BUT through time, I've truly learnt to "let go" and remain non attached to the outcome when I work on my clients. To trust in the process even if the client insist that the session is "lousy", "not as good as the previous one", "didn't feel anything" blah blah blah. Of course, you can trust in the process only if you have given your best!
I've learnt that there will be some clients who will insist on being contrary or negative because that's the way they're built. Glass empty or half full. Problems or possibilities. Relieve or relief. Scarcity or abundant. Whining or grateful.
Doing the following has also been helpful:
- Expectations - find out from the client what is his/ her expectations eg I want an instant cure or I expect to feel this movement, sensation etc. Then normalise and match the expectations with your own experiences to-date eg client: I want an instant cure / yours: Different clients have different reactions. Some took just one session while others took a few sessions.
- Positive Vibration - it's important to set expections right yet at the same time, important for us to hold a positive vibrational alignment that the client will benefit from the session. Absolute belief.
- Manage Your Emotional State - always be in a positive and happy state after the session regardless what the client may say. It is not necessary to get into a defensive state and defend yourself. If we're in their shoes, we might react the same way too! Everybody's model of the world is different. Now, when clients feedback that they did not feel anything, no effect etc etc, I just simply thank him/ her for the feedback then sincerely and confidently state that they will feel better in time. Then I will remind them to drink lots of water and to call me if they have further queries. The effect of this is that my clients feel cared for even if they do not feel that they've benefitted. And me being in a relaxed and confident state helps them to be as well in their subconscious state. Often, I'll receive a call from them one or two weeks' later requesting for another session cos' they benefitted from the last one.
- Trust in the process