As I've shared previously, distance healing is one aspect where many people are skeptical about. Well, it is natural to be. I would be too if not for the fact that I've too many success stories of my own as well as those of others that I cannot not believe. Yes, distance healing works.I thought it would be nice to share some stories both from my own experiences as well as those of others. The energy work were all done via distance.CASE 1
I've been engaged to work on a client's father and mother over a period of 6 months. Booster sessions to further enhance their well-being as well as to strengthen their relationship flows. I have already worked on them previously by balancing their chakras. For this new monthly engagement, I proposed to do a short daily 12 colours meditation exercise, morning and night for 21 days before continuing with the monthly booster. We are right now in Day 15. My parents are so much better. Dad peaceful and calm, no more naggie good are the vibes that my younger daughter (especially) and older daughter stayed the whole day on Saturday (10am to 11.30pm) without fussing!! My hubby and I went pak-tau and watched Rod Steward's concert. Definitely has results from your color boost to them. Thanks alot.
CASE 2A client/ friend mentioned to me about her young daughter who often suffer from sudden fits and gloomy bouts. My scan shows that (1) she was highly sensitive to energy and (2) her brow chakra was highly active. I decided to gift her by working on her daughter's chakras and "smoothen" the energy flows.
Confirm your chakra session for her works as yesterday we were at our fave restaurant again and she had no sudden fits/gloomy bouts and she has been sleeping very well these few nights. Thank you, thank you....please use her case if you need for your brochure.
CASE 3I received this email from a participant who attended my workshop in Feb so she's a "newbie" but look at the wonderful successes she has experienced!! She used distance as well as self-healing.After the last session on my way home, I decided to try distance QT on my hubby. He has constipation problem even after medication and colonscopy since October. When I reached home he said he felt something in his tummy and after dinner that night, he actually emptied his bowel. The next day he went to the toilet twice and since then he has been doing it regularly. Today he went for his checkup and doctor told him to go back one year later for review. That's good news!
Two days ago, I had a pain in my right thumb. I couldn't bend it nor use it even to open a small packet of biscuits. So I QT my thumb and today it felt less painful and I had no problem using it. Although I try not to over strain it.
I've been practising QT on my way to work (1 hour bus ride). After learning QT I felt that I had a better control over my temper. Must be the positive energy that's keeping my head cool. I am glad I learnt QT - not only for my well-being but also for the people around me.
CASE 4During the distance segment of the workshop, I will invite the participants to conduct an experiment so that they experience for themselves that distance truly works! Be it in Singapore, Hong Kong or Scotland, all participants will be filled with a sense of awe (and amazement for some!) and here are some of their sharing:I can feel someone tapping and massagin my eyeballs!
I fractured my ribs and I told my partner to work on my ribs.What's amazing is that I felt the warmth and heat at the back where the root pain actually is. I didn't tell her so she would not know to work on that area. Yet I felt it there!
I was talking to my instructor when I felt this heat on my neck and I knew that my partner has started to work on me.
I was walking out of the seminar room when I felt this tingling sensation travelling up my legs where my pain was. When I walked up the stairs, my knees no longer hurt like they used to.
I felt like there was a pair of hands massaging my aching shoulders, very very comfortable!
These are just some stories from lots of success stories using distance healing. As I often share with participants, even if they only have 50% belief that distance works, anchor the balance 50% on my successes in using distance till their level of confidence increase. The fact is that no clients will continue to engage me, much less refer me to their family/ friends is they do not experience results.The only way to grow in confidence about using distance healing is to use it.