To wait till we are perfect to help is to be obsolete cos' we would be 6 feet under ground or scattered ashes by then.
At times, we may feel less than worthy to offer help but lets leave that to God to decide. If he presents an opportunity for us to help, you bet he would already have made the decision that "yes, my child you can help". To say that we are unworthy can possibly be an excuse not to help. Or false modesty. Of course, it is modesty if we recognise that we may not have the skills to offer the most effective help. In such instances, perfectly useful to acknowledge and point the person somewhere else. Suss out which is which. Excuse or modesty.
Yes, there were moments when I felt less and questioned if I can be a useful tool. Yet when I courageously seize the opportunity to stretch, I learnt that feeling less was a lack of trust in myself. Just that.
And so I have learnt to enjoy my perfecting journey and be light to others at the same time. To align and grow in self awareness while at the same time, helping others to do likewise. I am certainly not 100% held all together all the time. Yet I completely trust myself that when I am teaching a class, doing a healing session for a client or simply being a listening ear, I am totally resourceful and skillful to be effective.
enJOY your perfecting journey!
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