I flew in to Scotland on Monday and straight to my first 'international' workshop. Had 6 love-ly ladies at the workshop and we all marvelled at the fact on how energy work truly connects people from all walks of life. Imagine me, a Chinese Singaporean woman, running a workshop in Scotland which is half the world away! Amazing amazing amazing! Had my oldest participant as well, my friend Marilyn's mum in law who is 85 this year. She's so lively, witty and loving.. such positive joyous energy! She truly inspires me!
Going with the flow and a prompt, I've booked my flight to Hong Kong in December to do a QT workshop. Received a totally unexpected email from a very nice lady in Hong Kong who's interested in learning QT. Took that as a sign to go ahead and so am all set to flow.
Through energy work, I'm learning to go with the flow even more, to dare to be me more and to enJOY life more. And it gives me great joy when my participants share their success stories with me and their experiences on how their lives have changed too.
Will be flying to Manchester tomorrow for a workshop and I've a strong feeling that it's needed for my growth. Am excited, curious and must confess, a little apprehensive. I know I'll have to move out of my comfort zone even more so that always makes one uncomfortable doesn't it. Keep an open mind, learn, absorb and flow.
Sounds amazing Bernie. All the best with the other workshops and am sure you'll be all recharged after the trip! Take care!!
Thanks Liz!!! Am feeling totally recharged already!
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