Thursday, February 26, 2009

Never Assume

Last evening, a client googled chat me and shared that she has passed on my contacts to a friend. It was nice of her to do so and I appreciate her gesture. More importantly, I appreciated the fact that she did not assume that her friend would not be interested in a healing modality. She just shared what she knows so that her friend can check out for herself, my blog as well as get in touch with me to find out more.

Never ASSUME because it makes an ass out of you and me.

Heard that at a training session once and I love it. Because we think we know best, we assume we know what's best for another. As such, we often make choices for them by not passing on information because we decide that they would not be interested. For example, I often meet friends of friends who are very interested in what I do because it could be of help to them. They then shared that they wish they knew of my services earlier so that it could have saved them a lot of pain and headache.

Well, they would have known of my services earlier and benefitted from them if those friends of mine have decided to pass on the information that I email out each month instead of pressing the "delete" button. :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quantum-Touch Workshop in Hong Kong

Just remembered that I've not post the dates for my workshops in Hong Kong. So here they are. If you are based in Hong Kong and are interested in attending them, still in time. Drop me an email.

Live Basic Quantum-Touch Workshop
Weekend of 28 Feb/ 1 March 2009, 9.30am to 5pm
Venue: Craigengower Cricket Club
Fee: HK$2660 (early bird HK$2300 registration & 50% deposit by Thu 19 March)

Enhance Your Chakras Workshop
Sat 7 March 2009, 9.30am to 1.30pm or
Mon 9 March 2009, 10am to 2.00pm
Venue: To be confirmed

Fee: HK$868 (my graduates/ clients) / HK$1393

I am also available for private sessions (Chakra Scan & Enhancement Sessions), by appointment.

Growing Your Passion

I'm off to Hong Kong next week to run a live Basic Quantum-Touch workshop, a Enhance Your Chakras workshop as well as see clients for private sessions. My first workshop was in Dec last year and I had a thoroughly great time .

A question that people asked me is "how do you advertise for your workshop? where do your clients come from?"

Those are good questions. Those are amazing questions because the answers to those always fill me with a deep sense of awe and wonder. The only mode of "advertising" that I do at the moment is an email flyer to friends and past participants, information on the Quantum-Touch website and this blog. And then, I meditate and send out intentions to the universe. My intention is for abundance, love, joy and peace. My intention is that whoever that needs a catalyst of transformation for their lives will find me. Then I allow and wait.

That's when it happens. Unexpected emails from people, connection through friends and unexpected help for example, recently, a very nice lady from Hong Kong emailed me to offer me a free listing on their website The Source Asia for my workshops in Hong Kong.

For me to run workshops in another country, it is only possible if I have friends in those places who generously offer their help to source for venues etc. Scotland was possible because of my dear friend Marilyn. Likewise, Hong Kong is possible because of my dear friend May. I am grateful to them.

At the moment, I am growing my passion at a comfortable and stable pace to steadily establish my reputation for providing beneficial, professional and effective service. I am growing it at a balanced pace because I love having the time and space for self-development, personal being time and to pursue other interests.When it is time to grow it faster, I would have a firm foundation to take it to greater heights.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Boost to Manifest Your Dreams

As we evolve in our work and continue on a journey of learning, affirmation and growth, our abilities and gifting will strengthen and deepen. Our focus areas will evolve and change as well depending on our interests, experience, abilities and call.

When I first started to see clients on a professional basis, I did therapy for all sorts of ailments - backaches, migraines, scolosis, bunions, stress etc. That provided me with a solid foundation because working with a diverse group of clients allowed me to build up a "resource library" of information and insights. As I continued in my work, I started to feel a greater pull towards working with clients for emotional relief and that's why last August, I decided to specialise in emotional relief and then in November, I started to offer Chakra Scan & Enhancement sessions.

This week, I have accepted an interesting engagement from a client to work with him to manifest his dreams. He is at a stage of his life where he wants to ABUNDANCESTORM and change his life. This engagement will stretch over a period of a year. Our programme will include:
  • Coaching sessions: for these sessions, I will use my training in behavioural change, communications etc to work with him. Through these sessions, he will set his goals and outcomes, understand himself better as well as be equipped with the necessary tools for personal development and business growth.
  • Energy sessions for Self-Enhancement: for these sessions, I will provide him with Chakra Scan & Enhancement Sessions so that he will feel even more aligned and balanced as he moves onto this exciting new stage of his life.
  • Energy sessions to manifest his dreams: Based on his goals/ intention/ outcomes for each month, we will add a further boost to the manifestation of them energetically or to provide him with some insights. For example, he has set a goal to attract new business clients, we will then do a reality creating session etc to amplify his ability to attract. Or he has a couple of opprtunities to review, I will help by scanning the energy flows of each and advise him.

As I shared with this client, I accepted his engagement because (1) he desires and takes responsibility for change, (2) he's open to change, (3) he's willing to learn and (4) he will take the necessary action steps.

This engagement taps on all the skills I have ever learnt, a complete blending of modalities and training. It's exciting for me because it challenges me to be even more flexible and allows me to be creative in my approach. It will be fun and enriching. Yay!

Enhance Your Chakras

When I attended my very first energy workshop ie Quantum-Touch in 2005, I was "stressed out" during the Chakras segment because I could not visualise them nor feel them. The conclusion I came to was "I was very blocked". The diagnosis could be accurate as I was in alot of emotional pain at that time and things were not as bright as they are now. Guess that was the start of my interest in Chakras.

Because of the realisation, I started to work on my own chakras as well as seek help from my friend, Thean who does healing work as well as massages. As I often share with my participants, there is nothing shameful nor awkward for us to seek help even if we are energy trained. In fact, precisely because we are trained and know how resonance etc works, we will be totally comfortable to seek additional boosters for ourselves to speed up the healing process isn't it?

As I continue to pursue my interest in energy work, I started to be or maybe reawaken my intuitive and perceptive abilities. Soon, I was able to spin and work on my own chakras easily. Next, I found that I could perceive others' chakras as well. From general assessment to specific details. That's when I move onto my next step of offering Chakra Scan and Energetic Enhancement sessions.

Through my work with hundred plus clients, I feel that if people are able to gain greater awareness about their own chakras' conditions, they can further enhance their well-being. Of course, to some therapists, this does not make business sense. Why train potential clients to work on themselves? For me, my philosophy has always been of abundance. In fact, even at an early start of my energy work, I absolutely love it when my clients are well after the first session. There's always going to be other potential clients who need my services.

And so I developed a Enhance Your Chakras workshop and last Saturday was my very first one! These are my wonderful participants who gamely went on this journey of self-discovery.

Thanks Patricia, Lucy, Emily, Eng Heok, Puyee, Fi, Gabriel and Steven for your 128% participation, enthusiasm and courage! Courage because self-awareness could be a daunting journey. These 8 persons are amazing because they not only face "truth" bravely and openly, but they thoroughly enjoyed the journey as well. Amazing, aren't they??

Thanks for your suggestions and feedback on how I could further enhance the workshop as well as your affirmations for my growth as an instructor. I am certainly looking forward to holding my next workshop, sometime in March or April.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Group Distance Healing for Australia

I've shared that Distance Healing is a wonderful tool as we can use it anytime, anywhere for anyone. Now is a good example for us, who are energy trained, to send loving healing energy to our fellow brothers and sisters in Australia who are affected by the Australian wildfires.

For those of you are free this evening at 9pm, join us for a group distance session.

Friday, February 6, 2009


The past months have been transforming ones - joyous uplifting moments, painful lessons learnt, blissful and tranquil states, enriching learnings - all important for my life journey and growth.

This new phase of life or the pulling through of those lessons would not have been possible without the concern, encouragement and love shown by my family, friends and clients.

It is in living a life of gratitude that we can enJOY life even more. And so I am very grateful to:

  • God for his love. Knowing that He's there and basking in his presence soothes, warms and enlivens.
  • My parents. For allowing me to grow into who I am in spite of their concerns and reservations about the paths I chosen in my life to-date. It is certainly not easy for them.
  • My sister for her courage to follow her dreams. She inspires me to follow mine.
  • My other family - Gabriel and Karen for truly being here for me, for patiently accepting me and the painful pangs of growth. My godsons Joshua and Javen who makes me smile and strengthen my resolve to continue with this path.
  • My friends who have blessed me with their showers of care and concern.
  • My clients for their trust and belief in me as well as their kindness and thoughtfulness in providing referrals for me.

I am enjoying this new path of being. Most of all, I am grateful for all the different people in my life who have made this a possibility. Thank you.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Distance Healing

During the Quantum-Touch workshop, one of the segments that the participants often find it difficult to "swallow" is the distance healing. I completely understand how they feel. I too was skeptical when I attended my first workshop in 2005. In the months following the QT workshop, I preferred to do my sessions face-to-face cos' I still believe that it is more effective.

Then, because circumstances was such that I was "forced" to rely more and more on distance healing, I started to receive more "evidence" that I was equally effective far far far away as I am while I am with my "client". That's when I had my own breakthrough where distance healing is concerned.

I am glad I overcame my own skepticism about it because now, I am truly able to help anyone anytime anywhere in the world. I am not confined by schedules nor geography barriers. Clients who are shy about seeking help in person can now do so. Amazing, isn't it? It is needed for me to be confident about distance healing as it turned out, 90% of my sessions for clients are done via distance or a combination of personal/ distance. Useful too as my clients are based both in Singapore and overseas.

During my workshop, my participants will engage in an "experiment" to help them feel more confident about using distance healing. At the same time, I share with them success stories from both my experiences as well as others. Next, I advise them to start testing it out with people they know so as to obtain their own "evidences" to increase in confidence.

Yesterday, I received an email from a client with her feedback that is timely for this posting on distance healing. The loving mother had engaged me to do a Chakra Scan and Energetic Enhancement sessions for her two children. As her children are below the age of 12 years, I was comfortable to do the scan and share the insights with her as she wanted to know how she could further improve their well-being.

The scan was conducted earlier in the day and I did the enhancements sessions for them in the afternoon ending about 3.45pm. During the session, I focused on balancing/ aligning the chakras as well as further enhancing their well-being. At the same time, I also worked on the relationship energy flows so as to further deepen the bonding between the family members. The following is her feedback:

Just to give you some feedback on my kids' response to the Energy Enhancement.

For my daughter, she just seemed a bit tired at about 4pm. Just normal, as what you said.

What surprised me is my son. He seemed to have a healing crisis. At about 4pm, he started to have runny nose, teary eyes and feeling cold. I thought that he was getting 'heaty' after eating too much biscuits and CNY goodies. But at about 6pm, he was back to normal. That is why, I think it is a healing crisis.

Well, I would like to thank you for helping to enhance the quality of our lives.