Abundance mentality is a lovely way of life, a mindset and attitude of generosity and giving. It is benchmark that we, especially if we're passionate about energy work, can strive towards. It is a frame of mind in which a person believes there is "enough for everyone".
Abundance mentality is a principle and value that I've used as a guide to help me be an even better and congruent person. For a positive self-journey of growth.
Yesterday, it struck me that I can also apply this value to my QT practice and share abundance. Over time, I've gotten a sense of the type of "ailments" that I am more effective in treating. So what I've decided to do is to only see clients who are looking for therapy in these areas. If a client calls seeking treatment for an ailment that isn't within these areas, I will recommend him to another fellow QT therapist who may have more experience or expertise in this area. Share abundance for both that therapist and the client.
And this is why, if you're a regular to this blog, you would have noticed that I've listed the therapy sessions that I'm now offering. Streamlined for greater flow of abundance to myself and others around me.
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