My web guy and I have been busy with the preparation work (he's truly fantastic and awesome!) and yes, we are ready for the launch of the HAPPY catalyst next week!
In the newsletter, I'll be featuring ways to further enhance your
life and well-being, and share tips to improve your healing techniques.
You can also read about my interviews with Smile Catalysts - people
who transform the lives of people around them. I hope you will be
inspired by their interesting insights, just as much as I am!
My dream is that the newsletter will be a little boost of energy and
sunshine to brighten your month, and a catalyst of encouragement on your
journey. :)
I understand that many of you are inundated with emails and spam. As
such, I'm making the newsletter available only through a mailing list
which you can choose to opt-in to.
If you wish to be in the newsletter mailing list, simply head to http://www.thedreamcatalyst. com/newsletter and sign up! The signup process is easy and will take you less than 5 minutes!
Thank you for being a part of this wonderful journey.
Wishing you blissful and delightful days!
:) B