As we move into a season of love and a brand new abundant year, it is a time for us to take stock of our achievements and have gratitude for all the opportunities and blessings. It is also a time for us to reflect so that we can focus to build an even better year ahead.

For me, I am grateful for the blessings and opportunities since I received my certification as a QT instructor in May. I did my first workshop in June, took a break in July and August to help my friend Yvonne and continued with my own workshops in September. To-date, I've conducted 9 workshops, with 2 of them in Hong Kong and Scotland thus fulfilling my dream to be an international instructor. Yay! I've certified 77 students with my youngest at 10 years and my oldest at 84 years. One of them, Owen, is now a certified practitioner himself!!
Through the workshops, I have expanded my social circle as well as my client base. Through their encouragement and affirmations, I took the bold step to fly free and this month, I abundancestorm and finally cleared the outstanding debts from my ex-marriage.
Thank you:
- God for being you :)
- Daddy, Mummy and Sis! This journey would not have been possible without your support.
- Friends for your support and affirmations! I am blessed by your friendships!
- Participants for giving your 120% at workshops and thus, challening me to be an even better instructor. I have learnt so much from all of you!
- Clients for your trust in my abilities to be a catalyst of positive transformation for you and more importantly, for the trust in yourself as a healer. You are the healer, not I. And it's an absolute joy to be a witness to your healing process as you take the steps to transform your lives! So proud of all of you!
- Fellow therapists! I have learnt so much from your sharing and insights!
- QT team! Without your support, it would not be possible to go on this journey.
I have also grown in my giftings and have been exposed to new methodologies and new interests. Last night, I had an important conversation with my bestest friend. It's good to have new interests yet at the same time, it is also important for us to stay focus so that we can deepen and not be breadth shallow. As such, I have decided that for 2009, I will focus on:
- Further enhancing my QT workshops. I love sharing and teaching about QT because it is such an useful tool.
- Deepening my chakra scanning abilities and giftings
- Further enhancing my chakra workshop
- Completing my first book and start on the 2nd one
- One to one sessions for Chakra Scan & Energetic Enhancement sessions as well as emotional relief
Exciting year ahead!!!
PS: I know what is happening in the world. I choose to focus to write on positive happenings. I cannot change what has happened, I can change my response to it. And thus, I choose to focus on positivity and encourage my friends and circles to do so as well. If we entrain to negativity, it is a negative spiral down down down. When we choose collectively to focus on goodness and positivity, healing and growth begins.
Yea!! You GO GIRL !!! Thrilled for you and proud & grateful that you are my friend/therapist/'coach'. I can FEEL you ooozing with love, positivity and goodness. That's why I enjoy reading your blogs. More, more, more!!!!
Thanks Pat! You are always so encouraging and affirming! Hugs! :)
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