Sunday, July 25, 2010

To be of help...

My corporate background is in advertising, events management and training. I am equipped with marketing, PR, advertising, coaching and NLP skills. All of which would be highly useful for me to sell myself and increase my business. Plus the fact that I can "scan" means that it would be easy for me to WOW someone and close a "sale".

Yet increasingly as I walk on this healing path, I found myself being aware and consciously choosing not to apply those skills when sharing about my work to a potential client. Rather then a sales per se, I am more interested in ensuring that that the client is making an informed decision. I want to be of help rather than wow. I also believe in affinity which means that whoever needs to find me will find me. Whoever I can help will find me.

That each client whose path intersect with mine, will feel my sincerity in being a catalyst of help either directly or by pointing him/ her to a solution.


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

And this is why people will come back to you again and again. It's the sincerity that shows, which people love.

You know it, and I know it; no sales just because you want to SELL. :)

PS - great looks for both blogs!

Bernadette Chua said...

Thanks babes!