In the past two years, I have met different therapists. Some, I immediately click with and often, they become personal friends. I will also refer my clients to them. Abundance to be shared!
I have also met one or two who I will not recommend to anyone - the session was "traumatic" or something just feels "off".
You see, when I see a client, I operate from a joyous mindset and core. The insights that I share stems from my joyous belief that life can be further improved and further enhanced. So my clients leave my sessions feeling highly charged and resourceful.
On the other hand, some therapists operate from an angle of "problem". Your life is filled with problems, you are a problem.... and that's why you need...
Faced with the same set of "findings/ insights", the therapist will choose to interpret and share based on their inner core, mindset and model of the world. We are human after all, and those will affect the way we relate to the world, including our sessions. Pessmistic or optimistic? Problem centric or solution focused? Darkness or light?
For example, a "master" told me once in a consultation that my love life was problematic and that I was "destined" to have 5 loves. From his frame of mind and sharing, it was a problem. Initially, it affected me cos' I have been searching for a partner for a long time and to be told my love life problematic was.. sigh. Then something clicked and I applied what I've always believe in - focus on the goodness and reframe the situation/ context to one that allows me to celebrate life and grow. I had a "problematic" love life because I only believed in one true love. Well, maybe for me, this isn't the path. Instead, I am blessed to have 5 true loves... partners who love me at different stage of my life journey. It's wonderful isn't it? When that clicked and I learnt, wow... that part of me that's been restless where love is concerned became centred and calm.
If the "master" had shared in a positive way, it would have opened up possiblities rather than sadness. I am blessed that I am trained to reframe and so can open up those possibilities for myself within a short frame of time. Imagine a client who isn't able to reframe????
I resonate with the ones who are highly positive, joyous celebration of life in all its splendour and challenges, focus on the possibilities rather than the problems and who radiates love and light. As a therapist, I too strive to be a catalyst of love and light for a positive transformation. I am direct in my sharing (no sugar coating) yet because I operate from a place of positivity and possibilities, it opens up solutions and opportunities for my clients.
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