To be love also means the ability to care for others. And this extends to people beyond your circles.
To be love is an opening of your heart, an abundant mindset, generous in spirit and kind in actions. Because of the diversity of needs, how one chooses to be love can be totally unique. It need not follow a set pattern nor strategy.
In past two weeks, two persons inspired me by their example of what it means to be love.
Love 1 smsed me one day to enquire about purchasing healing sessions for her new colleague who has been diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer. He was completely surprised by her gesture and extremely thankful for this gift of love. In fact, he shared with her that his family and friends asked him why his colleague would help him cos' she is after all a stranger. She shared with me that whenever she sees him at the store, he is always smiling. And so she thought she would like to lend a hand of hope at this challenging phase of his life. Touched by her gesture, I've offered her a discounted fee for a package specially designed for him . Besides intensive QT healing sessions, I will also be coaching him on QT techniques as well as doing a chakra scan and enhancement session.
Love 2 attended a course recently and invited a colleague who was attending the same course to join her for lunch at Seah Street Deli (Raffles Hotel). He readily agreed. When they were seated at the table, she observed that he seems very uncomfortable. He then shared that it was his first visit to a "posh" restaurant as he comes from a lower income family. She immediately sought subtle ways to put him at ease and when the bill came, she told him it was her treat as she invited him. Kindness served on a platter.
To some, being love means making time to be a volunteer. That's one way. In our daily living, there are also countless opportunities for us to be love. For many, it also takes discipline to be love ie, make it a conscious decision to do kind deeds so that it becomes a way of life. You need not necessarily search for opportunities but when an opportunity arises, grab it.