I just love facials, don't you? They relaxes you, energises you and makes you look totally glowing and radiant. What's there not to like?
Two weeks ago, decided that I'll experiment with giving myself a weekly energetic facial right after my daily dosage of the 12 colours meditation.
After completing the meditation, I continue by (using Core) layering and smoothing a "mask" over my face. The mask is made of beautiful strands of copper, silver and gold. When the mask is completed, I then place the Unan symbol over my face and QT myself. In between, I'll also QT my head and hair (might as well go for the full beauty makeover.
Feels real good and it's working too. My skin looks even better (that's to counter those who feels I have good skin to being with *grins*), my pores seem to be getting smaller and I'm generally glowing based on the feedback that I've received. And that's great cos' apparently, the effects of a lack of sleep and general busyness is not showing.
Test it out and enjoy pampering yourself. We all need personal pampering time to recharge.
haha yes, it works, I've tried it before last time, but got lazy and stopped. But it really works! I shall start doing this again, thanks for the reminder!
Haha, it does effort to self-pamper ourselves! Irony considering that we readily spend time QTing others everyday. :)
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