I've titled it "Reflected Connectedness"
Been wanting to post but couldn't find the space or frame to write. Do you remember my post on me feeling a positive shift in my reality?
Well, things have been happening at such a fast speed that each day I leap out of bed excited to be thrilled by the abundance it'll bring. I'm constantly grateful, in awe and amazed! Here are few exciting and abundant happenings:
Well, things have been happening at such a fast speed that each day I leap out of bed excited to be thrilled by the abundance it'll bring. I'm constantly grateful, in awe and amazed! Here are few exciting and abundant happenings:
- An unexpected increase in number of clients who signed on packages and I'm getting queries almost every day on treatments/ sessions.
- As for my upcoming QT workshop in Sept, I've been getting queries and sign-ups everyday since last week
- Yesterday, the owner of a training venue (I'm not naming him yet cos' I've not checked with him if he would like to be "publicised".) generously offered me usage of his venue including projector. What this means is that I can now offer better discounts to those who need it and invite people (with financial constraints) to attend for free. I could not do that initially cos' my parents' home is too small to host too big a group.
- I discovered that I can now scan people's chakras remotely/ distance and I do not even have to know them for eg they can be friends of a friend. My intuitive insights are also getting stronger, even more accurate and precise.
- I am also achieving amazing results together with my clients (this is important cos' client and therapist work hand in hand to achieve outcomes) and getting even better at what I do.
- More work projects and opportunities are coming up for my company which is excellent cos' my boss is truly a nice person and I'm happy that we're going to do even better. For me personally, I love new projects and thrive best in a diverse creating environment. :)
- Even on my personal front, I'm meeting wonderful new people everyday
The reason why I am sharing with you is just to affirm that life does get better. It hasn't always been easy and I've faced my fair share of dark nights of the soul. BUT life gets better when you choose to consciously make it so and work on ridding yourself of non useful limiting beliefs.
My lovely friend Marilyn shared this with me a couple of days ago: "I was just smiling and thinking how the flow is working even better for you as you are accepting and allowing the energy ($) to come to you now, its as if the universe is saying AT LAST! now I'll do even more for you!"
And that's so true! Up till last week, I still had remnants of "feeling bad about charging for my services especially if they're friends". Now that's an issue for me cos' I do consider most people I meet as "friends". If they start out as complete strangers and I start treatment for them, then eventually they become friends too and I feel bad once again charging them for my services. See how this could be non useful for me? Cos' I feel bad to charge, my friends feel bad to ask me for further help and thus they don't get to benefit from my sessions etc.
Then a defining moment came two weeks ago. I was at dinner with a friend when she shared with me about a health concern that she's currently facing. This lovely close friend is QT-trained yet I know that she's so busy with work and caring for others that she probably will not spend the time needed to care for herself. As such, I went with my intuition and flow and asked her to consider getting QT sessions from me weekly (a package of 4 sessions) before she goes for next medical checkup. I must confess, I still felt bad at that point about charging so I told her she can pay small token fee cos' I know she wouldn't agree to free sessions.
My friend was absolutely delighted with the suggestion, it hasn't even occurred to her! What's also wonderful is that she will complement my weekly session with short daily sessions thus a kick start to her practicing QT again. She graciously accepted a discount but not the token fee, reminding me that I have to rid myself of this totally non useful belief or discomfort. I graciously accepted that I needed to change and comfortably embraced the abundance. We're both excited for her to go for her medical check up because we are certain that her results will be excellent!
Two days after that defining moment, another friend called seeking treatments (long term too) and because I was totally comfortable with discussing about fees that's win-win for both, she happily took up the sessions. I realised later that she wouldn't have engaged me otherwise cos' she sees the sessions as a business engagement, payment in return for services rendered.
Three days after that defining moment, another friend called seeking treatments (long term too) and... you know the rest of the story.
Four days after that defining moment, enquires and sign-ups started to come in for my Sept workshop.
My shift in mindset is critical and important in my own journey. Without the shift, my friends cum clients wouldn't have benefitted from my sessions otherwise. The results we're experiencing are amazing. I'm grateful to have experienced this shift.
I am not suggesting that we've to become cash-focused. Rather, to become abundance-focused and to recognise that by that, it also means allowing abundance to flow into your life too and not just others! We can continue to share abundance for example, for my long term clients, I surprise them with gift sessions ie charge them for 3 instead of 4. Or send them extra short booster sessions etc. Or use the abundance to benefit others like that aunty or uncle selling tissue paper.
Abundance for you and others.
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