In all we do, keeping an abundance mindset, feeling abundant and being abundant allows greater joy to flow into our lives and the lives of others. We remain centred on goodness and love, for self and for others. Infinite abundance for everyone. When we hold on tightly to our ego and sense of self worth, to fear of competition and our sense that we are not good enough, what follows is pain, self-centredness and a focus on self and only self. Scarcity mentality. That there is finite goodness to be shared so one must grab one's larger share. As we move into Christmas and a brand new 2010, which would you choose?
Ideal and meaningful christmas gifts
For those of you still shopping for christmas presents for your loved ones, how about pampering them with a recharging and relaxing QT session? It'll be 60 mins of pure bliss and enJOYment. For those who enJOY unique gifts, how about a Chakra Scan and Enhancement session? This comes in two parts; in the first, I will scan your chakras (energy centres) and provide insights on on what's working well and the areas for enhancement for greater alignment, balance and happiness. I will then enhance the chakras that are balanced and provide therapeutic work on those that need improvements. Clients have found these sessions to be beneficial, enabling positive changes to their lives. The scan will take about 90 mins while the enhancement will be 40 mins of pampering. Drop me an email or contact me if you would to purchase a session for your loved ones (I will mail you the gift cards). Start your 2010 with a brand new difference
I will be holding a live Basic Quantum-Touch workshop next weekend on 19/ 20 December.
If you are interested in learning this very useful tool, give me a call.