On Wednesday, wrote on my facebook: "Am grateful to have the opportunity to interact and work with different people with different outcomes. Last evening, had the most enjoyable time working with a 3 year old boy. Beautiful energy!"Client. Teacher.With each student and client, I learn. Be it an adult, a young baby or a pet, they all bring rich and varied dimensions of experiences. While some cases are certainly more challenging than others, it is always a pleasure at the fruition of the journey. At times, the results are astounding and amazing. Other times, I am simply a catalyst for the start of their healing journey and others are needed to complement the process. Regardless of the part I played, I feel blessed to be able to offer my experiences, expertise and skills. A talent becomes a gift when it is used for the betterment of both self and others. I was chatting with my friend Albert yesterday. I shared that I don't consider what I do as business but rather as a passion. This is possible because of my clients. When I am invited to be on their healing journey, I am invited into their lives and their personal life stories. Their trust, their openness, their resilience, their patience, their courage.... it becomes an evolving helix of energy that's beautiful to behold!
This post is for you, my dear clients. I would like to say a BIG THANK-YOU!Hugs.
One of my goals is to set up an Dream Catalyst fund which will provide the means for people to be a catalyst of joy and transformation to another person. The fund can be used to aid charitable causes, fund subsidised treatments for needy clients, to provide abundance cheer such as the CNY project we did this year or to help anyone in need. So far, I've raised funds on an ad hoc basis by asking friends as well as my own contributions. My long term dream is that (1) my personal donation amount will increase as my business income increases and (2) through the good work we do, people will be inspired and decide to ask about making a contribution to help other people. No solicitation from our end. Just their own initiative and inner prompting. On Monday, I received an unexpected sms from a client who would like to make a contribution to help those who cannot afford QT treatments. My client knows I often do pro-bono work for needy clients so no one is ever turned away. The beauty of this donation is that it offers an unexpected gift to the receivers and shows them the goodness of the universe and mankind. On a personal note, I appreciate greatly this client's gift because I believe the amount donated is not what we would term as "spare cash". It means my client has to give up spending it on something else. What a generous meaningful gift!
"Because you are courageous and open-minded, that's why you could find solutions and now feel so different."
I shared these heartfelt words recently to my client when she came to see me for a follow-through. Her story of transformation from a world of pain to one of bliss is an example of how being courageous and open-minded brings about change.
Within a month, her life became remarkably different. The positive change is so drastic that her colleagues and family members noticed the difference and affirmed her on it. When she was introduced to me by her colleague, she had just left her job due to emotional stress. She was feeling depressed and had many fears and doubts. When her colleague shared with her about the work I do, she gamely agreed to see me even though she's not familiar with energy healing at all. She was also open-minded enough to follow my recommendation for complementary solutions that will accelerate her healing journey.As a result, she's now happy, positive and confident. She's also returned to work, months ahead of her initial plan! Her world has changed from one of fear to one of positive excitement and action. She's looking forward to life in joyful anticipation. Her environment was the same but her inner being glows so differently that the environment reacts positively to her change. You can choose to live in a world of pain or in a world of bliss. When you make a choice that you desire life to be better and brighter on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level, opportunities will be presented to you to help you - catalyst for change. It could be a friend offering assistance, you making a call to a helpline, a stranger offering advice or in the case of my client, her colleague sharing about my services. When the catalyst is presented, it is useful to explore it and then make a choice based on knowledge and evaluation. Some people simply discard or shut their minds to the presented solutions without even knowing what it is! As my client was walking out of the treatment room the other day, she shared that she is grateful to me and her colleague for helping her. I hugged her and told her that I am grateful that she was open-minded so that we can be of help.