As I grew more confident, and started to trust in my feel and intuition, the results for my clients significantly improved. Here are two stories that I would like to share to inspire you to start trusting in your intuition and abilities!
Case 1: My First Paying Client
M was my first paying client and I did a session for her in Feb last year. She’s from Scotland and had found me on the QT website. Since she was in Singapore for a holiday, she wanted to have a QT session as well. Being my first “professional” client, I was naturally a little stressed. Imagine how that level increased when upon arriving, I found out that she’s in perfect health (Oh no, how is she going to experience the difference or rate any pain difference!!!!), is a trained in NLP, Hypnosis etc and has friends in the healing modality!!! Of course, outwardly I was calm and confident (heehee, I am a professional trainer after all) and inwardly I was all nerves and highly stressed. The comfort I received was the fact that she exudes utter joy and radiance so I know that she’s nice. Won’t be a nasty client! Since she is in perfect health, we decided to work on her bunion (stressed!!! My first time working on a bunion!!!) and her jaw which she felt was misaligned. As I got into the breathing and allowing space, my stress melted away and I started to enjoy myself regardless of the outcome.
Now, M and I have become good friends. Early this year, when she was in town, I did another session for her for general well being. After the session, she commented that my "flow" is even better than before. I believe it's because I've added Supercharge to my toolbox. At the same time, it also the fact that I am now totally in the blissful joyous flow each time when I'm in a session and depending on the need that I "sense", I will switch to different techniques at different parts of the session - matching the client's body's intelligence of what's more suited at that stage.
Case 2: My Therapist
My massage therapist (who's also in this healing modality) asked me for a session. As with most of us, we often spend a lot of time on others but not on ourselves. So she and I decide to do an energy exchange. I'll give her a therapy session while she gave me a lympathatic massage.
She shared that she was feeling some tension on her lower back and hip area. I shared that I'll work on that as well as her back. And then, I will just go with the flow and follow my intuition as I sense her body's flow and needs.
My experience: I started off with Supercharge and sent her the 12 colours. Next I used Core; steam release for her hips, legs followed by wombing+ leveraging open a joint. Then I started on her vertebrae and shoulders using steam release plus wombing + tractor beam. As I started on her neck, I switched to wombing + "poking" (here, it was only the top and bottom that needed work). When that was done, I started to work on her jaw (felt prompt to spend quite a bit of time here), cheek, eyes and top of head using wombing + tractor beam. When that was done, I switched to reconnective and had a enjoyable working on her whole body. Was initially thinking of ending the session by asking her to do the pouring forward from Core but instead, I ended with putting her into a deeper relaxing trance and "embed" powerful positive resources for her. The words and thoughts just flowed, with a strong focus on "putting the past to past. enjoying the now now." (Dunno where that came from but I've learnt to just trust my "voice").
Client's experience: Upon "waking" she shared she felt lighter and very good. Her hip/ back tension was gone. Throughout the session, she felt like she was in a nice jelly-like bubble. Then she shared that she felt movements in her back, neck (here she confirmed that it was only the top and bottom part that has tension!) and that she felt her her jaw going back to alignment. Apparently, it was out of alignment after her recent tooth extraction which she forgot to share with me!! Then, she started to "dream" of being in outer space, very relaxed and blissful state (reconnection does that at times!!!!) and towards the end of the session, she found herself in a very ultra relaxed state. She was also reminded of a "promise" that she made to herself that she will not live and wallow in the past. Instead, to enjoy the now and future.
To-date, this is my most interesting session. It affirms me to further trust and follow my intuition and go with the flow. That night, I received an sms from her: "My dear, thanks alot for the wonderful session and am grateful. Feeling much lighter on my back. My jaw was out of aligment (left) after my tooth extraction. Now it's ok. Great!"
It is I who am grateful to her for giving me the opportunity to learn and be of help. She is the healer not I.