Bites the hand that feeds ~ I had my first experience of what it felt like to be bitten. After the initial shock, it became a useful learning experience. I was able to stay calm and not get drawn into the drama that the person was creating. In spite of the person's torrent of accusations and venting, I could stay neutral and saw no need to defend myself. My conscience was clear. The blessing was that it was not a family member or friend so the wound was not as deep.
In the past, I would have been sad, hurt, angry and indignant. But I have learnt that those are toxic emotions that would just heightened and prolonged the drama. Embracing my friend's advice from years back "it is okay to be misunderstood" allowed me to stay centred.
By letting go of the toxic emotions, it let me move past the 'unhappy' event. And to continue with my happy flow and hence, allowed the unfolding of goodness.
Yesterday, beautiful rainbows appeared. Had a lovely session with a client in the morning that reaffirmed just how glad I am to be given this opportunity to walk this healing path. Had good conversations with friends that further enhanced my learning. While at my friends' shop, had a 'chance' meeting with a calligraphy teacher whom I respect and he presented me with a surprise gift of a calligraphy he did of the word 'dragon'. Perfect for this year and perfect for my life for I love dragons. Then, I received a FB message from class 95 informing me that I had won a contest that I joined. And in the evening, I had lovely bonding time with my dad over spring-cleaning and Korean drama.
If I had chose to focus on the unhappy event and allowed myself to be affected by it, I am pretty certain that I would not have enjoyed the rainbows. Because I would have been wrapped in my cocoon of misery and missed them.
May you too, enjoy the rainbows in your life. :)
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