Monday, May 27, 2013

Feeling happy without feeling guilty

I bumped into a friend while on my way for my reflective swim this morning. Haven't seen her for a long time.

Friend: "Hi, how have you been?"
Me: "I am good. On way for a swim."
Friend: "Good life"
Me: "Yes, taking a break today from work..."

Oops, I found myself starting to justify my good life. Did a mental STOP and then I continued happily chatting to her without feeling guilty about my good life. 

Yes, I am truly enjoying the positive flow of my life right now. I am happy and blissfully so. 

Yet it was only last week that I had a breakthrough: I was finally able to fully embrace and enjoy the happy and good flow of my current life without guilt that other people around me eg my clients, friends or family members are going through difficulties and challenges. I used to feel bad that life's so good for me now while others are still in pain. 

Now, I can continue to be a happy catalyst to others. And at the same time, fully enjoy being the happy me and my happy life.

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