Monday, July 28, 2008

Trust in the Process

When I first started doing QT for clients, I was in a "perfectionist" type of state whereby I really wanted my clients to feel something, anything. I was concerned with the fact that they'll be concerned that they are not feeling anything be concerned about it. I didn't want them to feel like I was a "con" person.

BUT through time, I've truly learnt to "let go" and remain non attached to the outcome when I work on my clients. To trust in the process even if the client insist that the session is "lousy", "not as good as the previous one", "didn't feel anything" blah blah blah. Of course, you can trust in the process only if you have given your best!

I've learnt that there will be some clients who will insist on being contrary or negative because that's the way they're built. Glass empty or half full. Problems or possibilities. Relieve or relief. Scarcity or abundant. Whining or grateful.

Doing the following has also been helpful:

  • Expectations - find out from the client what is his/ her expectations eg I want an instant cure or I expect to feel this movement, sensation etc. Then normalise and match the expectations with your own experiences to-date eg client: I want an instant cure / yours: Different clients have different reactions. Some took just one session while others took a few sessions.
  • Positive Vibration - it's important to set expections right yet at the same time, important for us to hold a positive vibrational alignment that the client will benefit from the session. Absolute belief.
  • Manage Your Emotional State - always be in a positive and happy state after the session regardless what the client may say. It is not necessary to get into a defensive state and defend yourself. If we're in their shoes, we might react the same way too! Everybody's model of the world is different. Now, when clients feedback that they did not feel anything, no effect etc etc, I just simply thank him/ her for the feedback then sincerely and confidently state that they will feel better in time. Then I will remind them to drink lots of water and to call me if they have further queries. The effect of this is that my clients feel cared for even if they do not feel that they've benefitted. And me being in a relaxed and confident state helps them to be as well in their subconscious state. Often, I'll receive a call from them one or two weeks' later requesting for another session cos' they benefitted from the last one.
  • Trust in the process

Thursday, July 24, 2008


This morning, something clicked and I made the connection. Immediately, had a wave of energy and goose bumps.

Last Friday, I was at Thean for a healing session. My lovely friend offers all her regular clients a FOC Facial Harmony session or a Healing Session as a birthday gift. This is on top of the beautiful wind chime that she has already given me as a present. Decided that I will have a healing session for my hurting toe and general wellness. As you know, she often gets visions during the healing session for her clients. She saw a boy, between the age of 9 to 12 years, standing at my door seeking my help.

Last night, I received a call from my friend in Hong Kong requesting for my help to distance her colleague's son who has been diagnosed with leukemia. He is 12 years old.

PS: On a side note, apparently I have a Grey wolf as my animal guide. :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I dropped a cup on my small toe last week on Monday morning. OUCH!!! I quickly QTed myself and then went on with life. Decided be gung-ho and went for my usual evening exercise but I could not run. In fact, I could only walked at a very slow pace, wincing all the way cos' it hurt. For the next couple of days, I continued to QT myself yet the pain persisted. The fact that I had to wear heels didn't help. Was at Thean for a session on Friday and she worked on it as well. Boy, had a healing crisis that night! The pain worsened and the next morning, while I was at Yvonne's QT workshop, I noticed that my toe was swollen (notice the difference between my two small toes?). I worked on it whenever I could and one of the participants May also worked on it using the Yuen Method.

This evening, I met Desmond for my training session. Had to cancel my session last week and couldn't exercise the past week cos' of the toe. Was sharing with him about my toe and he commented that I might have had a hairline fracture. Oh? If that is so, then it probably explains why the toe hurt more than it should and why it didn't heal as fast as it ought to inspite of the many QT sessions! The injury was more serious than I thought and my body sure knows best! Trust the process!

It feels great to be able to exercise again!!! Here's the lovely sunset that I got to enjoy at the end of the session.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Living Presence

I love Bingz's Go Hug A Tree post. What a timely reminder to go hug feel be a tree today! I promise you, the experience is awesome!

Photo of the Blue Forest, Halle Belgium taken by my friends Jessica and Joe.

The Presence of Trees (by Michael S. Glaser)

I have always felt the living presence of trees
the forest that calls to me as deeply as I breathe,
as though the woods were marrow of my bone
as though I myself were tree,
a breathing, reaching arc of the larger canopy
beside a brook bubbling to foam like the one
deep in these woods, that calls
that whispers home

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Practicing What You Preach

This morning, I was real disappointed by someone's decision . On a scale of 1 to 10, it was a 12. That's how disappointed I was! I was also frustrated, upset and angry. All the negative emotions that ain't useful. So what did I do?

Practice what I preach (lor)!

Deep breathing, sweep the energy, deep breathing, sweep the energy, meditate on the 12 colours and sent it to myself then to the person, deep breathing, sweep the energy...

My disappointment went away in 1 1/2 hours. More importantly, I didn't continue in the downward negative self-critique spiral. In the past, I would probably have felt lousy for a whole day if not, a whole week. Thank goodness for this blog. It helps me to be accountable to take care of my well being since I am sharing insights with others.

Sure, it's human to feel negative emotions but it's stupid and not useful to collect and store them into our cells causing our bodies to be at dis-ease. That's what happens when we cannot let go of the negative emotions.

I'd rather be at ease and happy. What about you?

Next Quantum-Touch Live Workshop

My next Basic Quantum-Touch Live Workshop will be on the weekend of 30/31 August 2008 from 9.30am to 4.30pm. I believe that learning can be a fun process and so, am sure you'll have a great time at the workshop. I envision it to be a cosy, warm and lively class with wonderful participants who will accelerate the learning process.

The price is at S$500 per pax for this 2-day workshop. If this is your second live workshop, then it'll be at S$250 per pax. You will receive certification which will count towards qualifying for the certified practitioner status. Venue to be confirmed depending on the size of class.

For more information or to register for the workshop, you can email me at

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Appreciate the WOW moments

What does the clouds remind you of?


All creative answers will receive a free distance Quantum-Touch session from me. :)

Stress Management Using QT

We had a QT Healing Circle last Friday evening over at my place and it was nice. New friendships built, existing friendships strenghtened with QT as the common link. For some, it was a different and nice end to a stressful work week. Nothing beats having the synergy of therapists QTing you for you to immediately feel better and lighter!!!

QT is an excellent tool for relieving stress and concerns. It doesn't make the source(s) of the stress or concerns go away for example, your boss, nasty colleagues, money woes, project deadlines etc. BUT QT certaintly allows you to move from a "stressed" or "worried" state to a more useful state for example, from "stressed" to feeling "calm". This will then allow you be in a more useful and positive frame of mind to tackle what needs to be done or to enable you to manage your emotional state more effectively. We know that we cannot change people (even your loved ones!!!), change always comes from within. So if a nasty colleague or a nasty boss has been giving you a hard time, being upset or "wishing" that they'll change isn't the solution. What would be an immediate solution is to empower yourself to manage your state more effectively. Could be being able to "feel detached" and not letting their actions/ behaviours affect you or building an inner calm. When you find yourself in such a situation, immediately start doing the QT breathing and feeling the energy sweep through you. And at the nearest opportunity when you can be alone, spend a few minutes QTing your heart and tummy area cos' that where "stressful" emotions collect. Or spin the chakras in that two areas. I promise, you'll feel better within a couple of minutes!!!

For me, I'm blessed to have a great boss. The only "stressful" moments are when we have project deadlines to complete or when "things happen" to disrupt our planned workflow. Each time when I'm faced with such a situation, I'll go into my 12 colours meditation and start sending the 12 colours to the project and the people involved. And things always end well in the end. When I'm concerned or upset about an issue, I'll QT too and I always feel better.

The key is for us to remember to use a tool that we know to help us feel better. Could be QT or any other tool. It's silly to continue feeling the way you're feeling when you can be feeling totally differently if you choose to. Complaining, bitching and whining aren't tools. They're barriers to you feeling better and happier!