Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop

Quantum-Touch® Level 1 Workshop
Weekend 23/24 November 2013
9am to 5pm, Fee: $500 (includes certification)

An interactive, experiential and enjoyable workshop
In our fast-paced lifestyle, it is common for us to feel stressed or to suffer from aches and pains, often in silence, from our numerous activities. Discover at the upcoming 2 days Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop, your innate yet powerful ability to help yourself and others through the Quantum-Touch techniques
It is a powerful, yet easy to learn, natural healing technique. Developed by Richard Gorden, Quantum-Touch links breathing and body awareness techniques to help people raise the vibration in their own body and hands. These are natural exercises that everyone can easily do.

After learning QT, Mdm Cheong from Singapore now spends time 
doing sessions for her two beloved grandchildren. 
QT can also be used to help pets feel better
Once you've learnt to use Quantum-Touch, it will be yours for a lifetime. It's wonderful to know that you have something of enormous value you can do for other people. You can use it for self-healing, or at a distance on loved ones who may be far away. Health care professionals find that Quantum-Touch enhances or even transforms their practice, yet this is an ideal and simple skill for the total novice. 

You can use it to:
Boost your immune system
Manage stress more effectively
Relieve headaches, migraines and carpal tunnel syndrome
Alleviate neck pain, back pain and sciatica
Accelerate the healing process of numerous kinds of ailments
Rejuvenate and bring about total wellness
B has taught workshops in Singapore, Scotland and Hong Kong
Sleep better and look better
Improve fitness and alleviate sports injuries
Relief from emotional distress
Help your family/ friends feel better
Work on your pets
This will be an engaging and interactive workshop with activities, sharing and demonstrations so that by the end of the workshop, you will be totally confident in using this new skill.

Gabriel, Singapore
Being too engrossed in  learning golf, I went to the golfing range for 7-8 days in a row to practise my swings.  I developed a dull ache in my palm, it got so bad that I couldn't swing the club properly.  Sometimes, when I wake up in the morning, I would feel the ache in the hand too.  This lasted for more than a month.  Even when I rested from Golf, the ache wouldn't go away. Bernadette did 2 QT sessions for me, the pain didn't go away immediately, but within 2 days, I forgot that I had the pain.  It simply disappeared, vanished.  Even after I carried on playing, the pain didn't return. 

May, Hong Kong
QT is such a simple and easy to use healing method. One time, I put my hands on my friend's little girl who has spine problem since she was born. The little girl was so quiet and relaxed when I worked on her for 15 mins. Her mom was amazed and told me that her daughter would never let anyone unfamiliar touch her. Highly recommend QT to any parents to learn, a very gentle and calming healing skill for kids.

Tag, Singapore
My dad told me today that he no longer feels any pain and thanked me for introducing Quantum-Touch to him. Thank you for your services. You spared him a lot of pain and treatments.

Lily, Singapore
I have insomnia for a long period. I try not to rely on sleeping pills. After Day 1 of workshop, I didn't want to sleep early so had a cup of coffee. But by 8pm, I dozed off and when I woke up, it was 8.30am the next morning!! I was amazed staring at my house with all the lights still on.  

Andrea Viders, Hong Kong
I attended Bernadette's Quantum-Touch workshop on the recommendation of friends. They told me that it was a very powerful energy modality and that they were able to use it immediately to heal people. Bernadette is an experienced trainer. She combines just the right amount of theory with hands-on learning and she's affable and warm so everyone learns and enjoys. After only one workshop I've been able to use QT for all kinds of healing and self-improvement. I highly recommend it!

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