Saturday, August 29, 2009

Using QT for Emotional Well-being

Emphasis is often placed on one's physical well-being, to exercise right, eat right, see a physiotherapist, see a doctor, see a chiropractor. It is wonderful that people are recognising the need to take care of our bodies. At the same time, research has shown that our emotional well-being is equally important to our overall well-being. Yet it is often an area of neglect. Rather than a preventive measure, we often only look at our emotional well-being when something has happened and we need healing eg after a break-up, burnt-out from work, depression etc.

In the same way that we look after our bodies, let us look after our emotional well-being as well. If you are energy trained, you can regularly run energy on your heart and solar plexus chakras as well as on your occipital ridge and brain. And whenever you feel a negative emotion, immediately run energy on the place where you feel that emotion for eg when you feel angry and it causes a clenching in your tummy, run the energy there.

QT is also useful for emotional healing be it for ourselves or to help someone who is suffering from emotional pain. We do not heal or solve a person’s emotional problem. Rather, we help them get into a space where they can process the problem themselves. To be in a more resourceful state.

On a personal note, I have used QT to help me through some emotionally challenging times. I am currently in the most blissful, centred, calm and happy state and I continue to run energy on myself everyday to further enhance my emotional well-being.

As a therapist, I've worked with babies, children and adults. I've worked on clients suffering from depression, dementia, stress and suicidal tendencies. I've worked on children going through stressful period. I've worked on babies affected by the emotional state of the people around them. In all the cases, QT certainly helped either as standalone tool or complementary tool to whatever else that the client is doing to heal. BTW, if you are a therapist, do remember to take care of your emotional well-being as well. :)

enJOY a beautiful sunday!

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