Monday, July 2, 2012

Recharge and Energise Your Child

For several years of my life, one of my roles was that of a family life educator and I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with parents during the parenting workshops that I conducted. The two concerns that surface again and again is that of (1) how to nurture their child's potential and (2) how to enhance their child's well-being. 

At that time, I was not trained yet in energy modalities and as such, I could only offer suggestions and insights which focused on concern #1. 

Now, I have other tools in my toolbox, I have developed the Recharge and Energise Your Child Workshop to equip parents with tools and strategies to address both concerns!

Sunday 29 July 2012
10am to 3pm, SCWO
Contribution: $128 (includes brunch at Torte)

If you have queries or would like to register for the workshop, contact us at 92729476 or email

If you would like to organise a private class to suit your schedule for you and your family/ friends, please contact us too. (Minimum of 10 participants for private class). 

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