Sunday, November 30, 2008
Protecting Clients' Confidentiality

Friday, November 28, 2008
Setting Intentions
This is the reason why at all my workshops, I invite the participants to at the start of the workshop set an intention or outcome for the workshops be it "I want to be able to heal myself and others around me" to "I want to activate my 3rd eye to be even more powerful" to "I would like to see colours".
The power of intention is powerful indeed.
Just yesterday, was sharing two fellow energy trained friends that it appears that with setting of the intention and also to a degree, my ability to perceive flows, it appears that majority of participants at the workshop go beyond just the basics. And that's great!
The person who set the intention for the 3rd eye activated her clairvoyant abilities and she has grown stronger and stronger. An example, when I returned from my month long holiday and met up with her, she was able to tell me that she SAW that two men caught my eye while I was holiday, a blond and dark haired. True. Lol. She's also shared more stuff about my future with me, and like how I grew my chakra gifting, lets wait and see to get feedback.
For the person who wanted to see colours, she did!! And the sheer joy emannating from her was highly contagious!
For myself, at my last workshop, I too set an intention. Been told by clairvoyants that on top of my current giftings, I will be clairvoyant too. And so I set an intention for me to SEE even deeper.Since the workshop, it appears to be so.
Well, the only way to find out is to get feedback and so my friends have asked me to SEE for them and we will see how it turns out to be.
My friend's doggy was sick and when we google chatted on Monday morning, I told him that I am not sure she will make it. That night, received sms that she went to doggy heaven. Told him that I was not sure I like this gift that much.
But I know that we receive gifting which we can manage and excel in. Will be writing about this in my next posting. Gotta run now and celebrate my new life of FREEDOM with a pedicure followed by a trip to Kinokuniya! For those of you who went task task task at my seemingly frivolity, please read this, recognise and respect that there are different models of the world, and enJOY being you like I am being me!
Val's vibration is very strong and so it was utterly pleasurable to feel the flow of energy surging and recharging within me. I sank deeper into relaxation, bliss and at times, in a different space. Midway through the session, I heard a voice called out "Michael". I can't fully described the quality of this voice except that it's not of this world. So I asked, "is Michael my guardian angel?" The answer was yes and then it felt there was more. And so I asked, "is Michael my physical protector and lover as well?" The answer was yes. Hmmmm... so his name is Michael.
After the session, Val shared her insights with me that she received from the session. At the same time, I asked her if she sensed any negative attachments. She replied that I have a strong angelic protection and she also sensed the strong presence of my guardian angel beside me. She asked for the angel's name but didn't get any.
Well, she didn't but I sure did, didn't I?
I've been told, I will know my Mr Right when I meet him so I will share with you if he is named Michael too.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Fly Free!
At the same time, I also held a full time job as a Corporate Trainer. And that has been my struggle. It's been a real real struggle balancing the two - job plus energy work, not just in terms of time or physically. But the real struggle lies in the stark contrast in the emotional and spiritual nature of both work.
I know that in the past year, I have to be practical and hang onto my full time job and I did. Also to grow my gift. Right now, the calling and prompt is so so strong to focus and grow this area that I know/ trust that I must take the leap and soar. And I did!
I've taken the step to Fly Free. It is an exciting and exhilarating time!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Soar @ Quantum-Touch Workshops

And that's how I feel when I am teaching Quantum-Touch. The sheer joy of sharing something that is a tool for inner freedom. A tool for people to be chidlike and to be happier. A tool for people to have a taste of soaring in the sky. A very practical tool that they can use to help themselves and others. I also believe that it's my ability to play, have fun, be childlike and be open to possibilities that allows me to be very good at what I do.
At every workshop, my participants rediscover a inner part of them, that part that believes in the awesomeness of possibilities, that part that knows that YES, I CAN DO IT! Above all, the participants learn to be childlike again and play. Yup, learning can be totally fun!
In a few hours, I will be running my weekend workshop. My woof woof workshop which is held in the evenings ended last week. So you can totally understand why I am feeling on top of the world!
Gotta shower and get dressed and then it's off to the SAF Yacht Club. Catch you later!
PS: For the pessimists who went "feeling on top will only get you crashing down!", well it is about your reframing of things isn't it? I intend to soar higher each time cos' I feel life as a trampoline. It only gets higher better each time! *BIG GRIN*
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Aha! Another Reason to Learn QT!

I had a very interesting conversation with a friend recently. Very useful insights that I cannot not share it with you!!!!!! It's another reason to learn energy work!! I'm not mentioning my friend's name cos' I do not know if this dear friend wants to be quoted.
Everything on earth follows the “classical” science, aka Four Elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air. There is a fifth element, or spiritual energy, which is termed as Aether or Ether. Our thoughts are Air energy and in spiritual studies we believe that each person has a consciousness belonging to his/her soul. The soul communicates with one’s earthly body using the medium called Ether and this is transformed into Air energy like
thoughts and ideas.
Earth is the physical manifestation of objects, Water is about feelings and emotions, Fire is about motivation and the passion for life, Air is about thoughts and ideas. There is physical manifestation of each element, like Water’s physical is water, Fire physical manifestation is fire…. so on and so forth.
But the key difference between sentient and non-sentient beings is the soul/consciousness. Air also represents Science because of the
logical processing and thought required to analyze, critique, and formulate ideas. Astrology is a product of Air energy and it does not interfere directly with the Ether connections or consciousness of others, thus not affecting the Earthly bodies.
When trained, we can channel the Air energy in the Earthly realm to connect back to Ether and “attract” or “create” our future. This is also known as visualization. For those gifted who can sense vibrations packed with consciousness (Ether manifestation), the Water energy in those people is usually quite abundant.
Visualization taps onto the Ether realm, which helps to attract like-minded consciousness to the visualizer (via vibrations). It is powered by intent. So when someone’s intent is to destroy someone else’s intent, then there will be repercussions because of the clash of opposites. By sending out negative vibrations, the sender also attracts negative vibrations (hence the term we attract like-minded). So it is very dangerous to dabble in “black” magic or spiritual work involving “negative” intents.
Things about astrology can only be 100% true if we allow it to rule over us. If we do not creatively visualize our future, then science/astrology/probability/life-trends will rule over us to dictate the future. Again, we are not robots (meaning we have five elements; not four only. Because we have consciousness). We can access Ether via Air channels to attract what we want. The key is Practice, Practice, Practice.
The most important is the intent driving the four elements; regardless of all the types of energy work we are involved in.
WOW!! I am so excited! Do you comprehend the full magnitude of these insights!!!???!!!! It also explains why I feel such a strong calling to move into this direction, this strong desire to share and teach as many people, and the strong pull to specialise in chakra work using my gifts. My mission in life is to be a dream catalyst and energy work is one of the ways to help people transform their lives.
It also explains why I felt that among all the tools I have learnt through the years, it was when I learnt energy work that my life changed the fastest, that the dream life I desired way back started to materialise at a much quicker pace!
Now I understand.
PS: Am also finally grateful for the fact that I have "water retention" since water abundance is water energy right? :)
Accept Opportunities!
Accept Opportunities. That's one of the themes for a book that I am writing. If I was not open to accepting opprtunities to learn for example, to attend my very first Quantum-Touch workshop or the very first NLP seminar and accepting opportunities to better my life for example when Marilyn offered to do her emotional detox process for me or when Kenneth offered to read my basic chart, life would not be what it is today!
Attending the NLP seminar opened up a whole new world and helped to be an even more effective trainer and now, a therapist. I met Kenneth through another NLP workshop that I attended and hence, benefitted from his reading for me. The first time was in end 2005 and it helped me to shift from a poverty mindset mentality to abundant mentality. From being worried about money to feeling good about abundance.
When I accepted Yvonne's offer to attend her very first Quantum-Touch workshop, I was totally skeptical yet I decided to attend it. Gosh, am sure glad I did!!! Through QT, Marilyn found me cos' she was my first paying client! She soon became a very dear friend and on one of her trips here, she offered to do her emotional detox process for me. I thank her for this gift because it helped me to completely feel the same and yet different. All my negative triggers that have been anchored in the past were removed. And I needed the process to help me heal from a terrible break up. Now, I often recommend Kenneth and her to my clients cos' I know how useful it is! Because of her, my workshop in Scotland is possible. And so on.... there are countless other connections that I've made through the years which were possible only because I was open to accepting opportunities.
Of course I am not asking you to blindly accept all opportunities that come your way. Accept opportunities that are positive in intent, win win outcomes for all and above all, you feel 100% good about it (being skeptical is good so it doesn't count as a negative emotion).
Life can be very different when you do as I have discovered!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Quantum-Touch and Animals
MoMo is currently on medication (for the pain in the throat). The cancerous lump found on the left side of the neck have since eaten through to the inner side of the left throat, thus making it painful for MoMo to eat or drink. After just 3 QT sessions, he is DRINKING more water, EATING on his own and as he did not complain of any pain, his owner Miss Manami has reduced his medication (which he usually takes) and he is more active too. She also mentioned that when she brought him to the vet for a review, the vet also notice a change in his activity level too. Miss Manami also said "I feel more confident each time I send my cat for the QT session as I can see results." Read more about MoMo the cat here.
Testimonials - Quantum-Touch Workshops
May, 39, Hong Kong
QT is such a simple and easy to use healing method. One day, I put my hands on my friend's little toddler girl who has spine problem since she was born. The little girl was so quiet and relaxed while my hands touched ber back, she nearly fell asleep again, in fact she just woke up from her nap! 15 mins passed by, I looked at her face and she gave me an angelic smile. Her mom was amazed and told me that her daughter would never let anyone unfamiliar touch her, usually she would scream and cry loudly. Highly recommend QT to any parents to learn, a very gentle and calming healing skill for kids.
Tag, 18, Singapore
My dad told me today that he no longer feels any pain and thanked me for introducing Quantum-Touch to him. Thank you for your services. You spared him a lot of pain and treatments.
Sharon, 47, Scotland
At the workshop, Bernadette has a gift which brings the best out of people. It has been an honour and pleasure to meet her.
Kenneth, 27, Singapore
Bernadette has been an extremely engaging trainer throughout the QT session, who manages break this complicated and seemingly intimidating field into something easy to grasp. Her stories were truly inspiring as they drove us to re-think our paradigms with the powerful principles like ‘Energy follows intention’ and ‘Breathe, breathe, breathe!’ which she emphasized and reinforced since day one. The QT workshop also gave us a unique way of understanding how we function as facilitators of healing and that our highest positive intention drives the process. The workshop has been filled with fun, laughter, joy, and sometimes tears as there were moments that touched the depths of our hearts, and if not, our soul. An excellent program with impressive and professional trainer! Please keep up the great work!”
Gabriel, 33, Singapore
It all started with when I got involved with Golf. Being too engrossed in it, I went to the golfing range for 7-8 days in a row to practise my swings. I guess something must have happened during those sessions where I developed a dull ache in my palm. It got so bad that I couldn't swing the club properly. Sometimes, when I wake up in the morning, I would feel the ache in the hand too. This lasted for more than a month. Even when I rested from Golf, the ache wouldn't go away. Bernadette did 2 QT sessions for me, the pain didn't go away immediately, but within 2 days, I forgot that I had the pain. It simply disappeared, vanished. Even after I carried on playing, the pain didn't return. Now that I'm writing the testimony for her (a few months since I recovered), honestly, I can't remember which hand it was... left or right... :)
Subsequently, she helped to do QT for my mum's headache, my dad's aches, my wife's morning sickness, my little son's fever... I certainly would recommend anyone reading this to give it a go, and see what QT can do for them.
Frances, 85, Scotland
I would take another workshop from Bernadette because she was good. I thought she was very good at interacting with us as a group and we were all very happy with her.
Testimonials - Chakra Scan and Energetic Enhancement Sessions
Dr Marilyn Rodger, Scotland
The Chakra Scan with Bernadette is both insightful and healing. The insights were very meaningful and made a difference in my life immediately. Bernadette works on spiritual, emotional and physical issues and she is dedicated to assisting you harness your mind, body and health skills.
Owen, Singapore
When we were in the middle of the QT class, Bernadette offered to scan the Chakras of all the participants as our group was small. When she scanned my chakra, I was amazed that she was able to see my personality and some of the challenges with my wife cause I do not understand some of the problems that she has kept closed in her heart and I felt lost because I do not know how to help her open up her problems to me. After she scanned my wife, Ivy’s Chakra, she started to open up and she felt more relaxed. Bernadette is a wonderful teacher and now, a friend. She had helped all the participants in that class understand themselves better thus lives have changed for the better. I’m confident saying this cause all those participants in that class are clients turned friends and have been by my side for more than 5 years and I’m sure they will definitely agree with me.
Bingz, Singapore
B's Chakra Scan is quite amazing. I'd say it's more of a intuitive chakra reading, where she looks into each of the 7 main chakras, and tells you what the chakras want to let you know at the moment. It's like having an energy check up to evaluate where you are in your inner world currently, and how it may have caused your outer reality to change. Through her reading, I received valuable insights in areas of my finance, relationships, personal power, intuition etc. And she does it with so much love and respect for my personal space when it came to stuff that's quite sensitive. Though I do energy work also, I feel that it's beneficial to get an unbiased 2nd opinion to see how my efforts have paid off in clearing and energizing my chakras, and also which area I could focus more on.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Abundance Mentality

Abundance mentality, that is a term that I came across years ago and since then, have followed. In this economic environment, it is even more important for us to continue to be abundant to those who needs our understanding and help. Abundance mindset is for all times, not just for good times. If one isn't able to contribute financially, one can also do so with time.
As such, I have adopted the Safe Haven Project as my charity. The project, initiated and managed by my friend Val Whyte, seeks to help restore the village of Legok in Indonesia which was affected by the tsunami of 2004. The funds goes to the maintaining of the Fly Free School and a clinic which supplies education and health needs for 100’s of individuals.
I am dedicating 10% of all profits from my Quantum-Touch workshops and one to one sessions to The Safe Haven Project. Thus providing an opportunity for participants and clients to help themselves and in the process, help others to lead a happier life. Wonderful energy, isn't it?
For more information on The Safe Haven Project, please log onto www.safehavenproject.com. You can also choose to make a direct donation. I know that every any amount will be greatly appreciated!
Friday, November 7, 2008
To Charge Or Not To Charge
I used to feel awkward and was in a dilemma as well. As I shared previously, I find it very difficult to charge people for my sessions especially friends. It was only in August this year that I've shifted in my beliefs and thoughts on this. And I am very glad that I did cos' then I am a very congruent instructor and coach to my participants who may also be interested to do QT full time.
Attend a workshop by David Ashworth during my recent hols to UK. I love the way he sums up on this issue of money and energy work:
Healing is free, it is of the Universe. People are paying not for the healing but for the healer/ therapist's time.
That is so true. As therapists, practitioners and/or instructor, we have spent money and time to learn and upgrade ourselves on the energy modalities. And often, most of us have broaden our scope of skills with other related courses that would be useful for our clients. At the same time, we are also spending our time when we do a session for someone.
As such, if you are doing this to earn an income, then it is only right to accept a fee for your services and time. It is not being money minded. It is about a fair exchange between you and your client. You'll be surprised at how obligated or uncomfortable people might feel when you offer your services for free as I've discovered. In fact, they often feel better when you decide to charge because then they can freely ask you for more sessions if need be. I learnt this the hard way. So learn from me and start abundantly charging for your time and effort! Trust me, your clients/ friends will appreciate it!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Chakra Scan and Energetic Enhancement Session
During the Chakra Scan and Energetic Enhancement session, I will look into the client's chakras or energy centres and provide them with insights and awareness. I discovered that I could actually see/ feel images or messages that the client's body is telling me and in turn help the client to confirm, affirm or be aware of. For example, the base chakra is tied to a person's sense of security and stability. When a client is extremely stressed about financial worries or concerns, then often this chakra is either blocked or sevrely not balanced. When the client knows that the worries are causing tremendous stress to their bodies, they then will make a conscious decision to destress.
Another example is when I saw a client's crown or spiritual chakra as being very alive and awakening, then I will share with him to continue to do what he's doing cos' obviously, his spiritual connection is giving him great joy in life.
Or another example, is when I look into a client's heart chakra and saw that the client was hurt by something way back in the past and have since then, locked herself from feeling emotions. I shared that with the client who was very surprised because she's never told anyone. Then I shared that it's not useful for us to lock our heart chakra cos' with time, we can grow detached and cold. She agreed and then we work on it.
This brings me to the 2nd part of the session which is the energetic enhancement. Once I've scanned and provide a client with insights on his or her chakras, we then work on them energetically either to further enhance or to do "corrective" work example, the locked heart chakra. The chakras or energy centres do not "lie", they provide real clues about how our everyday events or feelings or thoughts are affecting us directly. What we would like is for the chakras to be smoothly flowing with no blockages etc cos' then we feel good and wonderful and often, happier as well.
When I went through a painful period two years ago, my chakras were all blocked. When I realised that, I seek help to balance them cos' I know that while I may not be able to attract solutions then to change my life but by allowing myself to feel better, I will then be in a more resourceful state.
So far, clients have found the chakra scan and energy enhancement to be very useful and in a few cases, life changing. There was a lady who after my scan, realised that she's been self deceiving herself that everything is fine when she's actually utterly miserable. Because of the awareness, she decided to take actions to change those aspects of her life that was causing her grief. The last time I heard from her, she's feeling the happiest that she's been in 20 years!! The people around her also noticed the change. Wonderful isn't it?
Testimonials from some clients:
Dr Marilyn Rodger, Scotland: The Chakra Scan with Bernadette is both insightful and healing. The insights were very meaningful and made a difference in my life immediately. Bernadette works on spiritual, emotional and physical issues and she is dedicated to assisting you harness your mind, body and health skills.
Owen, Singapore: When we were in the middle of the QT class, Bernadette offered to scan the Chakras of all the participants as our group was small. When she scanned my chakra, I was amazed that she was able to see my personality and some of the challenges with my wife cause I do not understand some of the problems that she has kept closed in her heart and I felt lost because I do not know how to help her open up her problems to me. After she scanned my wife, Ivy’s Chakra, she started to open up and she felt more relaxed. Bernadette is a wonderful teacher and now, a friend. She had helped all the participants in that class understand themselves better thus lives have changed for the better. I’m confident saying this cause all those participants in that class are clients turned friends and have been by my side for more than 5 years and I’m sure they will definitely agree with me.
Bingz, Singapore: B's Chakra Scan is quite amazing. I'd say it's more of a intuitive chakra reading, where she looks into each of the 7 main chakras, and tells you what the chakras want to let you know at the moment. It's like having an energy check up to evaluate where you are in your inner world currently, and how it may have caused your outer reality to change. Through her reading, I received valuable insights in areas of my finance, relationships, personal power, intuition etc. And she does it with so much love and respect for my personal space when it came to stuff that's quite sensitive. Though I do energy work also, I feel that it's beneficial to get an unbiased 2nd opinion to see how my efforts have paid off in clearing and energizing my chakras, and also which area I could focus more on.
For those of you interested in the session, please contact me at bernadettecsy@gmail.com or (65) 9272 9476 to schedule an appointment.
The Chakra Scan & Enhancement session comes in two parts; in the first, I will scan your chakras (energy centres) and provide insights on on what's working well and the areas for enhancement for greater alignment, balance and happiness. I will then enhance the chakras that are balanced and provide therapeutic work on those that need improvements. Clients have found these sessions to be beneficial, enabling positive changes to their lives. They use it as a way to feel happier and balanced regardless of what the circumstances may be around them. This is especially true with the recent and upcoming financial economic situation.
The scan ( 90 to 120 mins) need not be done face to face, we can work via through skype/phone session while the enhancement (60 mins) can be done either face to face or via distance healing.
Monday, November 3, 2008
1% vs 99%

Was so taken aback by the strongly worded negative comments, my first taste of what's it's like to be completely misunderstood, that I could not stop myself from crying. Have not cried for a very long time personally and never for healing work. Understood later that perhaps the tears were a way for my body to 'detox' the negativity emmanting from the person so that it does not stay in my body.
I've always been very conscious and careful about the words I use, my intention is always positive and because of what I've experienced in my own life, empathy is considered to be one of my greatest strength. So was very surprised by the person's reaction. The person demanded that I share the insights only if I can word it tactfully or positively. I told the person that in that case, I will not share at all. it's interesting cos' I had the person's full permission for the scan and to be honest in sharing prior to that.
The Chakra Scan session with Bernadette is both insightful and healing. The insights were very meaningful and made a difference in my life immediately. Bernadette works on spiritual, emotional and physical issues and she is dedicated to assisting you harness your mind, body and health skills.
I realised that it is silly if I give up the work I do because of one person's feedback. What I'll do instead is to be even more careful and conscious of the words I use from henceforth. And trusting that I always hold people in the highest positive regards and always have the highest positive intention/ outcome for them.