Been wanting to blog about my awesome participants at my two Quatum-Touch workshops that I conducted recently but simply didn't have the time. It's been a crazy hectic month for me, juggling between work projects/ responsibilities (must complete them before my month long hols) and my growing QT clients plus 2 workshops. I'm a happy yet exhausted girl. Well, I have the weekend to catch up on some much needed rest and sleep so that I'll be recharged and refreshed and back to being a CHOG (as one friend affectionately called me) when I land on English soil next Monday.Now, back to my participants. As you know, I was only planning to do one workshop over the weekend of 20/21 Sept. Yet the abundant universe opened up other opportunities cos' connections were needed for even greater abundance to flow in for all involved!
I've termed the first group as my "Woof Woof" group cos' it all started with an email from Owen, a very nice person who happens to be the owner of Best Friends Doggy & Kitty Salon cum Learning Centre who was interested in learning QT. After several correspondence and having had the pleasure of also chatting with his lovely wife Ivy, they decided to get together a group of their clients/ friends who might be interested in learning QT. Over several quick phone calls (when there's enthusiasm, there's always positive action!), they efficiently organised for me to do a preview for several of their clients who have also become friends. So off I went to their cosy shop at Telok Kurau. The first thing I noticed upon entering the shop was the gorgeous huskies. Wow!! These are all owners of huskies and I could not help but focus my attention on the dogs! Beautiful! The preview was fun and engaging as the group were curious and more importantly, not afraid to ask questions. That evening, a group of them decided to go ahead and explore this new world of energy and we quickly set dates. What's interesting is that I've been wanting to do an evening workshop for a while now, and now, it happened!The four evenings were amazing... the participants were lively, always putting in 120% participation inspite of a full day of work and personal commitments, had a joyful enjoyment of the whole process, displayed openness to test and test and test, had the courage to ask questions, and most of all, showed so much care and concern to one another. The basis of Quantum-Touch is love and that's an emotion that was clearly evident in the woof woof group!
On a personal note, they were highly affirming and encouraging to me, as their instructor. During the workshop, I discovered new abilities that wouldn't have been possible if not for the fact that they were so sincere in their comments and feedback. During the vortex segment of the workshop, I realised that I could "see" the type of vortex that the participants created for example, a lady had a lovely dancing steams of wind that made her felt so good and alive. Another participant spun his vortex in a horizontal direction instead of vertical. Yet another participant spun his vortex and gathered a sandstorm with it. It was at this woof woof workshop that I had a prompt that one day, I might teach the advanced classes. The woof woof group became a catalyst in my journey of growth and discovery! Several of them are interested in specialising in QT for animals and I absolutely love the idea!! If you're looking for QT therapy or other services for your beloved doggy/ kitty, please contact Owen. You'll know for sure that your doggy and kitty is in good loving hands! As you know, I only recommend people (they are not paying me any referral fees at all to promote them!) that I have absolutely 100% confidence in and more importantly, feel good energetic connection with and vibes emmanting from them.
Now to my second group, the weekend group. When I first set a date for the workshop, I thought it'll just be a small group. Then as the days went by, more calls came in, more people sign up. In total, we had 16 participants and that's absolutely wonderful! I was also over the moon that my good friends got to meet each other finally! They've heard so much about each other from me but their paths never met. Love-ly!
As with the woof woof group, the participants put in their 120%, were willing to be open and ask questions to further enhance their skills and though many of them didn't know each other, they soon open their hearts to one another and seek to do their best to help one another master the techniques and to feel relief as a "client".

On a personal note, this group further affirms my passion for sharing and teaching QT! Having been a trainer for years now, it is easy for me to create a fun and engaging workshop with all the different skills that I possess. Having said that, because we are working with energy, I feel that the instructor's congruency and passion for it has to be clearly evident. We must have a passion for and love energy work. This joy and glow will shine through when both our external and internal matches. Based on the feedback from the participants, this authencity and congruency is something that I strongly exhibit at all my workshops. That's simply cos' energy work is totally aligned with my mission and purpose of being a dream catalyst and totally in sync with my values of love, fun, being light, friendship/ relationships, continuous growth and self-development.
So, a very BIG THANK YOU to all of you who were at my workshops. I believe that there's a reason for us being there and for connecting with one another. Continue to enJOY your journey of discoveries and growth. Breathe, breathe, breathe! Be ALIVE!