Because of the realisation, I started to work on my own chakras as well as seek help from my friend, Thean who does healing work as well as massages. As I often share with my participants, there is nothing shameful nor awkward for us to seek help even if we are energy trained. In fact, precisely because we are trained and know how resonance etc works, we will be totally comfortable to seek additional boosters for ourselves to speed up the healing process isn't it?
As I continue to pursue my interest in energy work, I started to be or maybe reawaken my intuitive and perceptive abilities. Soon, I was able to spin and work on my own chakras easily. Next, I found that I could perceive others' chakras as well. From general assessment to specific details. That's when I move onto my next step of offering Chakra Scan and Energetic Enhancement sessions.
Through my work with hundred plus clients, I feel that if people are able to gain greater awareness about their own chakras' conditions, they can further enhance their well-being. Of course, to some therapists, this does not make business sense. Why train potential clients to work on themselves? For me, my philosophy has always been of abundance. In fact, even at an early start of my energy work, I absolutely love it when my clients are well after the first session. There's always going to be other potential clients who need my services.
And so I developed a Enhance Your Chakras workshop and last Saturday was my very first one! These are my wonderful participants who gamely went on this journey of self-discovery.

Thanks Patricia, Lucy, Emily, Eng Heok, Puyee, Fi, Gabriel and Steven for your 128% participation, enthusiasm and courage! Courage because self-awareness could be a daunting journey. These 8 persons are amazing because they not only face "truth" bravely and openly, but they thoroughly enjoyed the journey as well. Amazing, aren't they??
Thanks for your suggestions and feedback on how I could further enhance the workshop as well as your affirmations for my growth as an instructor. I am certainly looking forward to holding my next workshop, sometime in March or April.
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