Once? Twice? Numerous?
In our hot and humid weather, most of us would shower at least twice a day to clean and refresh ourselves.
I often use this analogy to explain to people why it is beneficial to have regular healing sessions (either you can do it for yourself or see a therapist) to maintain or further enhance one's well-being. The frequency of sessions would depend on the state and situation of the client. For example, if the client is facing a highly stressful period of time, then he or she might benefit from a weekly or bi-weekly session. If it's simply for a boost or "maintenance", then monthly or bi-monthly papmpering will be sufficient.
It is not weakness to have regular healing sessions. Rather, it is an investment into your well-being (mental, emotional, physical and spirit) the same way you would exercise or go for massages/ facials. The focus and outcome of the healing sessions would also differ. For example, a client may initially see me for sessions to heal his backache. Once that's resolved, he may take up a package for montly booster sessions to maintain his physical and emotional well-being.
For myself, I run energy every single day. At the same time, I also pamper myself with monthly healing sessions by a friend. This has certainly helped to further enhance my well-being. For those of you who are energy trained, do make it a point to run energy on yourself regulary even if it's for 5 minutes. You will notice a difference. :) :) :)