I've engaged a personal trainer to achieve my birthday goal of improving my fitness level and a being slimmer and more toned. Desmond, my trainer, is very good and experienced. That also means that he ensures that I workout at a pace that does not exceed my current fitness condition and yet stretches me. That's what a good personal trainer does!! My current fitness programme involves training on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is natural that my muscles may still be aching on Thursday which means that I probably won't enjoy the workout or even dread it. In fact, one of the reasons why people dread returning to a subsequent workout is due to delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMs for short). Here is where energy healing is really useful and beneficial!!!!
Before each workout, I will supercharge myself and after each workout, I will use energy healing to relax my muscles and release any tension. As a result, I've had minimal DOMs and I look forward to the workouts (which was not the case in the past). It also means that after each workout, I still have boundless energy to get on with life for the rest of the day. This is important cos' my days are packed (that's why I work out at 6.30am *smiles*) and the last thing I need is to feel tired and drained after a workout.If you're exercising and knows energy healing, use it. You'll notice the difference. If you're exercising and do not know energy healing, learn it. You'll absolutely love it! Of course, you can also see your nearest energy therapist for sessions to complement and supercharge your fitness regime.
I'm planning to hold a Basic Quantum-Touch Live Workshop on the weekend of 14/15 June 2008 from 9am to 5pm. I believe that learning can be a fun process and so, am sure you'll have a great time at the workshop. I envision it to be a cosy, warm and lively class with wonderful participants who will accelerate the learning process. The price is at S$500 per pax for this 2-day workshop. If this is your second live workshop, then it'll be at S$250 per pax. You will receive certification which will count towards qualifying for the certified practitioner status. Venue to be confirmed depending on the size of class.For more information or to register for the workshop, you can email me at bernadettecsy@gmail.com.
Received a wonderful sms from my friend Binjie yesterday that her mum's trigger finger has fully recovered without even any slight jerking. So happy for her and her mum!!!!
It just goes to show that distance healing works!!
I planned to kickstart the lovely weekend by meeting up with my friends S and J for drinks at House last evening. Then, I started having the runs about an hour before J was due to pick me up. Hmmm... strange cos' I didn't have anything out of the norm for my meals. I started to QT myself. Tummy was still churning slightly and so we decided to skip House and just chill out at S's home instead. While chatting with J in the car (and QTing myself at the same time!) I shared that there must be a reason why I'm having an upset tummy.By the end of the evening, the reason was apparent. Because we decided to chill in, we enjoyed our usual quality conversations plus we had the opportunity to have an impromptu healing circle. We took turns to work on each other and it was absolutely lovely! It turned out that we all needed this session. S was having a bad sore throat while J was flighting the remnants of a flu.Wonderful isn't it?
I'm now officially certified as an instructor.
Planning to run my first workshop in June. Exciting!