Wednesday, December 24, 2008
For me, I am willing to spend on things that allow me to further enhance my life. It could be books, therapeutic sessions, courses, travel or gifts for others. When I went for my month long holiday in the UK, I actually invested quite a bit of money to travel to Manchester from Scotland for a one day workshop. What did I get out of it? Two insights. Worth it? Absolutely as these two insights are critical to further affirming and enhancing my new chosen path.
In the same way, when "new" clients express their views about my fees for my one to one sessions, I respect their views yet it does not affect me. In fact, the insights and value for the Chakra Scan is certaintly worth much more than the amount that they are investing. I've priced it at this cheaper rate (I know it is worth more than that! Every client once they experienced the session absolutely feel it's worth more than what they've spent!) only because at this moment in time, I would like more people to be open and willing to experience it. I did not wish for price to be the factor stopping them or the excuse they use to stop themselves from moving ahead.
Here, I am not talking about people who has genuine financial constraints. For them, we always work something out. Either huge discounts, an exchange or installments, whichever works better for them. It's never free as there must be an energy exchange even if it's just a couple of dollars or an exchange of services.
Here, I am talking about people who are willing to spend hundreds of dollars over a couple of hours on food or drinks or hundreds of dollars on dresses and techie toys etc. Yet reluctant to spend less than that amount on sessions that can further enhance their lives.
It's all about perception.
If one insight transforms your life, what would be the value that you are willing to pay?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Gratitude. Focus. Fly Free!

As we move into a season of love and a brand new abundant year, it is a time for us to take stock of our achievements and have gratitude for all the opportunities and blessings. It is also a time for us to reflect so that we can focus to build an even better year ahead.

For me, I am grateful for the blessings and opportunities since I received my certification as a QT instructor in May. I did my first workshop in June, took a break in July and August to help my friend Yvonne and continued with my own workshops in September. To-date, I've conducted 9 workshops, with 2 of them in Hong Kong and Scotland thus fulfilling my dream to be an international instructor. Yay! I've certified 77 students with my youngest at 10 years and my oldest at 84 years. One of them, Owen, is now a certified practitioner himself!!
Through the workshops, I have expanded my social circle as well as my client base. Through their encouragement and affirmations, I took the bold step to fly free and this month, I abundancestorm and finally cleared the outstanding debts from my ex-marriage.
Thank you:
- God for being you :)
- Daddy, Mummy and Sis! This journey would not have been possible without your support.
- Friends for your support and affirmations! I am blessed by your friendships!
- Participants for giving your 120% at workshops and thus, challening me to be an even better instructor. I have learnt so much from all of you!
- Clients for your trust in my abilities to be a catalyst of positive transformation for you and more importantly, for the trust in yourself as a healer. You are the healer, not I. And it's an absolute joy to be a witness to your healing process as you take the steps to transform your lives! So proud of all of you!
- Fellow therapists! I have learnt so much from your sharing and insights!
- QT team! Without your support, it would not be possible to go on this journey.
I have also grown in my giftings and have been exposed to new methodologies and new interests. Last night, I had an important conversation with my bestest friend. It's good to have new interests yet at the same time, it is also important for us to stay focus so that we can deepen and not be breadth shallow. As such, I have decided that for 2009, I will focus on:
- Further enhancing my QT workshops. I love sharing and teaching about QT because it is such an useful tool.
- Deepening my chakra scanning abilities and giftings
- Further enhancing my chakra workshop
- Completing my first book and start on the 2nd one
- One to one sessions for Chakra Scan & Energetic Enhancement sessions as well as emotional relief
Exciting year ahead!!!
PS: I know what is happening in the world. I choose to focus to write on positive happenings. I cannot change what has happened, I can change my response to it. And thus, I choose to focus on positivity and encourage my friends and circles to do so as well. If we entrain to negativity, it is a negative spiral down down down. When we choose collectively to focus on goodness and positivity, healing and growth begins.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Change me, change the world
I love this quote from Gandhi and totally agree with his wisdom. It is certaintly easier to desire change in others and people often strive to change someone or others around them, with some people spending a lifetime on this "mission". I did. I spent 14 years of my life thinking, wishing, working, praying that my ex would change. He never did.
Pointless yet we still consistently fall into this trap.
We cannot change someone else.
What we can change is our responses towards them. And the only person that I can change is me.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Donovan, my youngest student!!!
Donovan is the eldest son of Owen and Ivy, he already knows how to QT his parents. Learning QT formally is to give him an added boost of confidence in his ability. Because I can perceive energy flows, I know for sure that he runs energy beautifully and is very strong. He is also highly intuitive! He is also very wise for his age!!!
After working on me, he asked me: "Bernadette, my mum's fengsui for next year indicates that she will not have good health. I can use QT to work on her?"
Wow! That's exactly what feng sui, astrology, horoscopes etc is... just an indication so that we can change it. Not an absolute truth. With QT, we can do something to positively change what might possibly happen and not dwell on the negativity.
Well done Don!!! I am so proud of you for being so wise and so open to learning! Am sure you will be an inspiration to other children/ teenagers as well as adults!
Am so happy that he's decided to work towards practitioner status and I believe that with coaching and mentoring, he will indeed be excellent as a therapist! I am so so so excited!!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thank You, My Amazing Participants & Friends!
November Weekend QT Class
I am also very happy to find a beautiful venue for my weekend classes at the SAF Yacht Club. The view is amazing isn't it?

Woof Woof QT Class
As most of my blog regulars know, I've affectionately termed my evening classes at Best Friends as the Woof Woof group. Having my monthly evening QT classes at Best Friends is perfect as well cos' participants who love animals are able to bring in their pets during the practice sessions. Though I only know the group since Sept, we somehow click and have become good friends. I must say, they are also a very dedicated group who are just as passionate about energy work like I am. Owen is already a certified QT practitioner and is now still attending the basic workshops to get practice in facilitation as he works towards being an instructor. There's also 2 others Joelle and Lucy who are clocking in their hours to work towards practitioner status and instructors (Yay!!!! Mandarin speaking instructors) as well. Exciting isn't it?
Thanks Owen and Ivy for showing me so much love and concern!!! When I touched down past midnight yesterday at Changi Airport from Hong Kong, guess who I saw? Owen, Ivy and their wise son Donovan! They drove all the way to the airport to surprise me and bring me home to my place which is just 10 mins away by cab. Such a sweet gesture isn't it? Oooo... Donovan who is just 9 years old is now learning QT at my current Woof Woof Workshop. He runs energy beautifully!
Chris, the hubby of Joelle, has also generously offered his time and expertise to help me design a website. Thank you!
Hong Kong QT Class
I met Patricia and May in July this year when they flew in from Hong Kong to attend a QT workshop with my friend Yvonne. We clicked and corresponded with each other. Then in end July, I received a call from May requesting distance healing for her friend's son. Miracles do happen and before I left for my UK trip, was given the good news that the bone marrow transplant op was a success. I also felt a desire to be in Hong Kong to teach QT and to meet the boy and his mum and so started to plan it with Pat and May. While holidaying in UK, I woke up one morning and decided to go ahead and book my flight to Hong Kong and everything clicked into place!
Thank you all for the wonderful experiences that I had while I was in Hong Kong! Yes, I will be back in end Feb and yes, I will stay for a longer period of time. And I am very happy that a couple of you have decided to be certified as practitioners and eventually as instructors. Yay!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Congratulations OWEN!!!
I am so very proud of him because he just took up his first QT workshop in Sept this year! With determination and great discipline, he clocked in diligently the 60 hours needed (in fact he did 78++ hours) for his practicum, read the required reding plus more and attended two live workshops. He was also open to learning and courageous to ask questions. A model "student" indeed!!
CONGRATS OWEN!!! Am very very proud of you!!!! Thanks Ivy as well cos' without your loving support, it would not have been possible for Owen too!
Owen and Ivy are the owners of Best Friend Doggy & Kitty Salon cum Learning Centre and they have had amazing success stories using QT on animals.