I had a very interesting conversation with a friend recently. Very useful insights that I cannot not share it with you!!!!!! It's another reason to learn energy work!! I'm not mentioning my friend's name cos' I do not know if this dear friend wants to be quoted.
Everything on earth follows the “classical” science, aka Four Elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air. There is a fifth element, or spiritual energy, which is termed as Aether or Ether. Our thoughts are Air energy and in spiritual studies we believe that each person has a consciousness belonging to his/her soul. The soul communicates with one’s earthly body using the medium called Ether and this is transformed into Air energy like
thoughts and ideas.
Earth is the physical manifestation of objects, Water is about feelings and emotions, Fire is about motivation and the passion for life, Air is about thoughts and ideas. There is physical manifestation of each element, like Water’s physical is water, Fire physical manifestation is fire…. so on and so forth.
But the key difference between sentient and non-sentient beings is the soul/consciousness. Air also represents Science because of the
logical processing and thought required to analyze, critique, and formulate ideas. Astrology is a product of Air energy and it does not interfere directly with the Ether connections or consciousness of others, thus not affecting the Earthly bodies.
When trained, we can channel the Air energy in the Earthly realm to connect back to Ether and “attract” or “create” our future. This is also known as visualization. For those gifted who can sense vibrations packed with consciousness (Ether manifestation), the Water energy in those people is usually quite abundant.
Visualization taps onto the Ether realm, which helps to attract like-minded consciousness to the visualizer (via vibrations). It is powered by intent. So when someone’s intent is to destroy someone else’s intent, then there will be repercussions because of the clash of opposites. By sending out negative vibrations, the sender also attracts negative vibrations (hence the term we attract like-minded). So it is very dangerous to dabble in “black” magic or spiritual work involving “negative” intents.
Things about astrology can only be 100% true if we allow it to rule over us. If we do not creatively visualize our future, then science/astrology/probability/life-trends will rule over us to dictate the future. Again, we are not robots (meaning we have five elements; not four only. Because we have consciousness). We can access Ether via Air channels to attract what we want. The key is Practice, Practice, Practice.
The most important is the intent driving the four elements; regardless of all the types of energy work we are involved in.
WOW!! I am so excited! Do you comprehend the full magnitude of these insights!!!???!!!! It also explains why I feel such a strong calling to move into this direction, this strong desire to share and teach as many people, and the strong pull to specialise in chakra work using my gifts. My mission in life is to be a dream catalyst and energy work is one of the ways to help people transform their lives.
It also explains why I felt that among all the tools I have learnt through the years, it was when I learnt energy work that my life changed the fastest, that the dream life I desired way back started to materialise at a much quicker pace!
Now I understand.
PS: Am also finally grateful for the fact that I have "water retention" since water abundance is water energy right? :)
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