For about a year, she's complained of aches and pains and lack of energy. Probably suffering from mild depression as well. Another aunty and I have been QTing her. Right now, she's feeling happier and now, has the energy to go for her morning exercise sessions as well as to volunteer for 2 hours each day at the Lotus Light centre below her block.

That's why I am wallowing in joy! I am very very happy that I have a tool to help my own family. My grandma took care of me lovingly when I was young and so, I feel blessed to be able to take care of her too.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bonding over a Quantum-Touch Workshop

I always enjoy the being and bonding that occurs at every Quantum-Touch workshop. It does not matter if the workshop is held amongst friends, family members or complete strangers. By the end of the first practice session, a bond is formed.

If you are family members or friends to begin with, the workshop will certainly add a splash of colour and further enhance the relationship. Often, you will also gain new and valuable insights about each other. As it was the case at my recent workshop. It was a private class organised by Shally and Khim Hwa. The doting parents thought it would be very beneficial for them and their 4 lovely daughters to be equipped with this useful skill. We were joined by couple's friends and it was a lovely weekend spent!

As promised, this is an interactive and experiential workshop. Besides the theory and input segments, there are also practice sessions for participants to apply their knowledge. This ensures that by the end of the workshop, graduates are totally comfortable and confident in using Quantum-Touch in their everyday lives.

There are also opportunities for participants to share and exchange insights.

During the workshop, participants are also taught the art of distance healing. It is very useful as you can use Quantum-Touch to help someone anywhere anytime!

We ended the workshop with a fun experiment QTing coke and lemons. Yes, they do taste different! You gotta try it for yourself!

Beaming smiles and radiant energy!

Thanks everyone for the beautiful loving weekend!

If you are interested in a private class, please contact me to schedule dates. A minimum of 2 participants is required.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Abundant Journey

Last evening, a client shared with me that after his last session with me in August, besides the healing on a physical, mental and emotional level, things also became "smoother". He effortlessly found his dream home, his relationships improved and he feels happier and healthier. He believe that it was a result of the two healing sessions that he had with me.

I laughingly told him that maybe it is because I set the intention that everybody who interacts with me will also feel happier and that their lives will be further enhanced.

Well, this is not the first time that a client has shared that with me. Life does get smoother and brighter when inner healing takes place. As a therapist, when I work on a client, besides the physical pain that he or she sees me for, I would also work on the emotional and mental layers. For when we feel centred, balanced and happy inside then our external reality also starts to change.

When I attended my first Quantum-Touch workshop in 2005, it never crossed my mind that one day, QT would open up so many wonderful new experiences and new opportunities. And that it would be the catalyst for abundancestorming and personal growth.

As the months passed by, I saw the usefulness of this loving healing tool and decided to work towards certification as a practitioner in Oct 2006 and received my certification in Jan 2007. My first paid client was Marilyn from Scotland and I certainly learnt an important life tip from that experience! She is now a very close friend and that's one of the joys of this new journey. Connecting to more and more like-minded loving people!

I have also grown in my skills as a therapist. From using just the basic QT techniques, I gradually discovered other abilities for example, the ability to scan people's chakras . The scan has proven to be very useful and insightful for my clients. It allows them to get to the root of the problem as well as an affirmation on what's working well. It has also been a learning journey as I experience working on different ailments; physical aches and pains, emotional distress and pain, dementia, cervical spondylosis, leukemia, skin condition, frozen shoulder, marital distress... Every client is unique and every healing journey is unique too.

A friend commented recently that I am a born to be teacher. Hmmm, maybe. Do not know about the "born" part but I certainly enjoyed sharing insights and knowledge with others. I started "teaching" when I was 18 years old and through the years, has taken on "teaching" roles as volunteer catechist, youth worker, family life educator and corporate trainer. So guess, it was a natural progression for me to become a certified instructor for Quantum-Touch. I received my certification on May 21 last year and conducted my first workshop in June. And it has been an amazing journey since!

Within a short span of slightly more than a year, I've had the wonderful opportunities to teach not just in Singapore but also in Hong Kong and Scotland. I've had dynamic groups of participants from all walks of life, age and nationalities - students flying in from Hong Kong and Malaysia, athletes to physiotherapists to Reiki master to accountants to students, 10 years old to 85 years old. Their sharing, insights and feedback has been valuable to my growth as an instructor.

And last month, Quantum-Touch office emailed me to share that I am one of the Top 40 Quantum-Touch instructors in the world (currently, there are 500 instructors). What a nice surprise! A BIG THANK YOU to my participants, clients and friends for your loving support and encouragement as well as the word of mouth publicity for my workshops!

I've always loved developing programmes and as such, I developed a Enhance Your Chakras workshop. This workshop is in response to my interest in Chakra work as well as the requests from participants in my QT workshops who wanted to know more about Chakras. This is an affirmation that we can always blend all the different skills that we have into all that we do.

On a personal level, the past year has been one of tremendous growth for me. I am glad I made the big step to quit my corporate training job in Nov last year to focus on this new path. As I continue on this abundant journey, I know that it will continue to be a wonder-filled one and am looking forward to the unfolding.

As I close this posting, I would like to thank you for being a part of my journey. enJOY an abundant day and week ahead!

Monday, October 19, 2009

An invitation

A Healing Circle is a wonderful time for QT practitioners to meet and exchange insights, practice QT and receive healing. And if you are curious about Quantum-Touch, it is also a great opportunity for you to find out more about and experience this very useful tool.

The healing circle will be held on Thursday 29 October. You can join us at the 3pm or 7.30pm session or both! The venue will be at The Physiolink which is a 5 mins walk from Kembangan MRT. A token of $2 will be collected to offset the cost of room rental. Drop me an email or sms if you are able to join us. If you have friends who are interested to know more about QT, they are welcomed to join us as well.

enJOY a fabulous abundant day and week ahead!

Friday, October 9, 2009

QT healing to help with mental distress

I love it when I received smses, emails or calls from one of my participants on how they have used Quantum-Touch successfully to help someone else.

Last week, my aunt smsed to share that my granduncle has been suffering from mental distress for two weeks. He lives in Malaysia and my grandma will call him to chat. But for two weeks, he's refused to take her calls. When my aunt found out about it, she did QT session for him focusing on his heart. He called my grandma that night.

When we have a tool, it removes the sense of helplessness that one feels when confronted with a situation that we do not know how to be of help. Now, we can help energetically by sending positive energy to the other party.

Everyone needs the occasional happy positive boost of light to get back on track.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

3 years old Holly doing QT for her grandma

This is Holly and she's only 3 years old this year. Her mum, my Scottish friend Brady, is QT-trained and soon to be QT practitioner. She regulary QTed Holly and soon, Holly copied her mother's breathing and hand positions. While she isn't trained but the basis of Quantum-Touch is love and boy, there's so much pure love and positive intention oozing out from this little girl that I am sure, her sessions always help!
By the way, her grandma is my friend Marilyn who was my very first client.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Using QT for Emotional Well-being

Emphasis is often placed on one's physical well-being, to exercise right, eat right, see a physiotherapist, see a doctor, see a chiropractor. It is wonderful that people are recognising the need to take care of our bodies. At the same time, research has shown that our emotional well-being is equally important to our overall well-being. Yet it is often an area of neglect. Rather than a preventive measure, we often only look at our emotional well-being when something has happened and we need healing eg after a break-up, burnt-out from work, depression etc.

In the same way that we look after our bodies, let us look after our emotional well-being as well. If you are energy trained, you can regularly run energy on your heart and solar plexus chakras as well as on your occipital ridge and brain. And whenever you feel a negative emotion, immediately run energy on the place where you feel that emotion for eg when you feel angry and it causes a clenching in your tummy, run the energy there.

QT is also useful for emotional healing be it for ourselves or to help someone who is suffering from emotional pain. We do not heal or solve a person’s emotional problem. Rather, we help them get into a space where they can process the problem themselves. To be in a more resourceful state.

On a personal note, I have used QT to help me through some emotionally challenging times. I am currently in the most blissful, centred, calm and happy state and I continue to run energy on myself everyday to further enhance my emotional well-being.

As a therapist, I've worked with babies, children and adults. I've worked on clients suffering from depression, dementia, stress and suicidal tendencies. I've worked on children going through stressful period. I've worked on babies affected by the emotional state of the people around them. In all the cases, QT certainly helped either as standalone tool or complementary tool to whatever else that the client is doing to heal. BTW, if you are a therapist, do remember to take care of your emotional well-being as well. :)

enJOY a beautiful sunday!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Babies and Children

In an angel card reading that I did early last year, there was a "message" that I will be working with children. When I heard it, I was surprised because I am more familiar working with youth. Now, I understand. Over the months, I had the blessing to have babies and children as my clients. Blessing because each time when I work on them, I am reminded to return to my child-like state. Blessing because I have a tool that I can use to help them. They are facing challenges that my other tools such as coaching and counselling may not be handy but where Quantum-Touch is certainly useful. Here are some examples of how QT can be used.

Case 1: Boy with leukemia

My friend May in Hong Kong called me last July to share with me about her colleague's 12-year old son who was diagnosed with leukemia. What's interesting is that the universe had already prepared me to work with him through a message from my friend Thean a week before the call. I worked on him via distance session and there were other energy workers working on him as well. He was undergoing chemo sessions. Within weeks of me knowing about him, we received the news that he's found a bone marrow transplant donor which is excellent news. That was the intention that we sent out to the Universe. Next, we focus on building up his strength so that he can undergo the operation. Throughout the whole process, I was told that he remained extremely positive and upbeat in spite of the pain that he must be going through. In September, he was strong enough to go for the operation. The doctors shared that it is a miracle that he is even alive to go through the operation. Here is a wonderful testament to how doctors plus energy work can give a person a more than 100% chance to triumph. I made a trip to Hong in December last year to teach QT to his mother so that she can continue to QT him as he recovers. I just checked with her recently and she shared that he is recovering well at home.

QT can be used to further enhance intentions, be used to build up one's immune system prior to a surgery and after the surgery, to aid in the recovery process. Here, QT was also useful to minimise the effects of chemotherapy. His mum also does QT on herself to relax and recharge as it is not easy being a care-giver.

Case 2: Baby in distress

In June, I wrote about a message that I received from a baby in distress . On monday, I received a call from her aunt requesting for a session for her. The little girl arrived on our lovely planet on Saturday and has been in the high dependency ward. Doctors suspect that she might have gotten an infection. So I did a session for her that morning and it was lovely connecting with her again. During our 'conversation', I asked her to get well as soon as possible so that her mum will be more open to QT. As we know, children and babies and even pets are affected by the emotions of the people around them. This little baby girl has been affected by the emotions of her mum and dad even while she was in the womb. Hence the SOS to me in June. It would certainly be useful for her mum to have sessions with me for emotional relief. She was discharged from the high dependency ward the next day.

It is completely safe to QT babies. In fact, QT is a wonderful tool for pregnant woman. When my friend Karen was pregnant with my godson Javen, I often worked on her for her back aches etc. I would also QT Javen.

Case 3: Baby needing to go through a major operation

In April this year, my friend requested for distance sessions for her 4-months-old nephew who had breathing challenges. At that time, doctors had not diagnosed the cause of it. When I first worked on him, I found that his immune system was weak and so focused on building up his immune system as well as his overall energy. Then in June, doctors diagnosed that he had a small air passageway and recommended that he undergo an operation to help widen it. It was a major operation and so we continued the sessions for him to prepare him to be strong for the operation as well as for a quick recovery. I saw him before he went for his operation and he was certainly stronger than when I first worked on him. Post op, his parents and grandma shared that he healed very quickly. Last night, he went for another sleep test and we'll know the results today.

QT is complementary and not alternative therapy. The baby boy needed to go for an operation so he goes. As in the case of the leukemia boy, QT is used to increase the baby's immune system so that he will recover quicker.

Case 4 & 5: Children in emotional distress

Children do feel stress and emotional pain. It is callous for us to dismiss their stress and pain as insignificant in comparison to the magnitude of adults'. QT is useful as an additional tool to help the children feel better and more resourceful. QT also helps them to "open up" so that they are more willing to communicate with the adults around them on what's troubling them.

A friend approached me to work on her 10-year-old nephew whose parents are divorced. He is an introvert and a loner. He dislikes conversation and seem to lack social skills. My friend was concerned because her cards reading of him showed that he was in emotional distress. Yet he refuses to talk. In the first distance session that I did, it was clear that he was feeling hurt, in pain and felt neglected. And that if nothing is done to address it, it does not bode well. After the session, she shared with her sis and stressed that it is important for her and her ex-husband (they are on friendly terms) to spend more time with their son. To get to know him better and to reassure him of their love and concern. My friend then asked me to do a second session for him a couple of weeks later. In the second session, his energetic feel is brighter. The efforts of his parents have certainly paid off!

I am also working on another friend's sweet 9-year-old niece who has these moody bouts and episodes where she will yell and shout at her mum. They are based in Australia and it appears that her school environment could possibly be the trigger. While she still has these moody bouts, I believe the sessions are helping her to cope better. It also provides my friend and her sis with a better understanding of the girl's emotional state.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Persevere, you will be there!

If you are in the process of healing, remain optimistic and positive. Each day, focus on your progress instead of how far you may be from the outcome. When you look at your regained well-being, look at it from all aspects be it mental, physical, emotional or spirit. While you may yet be feeling that ache in your back, your heart is already singing a different tune. Healing take place on many different levels.

If you are enjoying a great sense of well-being, be proactive in maintaining it. Make time to pamper yourself with activities that will further enhance your well-being.

If you are starting a journey to facilitate healing in yourself and in others, enjoy the process. Do not let self-doubt stop you from taking that first step to practice what you have learnt at class. Confidence comes from both knowing and doing. And in time, it becomes being.

Read, exchange insights and... yes, apply it. All the reading and discussions are only useful if you put it into practice.

During the journey, appreciate your own uniqueness and gifting. It is useful to learn from someone else's experience but an utter waste of energy to compare. The more you appreciate yourself, the stronger you will become.

As Po in Kung-Fu Panda says: "There is no charge for awesomeness".

It is free. Be awesome.

Enhance Your Chakras Workshop

Being aware of your Chakras or energy centres will provide you with vital clues and insights to your mental, emotional and physical well-being.

As you remove blockages in your charkas, you enhance your senses while boosting your physical and emotional well-being.

One of the most useful insights a client (a multi-millionaire) discovered from the scan was his unconscious worries about money and weak sense of security and stability that led to his inability to enjoy the fruits of his labour. Since then, he’s happier and able to truly enjoy life.

Chakras are the subtle energy centres of the body. To heal is to bring the chakras into balance and alignment. Understanding the chakras also provide the foundation for further growth into other areas, including psychic growth and other metaphysical work.

Seek greater clarity and join us for the ENHANCE YOUR CHAKRAS WORKSHOP. This is an engaging and interactive workshop with activities, sharing and demonstrations through which you will:

1. Understand Chakras and their functions
2. Increase in awareness about your energy centres
3. Learn to balance, align and enhance your energy centres

Loy, Singapore

I had attended the Chakra Enhancement Workshop today. This is not going to be a testimonial on how good and beneficial the Chakra Enhancement Workshop was (not that it isn't). One could easily read up on chakras and its functions through the internet.

What I would like to stress is that I had encountered one of those rare teachers who provide you wisdom in looking at your life problems through the language of your own bodies via your own chakras. Knowledge of chakras' function is nothing if one does not know how to relate and apply it to your daily obstacles in life..but experiencing and relating to it gives one the WISDOM.

To cut it short, go for the teacher that gives you the WISDOM. Seek knowledge elsewhere.

A healer can only heal you, but a healer that teaches you empowerment to control your own destiny is of a greater gift to you.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Feeling stressed? Aches & Pains? Looking for a natural way to feel better? Not feeling your optimal best?

In our fast-paced lifestyle and in the current economic situation, it is common for us to feel stressed or to suffer from aches and pains, often in silence, from our numerous activities.

Discover at a live Basic Quantum-Touch Workshop, your innate yet powerful ability to help yourself and others through the Quantum-Touch techniques - to feel better, look better and be healthier.

Learning Quantum-Touch will enable you to:
• Manage stress more effectively
• Relieve headaches, migraines and carpal tunnel syndrome
• Alleviate neck pain, back pain and sciatica
• Accelerate the healing process of numerous kinds of ailments
• Rejuvenate and bring about total wellness
• Sleep better and look better
• Improve fitness and alleviate sports injuries
• Relief from emotional distress
• Help your family/ friends feel better
• Work on your pets

It is an engaging and interactive workshop with activities, sharing and demonstrations so that by the end of the workshop, you will be totally confident in using this new skill.

Anyone and everyone can easily learn and pick up the techniques! I have taught QT workshops in Singapore, Hong Kong and Scotland. My youngest participant is Donovan who is 10 years old while my oldest participant is Frances who is 85 years old.

Group workshops are held monthly, please contact me or check my blog for the dates. If you would like to organise your own class to suit your schedule, contact me to book dates (a minimum of just 2 participants are required).

Friday, August 14, 2009

Would you give it a go? Would you help someone else?

When I meet someone who is sick or in pain, I will share about Quantum-Touch and the other tools that I am familiar with (both mine as well as other therapists) that could be of help. My goal is not to convince them but rather, to provide them with additional resources. Hence, I will talk briefly about it and if they are keen, I will share more. If they are skeptical, I will give them my namecard and ask them to read my blog if they would like to know more about it.

If I choose to keep quiet for whatever reasons, then I deprive them of the opportunity of having another option. At the same time, if you are unwell, would you give yourself an opportunity to have additional options?

This morning, a friend shared with me about her friend whose mother possibly has leukemia. They are waiting for additional tests to confirm. So I told my friend that her friend might consider getting her (she's QT trained) to work on her mum. Complementary therapy to the doctor's treatments. My friend shared that this friend is utterly closed to Quantum-Touch but knowing my friend, she'll probably give it another shot.

It is unfortunate that this person made a decision for her mum without even giving her mum the option to decide. Am keeping my fingers crossed that she will change her mind. :)

In the same way, many people close options for their family or friends simply by not passing on information because they decide that it would not work.

With more options, the road to recovery is certainly brighter. And even if there's no recovery (we are not the creator, just helpers), the road is a lot smoother and less painful. These are the benefits that those with an open mind have discovered.

So, would you give it a go for a brighter possibility? Would you pass on information that will benefit someone else?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ties that glows

One of my goals for this year is to deepen my relationships with the people around me and my family counts as the top priority. There have been positive shifts in my relationship with my parents as well as a continual deepening with my sis. One of the tools I'm using is to set aside time to do healing sessions for them. I am also setting aside time to visit my grandmas more regularly as well as to QT them.

For most of us, we find it alot easier to offer our time to others than our own family. Because they are always there for us, there is "always tomorrow" to spend time with them or to do the session for them. Or because of misunderstandings or past hurts, it is certainly easier to work on someone else than them.

I decided that I need to make the effort to show my love to my family by spending more time with them as well as to do healing sessions for them. I've started to visit my paternal grandma more regularly. Each time, I will also do a healing session for her. During the session, we'll chat and laugh about life. For her, she receives healing as well as joy. For me, I feel a lot of bliss and am grateful for having such a tangible useful way to show her my love.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How often do you shower?

Once? Twice? Numerous?

In our hot and humid weather, most of us would shower at least twice a day to clean and refresh ourselves.

I often use this analogy to explain to people why it is beneficial to have regular healing sessions (either you can do it for yourself or see a therapist) to maintain or further enhance one's well-being. The frequency of sessions would depend on the state and situation of the client. For example, if the client is facing a highly stressful period of time, then he or she might benefit from a weekly or bi-weekly session. If it's simply for a boost or "maintenance", then monthly or bi-monthly papmpering will be sufficient.

It is not weakness to have regular healing sessions. Rather, it is an investment into your well-being (mental, emotional, physical and spirit) the same way you would exercise or go for massages/ facials. The focus and outcome of the healing sessions would also differ. For example, a client may initially see me for sessions to heal his backache. Once that's resolved, he may take up a package for montly booster sessions to maintain his physical and emotional well-being.

For myself, I run energy every single day. At the same time, I also pamper myself with monthly healing sessions by a friend. This has certainly helped to further enhance my well-being. For those of you who are energy trained, do make it a point to run energy on yourself regulary even if it's for 5 minutes. You will notice a difference. :) :) :)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Radiant Bride!

All brides will want to look radiant on their big day; from the perfect dream wedding dress, flawless natural make-up and of course, healthy bodies and glowing skin! Often, they will take packages be it facial or slimming to give that extra boost for their special day.

I am absolutely delighted to have this opportunity to be of help too! Received an sms from a friend and happy bride-to-be requesting for a distance healing package to be skin and body beautiful for her wedding in November. The package will spread over 3 months.

Besides the beautiful skin and body part, the bonus is that the bride will also be emotionally glowing too cos' as part of the therapy sessions, I will always balance and enhance my clients' chakras.

After the first session on Wednesday, she shared that she felt a nice tingly flow and feel as light as candy floss. Today, she smsed that she thinks she is feeling happier recently, could be due to the healing.

Tomorrow would be session 2 and she's looking forward to it. So am I!!


There's an article in today's Doc Talk segment of Mind Your Body by Dr Ang Peng Tiam which strikes a cord with me. In an earlier post, I shared about the comfort one gets from people with core of light and how as therapists, we too can provide that comfort.

For Dr Ang, his ability to be honest yet providing hope to his patients is wonderful. Dark clouds are a reality and it is easy to just focus on the darkness. It takes communication skills, a positive core and mindset and a compassionate heart to seek that silver lining. It takes patience and time to help someone else see it.

Hope. A very precious word indeed.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What would make you happy?

I wrote this post on my personal blog and thought it's a useful post for this blog as well.

Client: I am unhappy because......
Me: So, what would make you happy?
Client: Err... err.... Don't know. I am unhappy because...

Based on my clients', friends' and my own experiences, I observed that those who made the greatest transformational leap in their lives are those who do know what would make them happy. That's natural, isn't it?

If someone chooses to focus only on the pain and the past, then it is challenging to get out of it because there is no "happier destination" to get to. Otherwise, it would only be pain management and not steps towards a positive life change.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A whole new world!

Had a session with a client this morning. He's suffered a gout attack and is also highly stressed by his work. As we did the session, it came to light that he's also affected by a current situation and we chatted about it.

After the session, he felt very relaxed, "lighter" and "very different". What's important is that he gained different insights and perspectives on his situation - a return to a positive state of mind. He requested that I do a session for his wife via distance after the session so that they will both be in a positive sync.

I completed the session for his wife at about 12.45pm and called him to offer my insights. At about 1.10pm, he called me excitedly to happily share that his wife just called him and her tone is very different, without the usual "hostility".

It's wonderful to know that the work we do has a positive impact on our clients. Relief from aches, emotional well being, enhanced relationships, new mindset and framework - a whole new world indeed!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Off Anti-Depressants

One of my clients has been on Prozac for many many years. He first saw me in Sept last year when he was going through a very traumatic and emotionally draining period. Through the months, I saw him make many courageous steps to turn his life around. Besides private healing sessions with me, he also embarked on a self-development journey to equip himself with new skills.

In March this year, during our one to one coaching/ energy session, he shared that he has stopped taking Prozac as well as stopped going on drinking binges. I was delighted at his decision and more importantly at his courage to face life on his own terms.

It is July and he's been off Prozac for months now. There were a couple of times when he felt tempted to take it but he overcame it. Instead, he would either run energy himself or see me for a session.

He shared that through the years, he's always wanted to go off the pill. As much as it helped him, it was also shredding his self-esteem. Therefore, he is extremely proud of himself for succeeding in this. I am very proud of him too. He's an example of a client who takes responsibilty to change one's life. No blaming of others, circumstances etc. And this is why his life is changing for the better!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Insomnia no more!

This testimonial is from Lily, my participant at the last workshop.

"I have insomnia for a long period of time. I try not to rely too much on sleeping pills. After Day 1 of the QT workshop where I received treatment, I had a heavy dinner and felt sleepy. As it was only 7pm, I didn't want to sleep so had a cup of coffee. But by 8pm, I dozed off. When I woke up, it was 8.30am in the morning. I was amazed staring at the house with all the lights still on."
Weeks after the workshop, she shared that her quality of sleep is much better, a great improvement. During the workshop, she had a treatment session from a fellow participant who just learnt QT hours ago (it is that easy to learn and most importantly, to apply!). After the workshop, she QT herself regularly.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Calm and Peaceful

A client approached me in Jan this year to work on her father who suffers from dementia. She felt that he had a "haunted" look on his face, certainly not at peace. I recommended that we do three sessions over a period of a week in time to celebrate the Chinese New Year with a difference.

For the sessions, I focused on balancing and enhancing his chakras plus running energy on his mind. The outcome as desired by the client was for her dad to be happy and calm.

As a therapist, it is important for us to do follow through with clients for feedback and observations. It was my second time working on a client with dementia and I was confident that there would be improvement.

My client called me after the Chinese New Year celebrations and shared that at the reunion dinner, her dad actually stayed on at the table with the family. It was the first in a while cos' his usual pattern would be to finish his dinner, leave the table and watch TV. She also observed that her dad was calmer and have started to enjoy playing with his grandchildren!

That's wonderful isn't it?

My client decided to continue with booster sessions for her dad and mum. I did a 12 colours meditation for 21 days and after that, a monthly healing session. She shared her dad is very peaceful and calm, in an excellent emotional state. So much so that last month, she decided that perhaps more sessions could be done for her mum instead. I was concerned when she suggested this as I felt that the monthly sessions are important for her dad. I recommended that rather than to stop completely, at least do short sessions.

Two weeks ago, my client smsed an SOS. Her dad acted up and was in an agitated state, the first time in 6 months since we started the sessions in Jan. I did a session for him on that very day. Had a chance to speak with the client two days later and she shared that on the day I did the session for her day, he slept very well and by the next day, he returned to a calm state of being. She realised that a short brief session isn't enough and that usual monthly sessions are needed indeed.

From this example, as a therapist, I realised that "maintenance" is necessary in some cases. And that ongoing energy work is essential to further enhance one's well-being. We may have done a session to heal a bone fracture and that's wonderful. That does not necessarily mean that it's all our body needs.

Based on recent experiences, for clients who are energy trained, I will strongly encourage them to continue to run energy for themselves after the sessions. For clients who are not energy trained, I will recommend that they pamper themselves with a monthly booster session, similar to say a monthly massage or facial. As it is a recommendation, the final action will still have to be taken by the client.

As for myself, I am running energy on myself every single day. Walk the talk! :) :) :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Woof Woof

As you know, my focus is on further enhancing the well-being of my clients and they tend to be humans. :) :)

Had a request from a client this week to work on her doggy. For animals, I will refer them to my friend Owen from Best Friends Doggy & Kitty Salon cum Learning Centre. In this case, both Owen and the client requested for me to work on the doggy instead so I agreed.

Her doggy is about 9 years old (and rather grumpy). He always have skin problems but she decided to just clean him every night instead of bringing him to vet as the medication makes him sick too. She decided to test out QT sessions to help improve his skin condition.

After my first session for him, she noticed that his raw wounds seem to look better. After 2 days, she feels the overall condition has improved. I've completed a second session for him yesterday and my feel is that with the QT sessions, besides the physical improvement of the skin condition, emotional wise, he will also be a happy doggy!

Monday, July 6, 2009

A multi-millionaire who worries about money?

Do you feel out of line and don’t know why? Not feeling your optimal best?

Being aware of your Chakras or energy centres will provide you with vital clues and insights to your mental, emotional and physical well-being. As you remove blockages in your charkas, you enhance your senses while boosting your physical and emotional well-being.

One of the most useful insights a client (a multi-millionaire) discovered from the scan was his unconscious worries about money and weak sense of security and stability that led to his inability to enjoy the fruits of his labour. Since then, he’s happier and able to truly enjoy life.

Chakras are the subtle energy centres of the body. To heal is to bring the chakras into balance and alignment. Understanding the chakras also provide the foundation for further growth into other areas, including psychic growth and other metaphysical work.

Seek greater clarity and join us for the ENHANCE YOUR CHAKRAS WORKSHOP. This will be an engaging and interactive workshop with activities, sharing and demonstrations through which you will:
1. Understand Chakras and their functions
2. Increase in awareness about your energy centres
3. Learn to balance, align and enhance your energy centres

Date/ Time: Sat 25 July 2009, 9.30am to 4pm
Fee: B's graduates/ clients: $186/ others: $228 (Early bird discount at $186 – register by 17 July)
Trainer: Bernadette Chua
The fee includes the gift of 7 Chakra Crystals. Maximum of 17 participants to provide opportunities for personal coaching so do register early. For more information or to register for the workshop, please contact Bernadette at (65) 9272 9476 or (

Bernadette Chua is a certified Quantum-Touch Instructor/ Practitioner, Corporate Trainer, Dream Catalyst by Profession and Passion. A passionate advocate for personal empowerment, Bernadette believes that everyone possesses the ability for positive change and in so doing benefits the people around them. Since 1990, she has been mentoring and training teenagers, parents and adults. As a believer of on-going learning, she obtained her certification as a Quantum-Touch instructor and since then, has taught workshops in Singapore, Scotland and Hong Kong. She also runs private sessions for clients who are based in Singapore and overseas

Monday, June 29, 2009

Insomnia no more!

Just had a Quantum-Touch workshop over the weekend and as always, had a ball of a time! Most importantly, that my participants left the workshop equipped with a very useful tool that will further enhance their well being and lives.

During the practice sessions, participants will experience first hand (1) that yes, they can run QT easily and (2) the benefits of QT.

Take for example, one of my participants L who was hesitant about joining us for the workshop because she was concerned that she can't learn. After speaking with me, she decided to give it a go. At the start of the workshop, she shared that she will just learn and take it slow. What she didn't say but I picked up was that she still had the limiting belief that she can't do it. One of the ways to break a limiting belief is to help the person form a new belief "Yes, I can" and add on new success references for them.

For myself, I have facilitated and taught enough workshops to be 100% confident that everyone can learn this tool. As such, I was confident that she too can certainly run QT energy and that she will experience this during the practice sessions.

During the practice session, she worked on her client's hips and immediately, he felt a warm sensation. Next she worked on his neck and after just 5 mins, he felt a immediate relief. In day 2, during the distance healing segment, she worked on her client's churning tummy. She did the session in the workshop venue and during the session, her client was talking a walk in the garden, a relatively far distance away from the venue. No direct contact. When the session ended and the client returned to the room, he was all excited but first, he had to visit the washroom. Later during the sharing session, he told her that he could feel a strong sensation in his tummy area throughout his walk and after that, had to go to the washroom to "detox". By the end of the workshop, she was totally confident that "yes, she can run QT beautifully and strongly".

As for L, her therapist worked on her neck and head to help her with her insomnia issues during the practice session. She didn't feel that much of a sensation. The next morning, she was late for the workshop and I joked that she might have overslept. That's exactly right!!! When she arrived, she shared that she actually went to bed at 8pm and slept right through till 8am hence she was late!

Wonderful, isn't it? She left the workshop a different woman indeed (her words, not mine)!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Message

This afternoon, spent some time doing distance sessions for friends and family members. The environment was very conducive and there was a lovely breeze. Very blissful indeed!

As I was happily distancing, an image of my friend's sis floated in. She's pregnant and the message I had was that the baby is "stressed" because she's stressed. She needs to relax and calm down.

I've only met my friend's sis three times and do not know her very well. But I've learnt to "pass on" messages. So I called my friend to let her know.

My friend shared that she met her sister for dinner last night and she was a little upset over an incident. Anyway, she will call her sister to check on her. My friend called me about ten minutes later. Her sis was highly stressed this week due to work. She's thankful for my message and will make an extra effort to calm down.

Interesting, isn't it?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Healing Sessions

To cater to a growing number of clients for private sessions, I have been looking for (and manifesting) a conducive environment with healing and beautiful energy. Finally! Found the perfect treatment room at my friend Saratha's (btw, she's an excellent physiotherapist for those of you who are looking for one!) practice.

So starting from June 2009, for those of you who prefer face-to-face sessions with me, you can do so every Tuesday or Thursday at The Physiolink (#01-01 Kingston Terrace, 14D Jalan Masid) which is just 5 mins' walk from Kembangan MRT. Sessions by appointment (consultation hours: 9am to 8pm).

For those of you who have a hectic schedule, sessions can also be done through distance healing and skype/ phone consultations.

Private Sessions:

Chakra Scan and Energetic Enhancement Sessions: This comes in two parts; in the first, I will scan your chakras (energy centres) and provide insights on on what's working well and the areas for enhancement for greater alignment, balance and happiness. I will then enhance the chakras that are balanced and provide therapeutic work on those that need improvements. Clients have found these sessions to be beneficial, enabling positive changes to their lives.

Private Sessions for Emotional and Physical Well Being: These sessions are excellent for those looking to further enhance their emotional and/ or physical well-being. Clients include busy executives, those going through a emotionally stressful period and those with chronic aches and pains.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Core of Light

As therapists, it is vital that we take care of our own well being. Besides setting aside personal time for self-healing, meditation and exercise and being conscious of our nutrition, it is useful for us to pamper ourselves by being "clients" as well - massages, foot reflexology, readings, healing sessions.

In the past two years, I have met different therapists. Some, I immediately click with and often, they become personal friends. I will also refer my clients to them. Abundance to be shared!

I have also met one or two who I will not recommend to anyone - the session was "traumatic" or something just feels "off".

You see, when I see a client, I operate from a joyous mindset and core. The insights that I share stems from my joyous belief that life can be further improved and further enhanced. So my clients leave my sessions feeling highly charged and resourceful.

On the other hand, some therapists operate from an angle of "problem". Your life is filled with problems, you are a problem.... and that's why you need...

Faced with the same set of "findings/ insights", the therapist will choose to interpret and share based on their inner core, mindset and model of the world. We are human after all, and those will affect the way we relate to the world, including our sessions. Pessmistic or optimistic? Problem centric or solution focused? Darkness or light?

For example, a "master" told me once in a consultation that my love life was problematic and that I was "destined" to have 5 loves. From his frame of mind and sharing, it was a problem. Initially, it affected me cos' I have been searching for a partner for a long time and to be told my love life problematic was.. sigh. Then something clicked and I applied what I've always believe in - focus on the goodness and reframe the situation/ context to one that allows me to celebrate life and grow. I had a "problematic" love life because I only believed in one true love. Well, maybe for me, this isn't the path. Instead, I am blessed to have 5 true loves... partners who love me at different stage of my life journey. It's wonderful isn't it? When that clicked and I learnt, wow... that part of me that's been restless where love is concerned became centred and calm.

If the "master" had shared in a positive way, it would have opened up possiblities rather than sadness. I am blessed that I am trained to reframe and so can open up those possibilities for myself within a short frame of time. Imagine a client who isn't able to reframe????

I resonate with the ones who are highly positive, joyous celebration of life in all its splendour and challenges, focus on the possibilities rather than the problems and who radiates love and light. As a therapist, I too strive to be a catalyst of love and light for a positive transformation. I am direct in my sharing (no sugar coating) yet because I operate from a place of positivity and possibilities, it opens up solutions and opportunities for my clients.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Perfecting Journey

The past month saw me giving the reasurrance to clients, participants and even myself that we are all on a perfecting journey. As such, on this journey, it is perfectly ok and sane to feel less than perfect at times. That it is useful to start helping regardless of our non perfection.

To wait till we are perfect to help is to be obsolete cos' we would be 6 feet under ground or scattered ashes by then.

At times, we may feel less than worthy to offer help but lets leave that to God to decide. If he presents an opportunity for us to help, you bet he would already have made the decision that "yes, my child you can help". To say that we are unworthy can possibly be an excuse not to help. Or false modesty. Of course, it is modesty if we recognise that we may not have the skills to offer the most effective help. In such instances, perfectly useful to acknowledge and point the person somewhere else. Suss out which is which. Excuse or modesty.

Yes, there were moments when I felt less and questioned if I can be a useful tool. Yet when I courageously seize the opportunity to stretch, I learnt that feeling less was a lack of trust in myself. Just that.

And so I have learnt to enjoy my perfecting journey and be light to others at the same time. To align and grow in self awareness while at the same time, helping others to do likewise. I am certainly not 100% held all together all the time. Yet I completely trust myself that when I am teaching a class, doing a healing session for a client or simply being a listening ear, I am totally resourceful and skillful to be effective.

enJOY your perfecting journey!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

QT Yourself and Your Loved Ones

When I bump into participants who attended one of my QT workshops, some of them often have a sheepish look and immediately (before we even exchange hi) says "I haven't practice QT". I will then reassure them that it's ok, I am not checking if they are. I am genuinely happy to see them regardless of whether they have put QT into practice or not. :) :) :)

During the workshop, I do encourage them to put into practice and be turkeys that fly because they have invested good money and time to learn a tool which can be utterly useful if put to use. But there's no need to feel guilty if you do not. Just do it when you decide you want to, not because you have to. Or do it when it is useful to for example, in this current situation where there is tremendous concern about the swine flu situation.

I just emailed all my participants to encourage them to use QT (and any other healing modalitiies that they know) to further enhance their immune system as well as those of their loved ones.

Each day, you can run QT energy focusing on the thymus area/ chest area and this will further enhance the immune system. Spinning your chakras especially the solar plexus and heart chakras would be useful as well. If you have read Supercharging and is familar with the 12 colours, this technique is excellent as well!

Alot of people are also stressed by the current economic climate. One technique that I found useful to overcome stress, tension, negative emotions etc is... whenever you feel a particular emotion be it stress, anger, worry, concern, anxiety etc, ask yourself where do you feel that particular emotion. Then immediately run energy in that area. For example, "worry" felt in the heart. Do it immediately to release that emotion. You can either spin the corresponding chakra or just place your hands on that area and run the energy. This enables you to relax and be in a more resourceful state to focus on solutions or be in a calm state.

QT is such a handy tool to have on hand isn't it?