A regular client SOSed me one evening. He and his family were leaving for a holiday to Hong Kong in two days' time. It was the first family trip and lots of walking with trips to Disneyland, Ocean Park etc. The challenge was that his right knee was hurting so bad that he could hardly walk.I did a distance healing session for him the next morning. During the session, I found that the physical level was easy to clear and was confident he would feel better physically. On the mental and emotional level, that's another story. You see, his physical pain was a result of a belief that "I feel bad enjoying myself or I don't deserve to enjoy". Hence, anytime when an opportunity comes up for enjoyment, guess what happens? That's right, some sort of pain will crop up in a body part. I completed the session by working on balancing his chakras and relaxing his mind. After the session, I smsed him to give me a call when it is convenient. Follow-through with client is important and I do that a couple of times: after the session, a day after the session, a week after the session and a couple of weeks after that. We spoke and I shared my insights with him. His first words "You are so right!". Well, being right isn't that important. More importantly, is to provide a solution for him. Now that we know the root cause, we can work on it. So after his holidays, he will be coming for a session to work on overcoming his non useful beliefs. As for his right knee, the severe pain completely disappeared!During the conversation, he also asked for a distance healing session for his wife who was feeling stressed over the preparations for the holidays and a session for his mum who has severe back ache and hurting knees. I worked on the both of them respectively and after each session, I smsed him to let him know. He called later that evening and his feedback was that (1) immediately after my session for his wife, she called him and spoke without any irritation. He was surprised because they had a minor tiff in the morning over the holidays and he had refrained from calling her at all. (2) His mum felt very light and her aches were gone.For myself, I was delighted that I could be a little catalyst of joy to their family. They could now enJOY their holidays without pain nor stress. As I said to him, a holiday is meant to be a bonding loving time. So enjoy it as such. Forget about the little minor irritations and focus instead on the purpose for the trip. Happy holidays indeed!
A group of us will be heading to the Geylang East Home for the Aged (GEHA) next Saturday 28 November to QT the aunties and uncles there. The opportunity to volunteer our time came at the invite of the Buddhist Fellowship who visits the home every month. Our treatment session (about 15 to 20 mins per client) will be opened to the residents who are interested. We will be setting up a treatment corner which the uncles and aunties can pop by to see us while the volunteers from Buddhist Fellowship will carry out activities.I am so glad to receive positive feedback and response from my graduates. While not everybody can make it that day, most were delighted to be given an opportunity to serve and give. For the group of us who can make it that day, we are certainly looking forward to catching up as well as to be gift of love.If you are QT-trained and would like to join us, drop me an email. We'll be there from 3.45pm to 5pm. It'll be great to have you on our team. :) :) :)
Received an sms last night from a client that gave me an impetus and affirmation to continue the work I do:"I chatted with my mom for half an hour harmoniously. This has never happened before. I enjoy the chat. Thank you very much, Bernie. I am very thankful and glad that I saw you."When T came to see me last week, it was for a chakra scan to obtain further insights for herself and not for a session to heal the relationship between her and her mum. During the scan, we discovered that there was a subconscious anger towards the mum, that she did not forgive her mum for hurting her. When we scanned further, we realised that her mum also could not forgive herself for hurting T. And the event happened when T was very very young, probably maybe when she was still in her mum's womb. When T heard the sharing, something clicked and she felt that it was the missing piece to the puzzle that she's been working hard to complete all her life. T decided that she wants to forgive and rebuild a relationship with her mum. As such, we continued with an enhancement session in which I balanced her chakras for added well-being as well as to severe the "anger and unforgiveness umblical cord" that I saw in her solar plexus chakra. By doing that, what's not useful is gone. Instead, new loving ties can be built. 4 days after the session, T shared that when she talked to her mum, she's now more at peace. Before that, it was full of agitation and impatience. The healing process began and I knew that soon, she will begin to enjoy a harmonious and loving relationship with her mum. So her sms came as an affirmation and not a surprise. :) :) :)For many of us, the hardest people to get a long with are our own family members. The love is certainly there except that it may have been buried beneath misunderstandings, miscommunications and misactions. Doing a cutting of the non useful energy ties and building new positive ones is useful in awakening a loving relationship. Sending healing loving energy also complements.
Doing energy sessions for my family has brought about positive changes and further enhanced our relationship. And I am grateful for this simple yet very effective tool.
A couple approached me for a couple therapy session. Initially when the appointment was fixed, the objective was to work towards a better understanding of each other so that their relationship could be further enhanced. They have been experiencing challenges in their relationship. Then a day before the appointment, things happened and the couple decided to move on their separate ways, However, they decided to continue with the session because they wanted to let go of any residual pain so that they could still remain friends. As a therapist, I am touched by their desire to lovingly let go. And that they both lovingly supported each other in the healing journey ahead. There's recognition of pain, accepting of responsibility and forgiveness. A loving ability to bless the other party's future path, with no blame, anger nor resentment.For myself, it was a challenging situation as I know the both of them personally. But I trusted that I will be guided and that I will be able to effectively use all the tools and skills that I have acquired to be of help. During the session, we started with sharing on our expectations for the outcome for the session. That gives us present a clear direction as well as open communication. As they trusted me and my abilities, it was easy to follow the guidance of light and love and let the process flow and unfold. First we did an energy cord cutting so that new positive cords could be built. As they did the process, I balanced and energised the chakras that needed a little boost. This allowed them to be in a calm and peaceful state as they proceeded with the session. Next we did a clearance conversation and for this, I meditated and came up with specific questions for each party. Purely followed my intuition as the words formed. Gave the list to them for reflection and then we had the conversation. They took turns to share their thoughts and answers to the questions. As they did so, I sent energy to them and worked on the parts that they were hurting and where there's a discord of energy. At the end of the conversation, I gave them the option whether they would like to discuss the practicalities of moving on with me as facilitator or for them to do it in private, whichever is more comfortable for both parties. They opted to do so in private. We ended the session with a closing sharing from each party.For sure, there's still healing to be done. But what's important is that as they continue their healing journey to move forward, there's no negative energy tied in to the past. Because they could both lovingly let go, the healing becomes easier and filled with love rather than blame, anger, pain, resentment... all the negative emotions often associated with a break-up. Instead they consciously chose to focus on the positive aspects of moving forwards. I am inspired by their example and their desire to lovingly let go.
For those of you who have been following the progress of Charmaine, the latest results are not positive. Charmaine is a brave 4 years old girl who has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer. She is currently in the 4th stage and thanks to the generosity of the public and fundraising efforts of our football stars, she is receiving an alternative form of treatment in the US.On our end, I invite you to join in for a Group Distance Healing session starting from tomorrow till Friday. On these days, wherever and whenever you are able to, send healing energy to her as well as her mum. I know that they will benefit from the loving positive energy flowing their way.Big Hug. Thanks!