Then, because circumstances was such that I was "forced" to rely more and more on distance healing, I started to receive more "evidence" that I was equally effective far far far away as I am while I am with my "client". That's when I had my own breakthrough where distance healing is concerned.
I am glad I overcame my own skepticism about it because now, I am truly able to help anyone anytime anywhere in the world. I am not confined by schedules nor geography barriers. Clients who are shy about seeking help in person can now do so. Amazing, isn't it? It is needed for me to be confident about distance healing as it turned out, 90% of my sessions for clients are done via distance or a combination of personal/ distance. Useful too as my clients are based both in Singapore and overseas.
During my workshop, my participants will engage in an "experiment" to help them feel more confident about using distance healing. At the same time, I share with them success stories from both my experiences as well as others. Next, I advise them to start testing it out with people they know so as to obtain their own "evidences" to increase in confidence.
Yesterday, I received an email from a client with her feedback that is timely for this posting on distance healing. The loving mother had engaged me to do a Chakra Scan and Energetic Enhancement sessions for her two children. As her children are below the age of 12 years, I was comfortable to do the scan and share the insights with her as she wanted to know how she could further improve their well-being.
The scan was conducted earlier in the day and I did the enhancements sessions for them in the afternoon ending about 3.45pm. During the session, I focused on balancing/ aligning the chakras as well as further enhancing their well-being. At the same time, I also worked on the relationship energy flows so as to further deepen the bonding between the family members. The following is her feedback:
Just to give you some feedback on my kids' response to the Energy Enhancement.
For my daughter, she just seemed a bit tired at about 4pm. Just normal, as what you said.
What surprised me is my son. He seemed to have a healing crisis. At about 4pm, he started to have runny nose, teary eyes and feeling cold. I thought that he was getting 'heaty' after eating too much biscuits and CNY goodies. But at about 6pm, he was back to normal. That is why, I think it is a healing crisis.
Well, I would like to thank you for helping to enhance the quality of our lives.
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