Saturday, March 28, 2009

Practice to grow your abilities 3

At times, I may come across as a nag to my beloved participants when I keep stressing on "practice, practice, practice" to further enhance one's skills. So it is with great joy to write this post as you'll see.

I received this sms from EH on 22 Feb, 20:58 and have kept it since.

Just sent energy to you in appreciation. I saw 7 lights in your Chakras brightly lit and had the sensation of ball of energy in my palms! Amazing.

Amazing indeed cos' unknown to EH, I was at the time of her distance session for me, doing a session of my own. I was spinning my chakras and sending energy into a crystal that I've bought for a friend as a gift. I was programming it for her as a bonus.

When I smsed her a reply, it heightened her amazement. In many ways, it is a fruition of the number of hours of practice time that EH has clocked in since learning QT in Dec last year. When she first started off, she could only feel sensation in her body and hands. Working with her intuition or scanning was something that she wanted to but wasn't able to at that point in time. In fact, intuition or working with her brow chakra was something that both intrigued and concerned her at the same time. I recognised this when I did a Chakra scan for her. With greater understanding and appreciation of what being aligned to and in touch with her brow chakra offers, she went on to diligently practice, practice and practice.

So from not being able to be in touch with her intuition, she's now able to scan me! Wonderful isn't it? And that's the reason why I "nag" about practice, practice and practice.

So for those of you who keeps complaining that you can't feel the energy flow yet don't do any QT at all, hmmmm... I wonder why you do not feel the flow. ;-P Or for those of you who continuously enviously sigh at the achievements of others, instead of sighing so much, spend the time on practice and you might just achieve as well. Envy is a terrible negative energetic state to be in.

For those of you who actively set intention and then practice to achieve your intentions, I salute you for your practical and successful approach to deepening your skills. I know that you will achieve your intentions! It is only a matter of time.

Oh, when you do practice, please keep in mind this quote by Vince Lombardi "Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect." Ensure that you have the basics right. With a strong foundation, you can then PLAY and CREATE.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Coaching + Energy Work

I did a one-to-one coaching session with a client recently on personal growth and development. That includes using NLP techniques. I've always love coaching even when I was just a newbie volunteer coach back in 2005 and having just absorbed all the skills and techniques that were taught. What I didn't realise back then was that I was highly effective because I was both practicing what I've newly learnt as well as relying on my intuition to guide me.

Now, I consciously combined energy work with my coaching. This means that I actively scan the energy flows in my client during the coaching session to obtain even greater awareness about the client so as to push his/ her learning curve up a notch.

For example, during a segment where we did NLP anchoring techniques, because I could perceive the client's energy flows, it was extremely beneficial. For example, ensuring that the anchor was set at the client's peak of each state that he wanted to have anchored. At the same time, we realised that each state that he desired to anchor corresponded to a particular chakra as well for example, confidence corresponded to solar plexus. When he truly anchored confidence, his solar plexus spun vibrantly as well! This allowed us both to know with certainty that the state was strongly anchored. At the same time, I also got him to spin his chakras to complement energetically the anchors.

Another example is that the client had to be truthful and honest in his sharing. No giving of answers that he thought I wanted to hear. I would know if he was not aligned to them. That ensured that the client obtained the most out of the session. For sure, it was stressful at times for him but at the same time, utterly valuable and liberating! He managed to maintain a proactive and positive state in spite of the "scrutiny" and that was an important achievement for him.

As I've often shared, be creative and PLAY, you can so easily combine energy work with whatever else that you may be doing. Beauty treatments, massage, training, fitness, meetings and so on. Energy follows thought so nothing is impossible. enJOY!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Insightful Week

I know that different people perceive energy differently through our various senses. Recently,during my coaching session with Alain Herriot, he affirmed that each of the different ways of perception of energy is equally good. The coaching session was certainly beneficial, affirming and encouraging for my development and growth.


A friend smsed me two days ago and shared that I am primarily a clairsentient and so I went to read up on it. Came across this website and as I was reading the articles, my inner lightbulb lit up and shone so brightly. Multiple Aha! Aha! Aha! moments.

I understood so clearly my past, my responses to the people around me, my ex-marriage and relationships, my attraction to ex-partners, why I do what I do, my passion, my motivation and my inner world. It also enables me to plan and set in place useful tools so that I can manage and transform my primary ability into a gift minus the negative impacts on myself.

Giving and happy at the same time. :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sharing from Participant & Friend

When I was in Hong Kong last Dec to conduct Quantum-Touch workshop, Ping was one of the participants. We became friends (that's one of the joys of QT, we connect with like-minded people and form new friendships!) and have stayed in touch via emails. For this recent trip to Hong Kong, Ping generously organised a bonus QT workshop for me as well as took on the role of translator as some of the participants are more comfortable with Mandarin. She also took the time and effort to provide valuable feedback and testimonial. When I started doing training years back, I set a goal to constantly learn from participants and to evolve with each workshop so that I get better. This goal continued in my role as a QT instructor. As a therapist, I believe in customising my sessions to meet the needs of the individual. As such, Ping's feedback is insightful for me. Thank you Ping!

Bernadette as an instructor
This is the 2nd time that I took QT workshop with her. I'm amazed at how much she's evolved within 3 months' period of time. Now she can see energy flow in an individual much more clearly so she can help participants to run energy more precisely. Her gifting in Chakra work has improved as well. She activates chakras of participants so even newcomers in energy work got amazing experiences when they spin their chakras. She does not only teach QT but also enhances participants' capabilities through her services. Therefore, participants at different levels got much deeper understanding on QT principles and techniques through her workshops. Morever, she has talents in inter-personal skills. I have continuously seen that she somehow catalyzes the whole group to be sincere friends from the past two workshops I have attended.

Bernadette as a therapist
As a client, I have been working on anger issues for over a year; very intensively for the past three month. The more issues I resolved, the more issues came up. On one hand, I'm happy that I can let go a lot stuff; on the other hand, it's a struggle and very frustrating for me, and painful for family members who have been my victims. Bernadette identified the core issue and cut the cord linked to undesired emotions within one private session. 45 minutes ended my long time agony. How can I describe my feelings?! Besides the outcome, I enjoyed her private session for the following reasons:

1) She engages client's involment. After she identifies core issues, she always asks what clients want to do with that. She showed respect to choices individuals made for their lives, which puts clients in an active healer position instead of a passive receiver. Client's involvement makes the healing more effective and long lasting
2) Valuble suggestion that enable clients to transform their life. Her session didn't stop after she put away my past issues rapidly. She deepen the healing with essential questions that changes my view of life in general and that provides me with new project to work on in a very pleasant and uplifting way. Her session continues afterward.
3) Tailored to individual. As I have been energy trained, the session she provided to me is not only for healing, but also training. She led me step by step to approach liberation and light. I'm able to do follow up sessions by myself, also sharpen my tool to help others.
4) Service minded instead of business minded. She offer voluntarily help for people who are in need. She is an inspiration for me on how we can serve this world.

Ping as practitioner
As practitioner, I'm able to reduce my son's fever from 39C to normal with three 15 minutes QT with 4 hours interval. I also helped my mum to feel relief from pains. My experience with my mom is an example that QT resolve hatred with love. The more I worked on her, the more affection I felt towards to her, which resolved our 42 of years love-hate relationship, replaced with understanding and caring of each other. We end up running energy together. QT also enhances the relationship between me and everyone I worked with. QT brought friends to me. The friendship between my QT friends are far more sincere. QT is the easiest tool for moms with young kids.

With Love from Singapore!

Dear participants in Hong Kong,

Thank you for your enthusiastic participation and openness to learning! Quantum-Touch has benefitted my life and I thoroughly enjoy teaching it so that more people have a very useful tool to help themselves and people around them. As such, it's always a bliss and pure pleasure when I'm teaching. And at each workshop, I evolve and learn from you, my participants.

For those who attended my Enhance Your Chakras Workshop, thank you for taking that leap of faith to explore a different world. Thank you for your courage to go on the inward journey which isn't easy!

Dear friends in Hong Kong,

Thank you for your thoughtfulness and kindness!

Thank you May for helping me to sort and organise the logistics, for ensuring that I am well taken care of and for the lovely sweater (silly me, I thought it was warm weather in HK already and so, went with summer clothes!).

Thank you Ping for generously organising another QT workshop for me and for opening up your home to host the workshop! Thank you for also spending much time and effort to write feedback and testimonial for me.

Thank you Julian for taking time off from your busy schedule to show me around as well as opening new windows and doors of opportunities for me!

I am very very very blessed!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Successful People

For people whose model of the world have not yet expanded to include the world of complementary therapies, they often hold the limiting beliefs that complementary therapists are quacks/ mental/ cheats and that people who seek complementary therapies are mental/ out of their minds/ easy targets for cheats.

I do not hold those limiting beliefs and so, I have had the privilege of meeting and knowing:
  • Fellow therapists and instructors who are intelligent, have so much life experiences to share, happy and balanced people, open-minded, see life in totally varied and different perspectives, engaging, live life richly and fully, have a totally abundant mindset and have very successful practices.
  • Clients who have successful businesses or successful careers, logical and analytical, intelligent, well-read, well-travelled etc. They engage me because like anybody else who is human, they too experience the "lows" of life once in a while be it on a physical, emotional or mental aspect. The difference is they are smart and open enough to utlise as many tools and resources as possible to further enhance their well being and be back on track at a shorter time frame. Oh, there are also clients who are happily on track and they see me to add a further boost.
  • Participants who are curious, skeptical, intelligent, kind, successful business people, have high flying careers, open to life and learning, loving, want to further ehance their well-being and to help others as well etc

Thank you all for enriching my life!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Distance Healing Successes

As I've shared previously, distance healing is one aspect where many people are skeptical about. Well, it is natural to be. I would be too if not for the fact that I've too many success stories of my own as well as those of others that I cannot not believe.

Yes, distance healing works.

I thought it would be nice to share some stories both from my own experiences as well as those of others. The energy work were all done via distance.

I've been engaged to work on a client's father and mother over a period of 6 months. Booster sessions to further enhance their well-being as well as to strengthen their relationship flows. I have already worked on them previously by balancing their chakras. For this new monthly engagement, I proposed to do a short daily 12 colours meditation exercise, morning and night for 21 days before continuing with the monthly booster. We are right now in Day 15.

My parents are so much better. Dad peaceful and calm, no more naggie good are the vibes that my younger daughter (especially) and older daughter stayed the whole day on Saturday (10am to 11.30pm) without fussing!! My hubby and I went pak-tau and watched Rod Steward's concert. Definitely has results from your color boost to them. Thanks alot.

A client/ friend mentioned to me about her young daughter who often suffer from sudden fits and gloomy bouts. My scan shows that (1) she was highly sensitive to energy and (2) her brow chakra was highly active. I decided to gift her by working on her daughter's chakras and "smoothen" the energy flows.

Confirm your chakra session for her works as yesterday we were at our fave restaurant again and she had no sudden fits/gloomy bouts and she has been sleeping very well these few nights. Thank you, thank you....please use her case if you need for your brochure.

I received this email from a participant who attended my workshop in Feb so she's a "newbie" but look at the wonderful successes she has experienced!! She used distance as well as self-healing.

After the last session on my way home, I decided to try distance QT on my hubby. He has constipation problem even after medication and colonscopy since October. When I reached home he said he felt something in his tummy and after dinner that night, he actually emptied his bowel. The next day he went to the toilet twice and since then he has been doing it regularly. Today he went for his checkup and doctor told him to go back one year later for review. That's good news!

Two days ago, I had a pain in my right thumb. I couldn't bend it nor use it even to open a small packet of biscuits. So I QT my thumb and today it felt less painful and I had no problem using it. Although I try not to over strain it.

I've been practising QT on my way to work (1 hour bus ride). After learning QT I felt that I had a better control over my temper. Must be the positive energy that's keeping my head cool. I am glad I learnt QT - not only for my well-being but also for the people around me.

During the distance segment of the workshop, I will invite the participants to conduct an experiment so that they experience for themselves that distance truly works! Be it in Singapore, Hong Kong or Scotland, all participants will be filled with a sense of awe (and amazement for some!) and here are some of their sharing:

I can feel someone tapping and massagin my eyeballs!

I fractured my ribs and I told my partner to work on my ribs.What's amazing is that I felt the warmth and heat at the back where the root pain actually is. I didn't tell her so she would not know to work on that area. Yet I felt it there!

I was talking to my instructor when I felt this heat on my neck and I knew that my partner has started to work on me.

I was walking out of the seminar room when I felt this tingling sensation travelling up my legs where my pain was. When I walked up the stairs, my knees no longer hurt like they used to.

I felt like there was a pair of hands massaging my aching shoulders, very very comfortable!

These are just some stories from lots of success stories using distance healing. As I often share with participants, even if they only have 50% belief that distance works, anchor the balance 50% on my successes in using distance till their level of confidence increase. The fact is that no clients will continue to engage me, much less refer me to their family/ friends is they do not experience results.

The only way to grow in confidence about using distance healing is to use it.