Sunday, March 9, 2008

Turbo Charge of Energy

There may be times when you need to turbo charge your energy, be it to finish up a school project, to complete a work project deadline or just to get through the day. This is where QT can give you that extra energy boost.

Two weeks ago, I was rushing to complete a project deadline. As it sometimes happen :), just when there's a deadline to meet, the things that can possibly go haywire does! I had started work early that morning at about 7am, thinking I'll complete it by 6pm that day. Instead, I ended up working through the night till 4am the next morning and continuing at 7am.

I know that I only made it through because I took moments in between to QT myself and also, my friend Yvonne sent me distance QT as well!

Now, I am not suggesting that you use QT to keep late nights. Your body NEEDS REST!!! Workaholics, please please listen to and love your body!

For me, I really needed to meet the project deadline that night and so I'm grateful that I had QT to "help" me cope. You can use QT too for an extra boost of energy when you need it. But like I said, do get enough rest after that. I sure did, I took the next day off to relax and chill out.

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