Spice Up Your Food
As healers, I think it is healthy for us to balance the serious nature of our work with a lighter side of life. Preparing meals has become for me, a delightful way to use this tool in a lighter manner.
Meals cooked with lo
ve do taste so very different doesn't it? And when you whizzy whazzy them either during the preparation process (if you are the cook) or before enjoying them, it is an added bonus and boost to the food.
I am an avid reader of cookbooks and recipes and I enjoy cooking. If I come across a recipe that looks complex or I am not familiar with, I will send energy to the food when I am preparing it. Ensures that it will taste yummy! :)
That's wha
t happened last evening when my friend wanted a lamb moussaka and I have never done it before. In general, I tend to avoid recipes if there are too many steps in it. Keep it simple, my motto. Took up the challenge and while cooking, sent energy to the food (and to myself to stay calm cos' we were behind schedule). My friend and her hubby absolutely enjoyed it!
When you practice energy
healing in your daily life, you will also notice that soon, your body will start letting you know what it prefers. Listen to it. I used to enjoy fried food but now, they do not taste tasty to me. And when I am out at a restaurant, I will feel through a menu and see which item calls out to me. Doing it this way (than to see what's recommended) has often ended with choices that were surprising but absolutely delicious and agreeable to my body.
Before enjoying a meal, I will do a gratitude prayer and at the same time, energise my food. I encourage my graduates to adopt this good habit, it is an application of the tool that requires minimal effort and time yet very beneficial.

We have become so good at multitasking that we do it even at meal times. If you have made it a habit to energise your food, then take the time to enjoy your meal. Allow your body to enjoy it. :)
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