And that's how I feel when I am teaching Quantum-Touch. The sheer joy of sharing something that is a tool for inner freedom. A tool for people to be chidlike and to be happier. A tool for people to have a taste of soaring in the sky. A very practical tool that they can use to help themselves and others. I also believe that it's my ability to play, have fun, be childlike and be open to possibilities that allows me to be very good at what I do.
At every workshop, my participants rediscover a inner part of them, that part that believes in the awesomeness of possibilities, that part that knows that YES, I CAN DO IT! Above all, the participants learn to be childlike again and play. Yup, learning can be totally fun!
In a few hours, I will be running my weekend workshop. My woof woof workshop which is held in the evenings ended last week. So you can totally understand why I am feeling on top of the world!
Gotta shower and get dressed and then it's off to the SAF Yacht Club. Catch you later!
PS: For the pessimists who went "feeling on top will only get you crashing down!", well it is about your reframing of things isn't it? I intend to soar higher each time cos' I feel life as a trampoline. It only gets higher better each time! *BIG GRIN*
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